
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Oct 9, 2013
    So while songs such as “Beautiful Dream,” “Run” and “Gloria” may be anchored with a touch of techno, there’s also plenty of sparkle and substance to keep most folks satisfied.
  2. Oct 8, 2013
    Though the compositions at times straddle the line between detailed and busy, on the whole, The Speed of Things is a seamless, competent, and lighthearted pop release.
  3. Oct 21, 2013
    By trying to make them sound something they're not, the end effect falls far short.
  4. Magnet
    Oct 18, 2013
    The Speed Of Things has no teeth.... But the choruses are strong and the melodies catchy enough. [No. 103, p.54]
  5. Mojo
    Nov 22, 2013
    A glossy finish leaves little to hang on to. [Dec 2013, p.92]
  6. Q Magazine
    Nov 22, 2013
    If they're not stressing about anything, neither will the listener, meaning meager traces remain when it's finished. [Dec 2013, p.105]
  7. Oct 8, 2013
    They tentatively attempt lounge-y jazz ("Dark Water") and falsetto disco ("War Zone"), but their real energy goes into harmonies so fussily layered and childlike that all their lonely yearning can't help but come off as precious.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jan 13, 2016
    I'd say it is one of the most accessible albums, especially when you can dig good vibes and happy melodies. The two songs that had me soldI'd say it is one of the most accessible albums, especially when you can dig good vibes and happy melodies. The two songs that had me sold were "knock louder" and "War Zone"; both songs having an incredible knack for lyricism, song structure, and melody. this album is best listened to when you are going through the early and intense stages of infatuation, but could be a good smile bringer any day if you enjoy hearing happy music. You can listen, and listen, and listen-- there'll always be new little things you'll notice. As somebody who has taken the time to do electronic music (which is such a tedious and time consuming task) they've went the extra mile in detail, and although the overall reverb is a bit tincan-like, the meticulous attention to detail is very rewarding and kind of makes the (some would say) poor choice of environment reverb their little tasty signature. very nice album. Full Review »