• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Dec 7, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Some of the posturing gets a little wearisome after a few rounds, but whatever, we like where the neighborhood's headed.
  2. The New York Times
    Everyone's always complaining about how CD's have too much filler, but this one could use a little more: more big-name guests, more novelty songs and, most of all, more slow jams. It's that rare hip-hop album that might have been better if it had sounded more like a mixtape. [13 Dec 2004]
  3. Los Angeles Times
    Ludacris includes thoughtful rhymes on "Child of the Night" and "Hopeless," but his humor is still his biggest asset and the reason he commands respect. [15 Dec 2004]
  4. The Red Light District is his most inventive album yet.
  5. In spite of a few missteps, The Red Light District marks the first time he's put all the elements together and delivered a great album.
  6. Luda hasn't slipped into the complacent lap of luxury as deeply as some of his fellow platinum contemporaries, but it's evident that he's not as hungry as he once was.
  7. As on his previous records, then, things taper off some after the opening fusillade of characteristically quiet introspection, but there's still a generous helping of fantastic fun to be had over the 15 tracks and obligatory skit; certainly enough to make Red Light District better than Chicken And Beer.
  8. Entertainment Weekly
    [Ludacris] largely trades in his playful personality for an unbecoming tough-guy posture. [10 Dec 2004, p.93]
  9. Yes, there's a fair amount of filler here... But District packs a number of bouncy, accessible car-radio stocking-stuffers.
  10. Blender
    A letdown after Chicken-N-Beer. [Jan/Feb 2005, p.111]
  11. So, Ludacris is still a distance from a definitive, unmatched hip hop statement, but I’m content with his glaciered pace and middling “a-a-a-a-b-b-b-b-etc” frame. It’s just too much damn fun to pass up.
  12. Vibe
    Subpar sonically... Red Light doesn't push toward something greater. [Feb 2005, p.138]
  13. New Musical Express (NME)
    If you like loud choruses, ceaseless energy and the bug-eyed extremities of crunk, look no further. [15 Jan 2005, p.43]
  14. Mojo
    It's business as usual. [Mar 2005, p.106]
  15. Despite the clichéd lyricism and patchy production in places, "Red Light District" contains enough strength and fun to remain an enjoyable and uplifting ride.
  16. Red Light District has its share of filler, but, track for track, Ludacris still delivers satisfaction.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 33
  2. Negative: 5 out of 33
  1. Apr 23, 2015
    On Red light district, Luda proves he can assure cohesion through his albums and deliver great humorous rhymes over Atlanta's signature soundOn Red light district, Luda proves he can assure cohesion through his albums and deliver great humorous rhymes over Atlanta's signature sound on the majority of his songs. A must have for all Ludacris' fans with Get Back and Blueberry Yum Yum as the highlights of the album. Full Review »
  2. kylel
    Apr 18, 2006
    he has much talent and artistic abilities... i love his song blueberyy yum yum.. it gives such a spark into the night.. esspacially when your he has much talent and artistic abilities... i love his song blueberyy yum yum.. it gives such a spark into the night.. esspacially when your bored and are hungry for some music. i can listen to it all night long.. no doubt. im listening to it right now! Full Review »
  3. VanessaE
    Jul 14, 2005
    I think his cd is off the hook......my favorite...favorite songs on his cd is "pimpin all over the world" and "blueberry yum yum"! But all I think his cd is off the hook......my favorite...favorite songs on his cd is "pimpin all over the world" and "blueberry yum yum"! But all his songs are good. I cant believe people are hatin so hard on his cd....his cd is off the hook and he is my favorite rapper....he is so creative and different and i hope he continues it ! Full Review »