
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Feb 3, 2023
    Tightening up some loose ends might have made The Waeve more cohesive, but at its best, it's elegant, unpredictable music made for the sheer rejuvenating pleasure of it.
  2. Feb 2, 2023
    ‘The WAEVE’ being a unique experience, bathed in a bold richness and brilliantly indulgent productions.
  3. Feb 2, 2023
    A curious collection of contrasts. Most notably, that between the protagonists’ own voices. ... That said, the duo know when to complement each other, too.
  4. Mojo
    Feb 2, 2023
    They sing beautifully together and play everything. [Mar 2023, p.83]
  5. Feb 3, 2023
    This isn’t the Coxon of Coffee & TV or Freaking Out, nor indeed the Dougall you may remember from the perfect girl-band pop of Pull Shapes. Instead, it’s a mediative, often beautiful record that often has the capacity to surprise and delight. Just be sure you like saxophones.
  6. Feb 6, 2023
    Those looking for Graham from Blur will find it in his laconic vocal turns and occasional guitar explosions, while Dougall’s dreamily dejected melodies will resonate with fans of her solo work. But The WAEVE has its own chemistry, an alchemic mixture of psych, punk, folk, tenderness, and dread, laced with dextrous saxophone tones and a few come-hither drops of terror.
  7. Feb 3, 2023
    The alchemy between the two musicians is palpable and electric. They couldn’t be further removed from the genres that made them famous – from pop’s gleaming, detached lights – and they fit in with confidence and raw honesty in this new environment. Finally, their long-desired quest for their true selves might have come to an end.
  8. 80
    The songs are sufficiently sophisticated and winning that The Waeve keeps sweeping the listener along on its intoxicating journey.
  9. Feb 2, 2023
    Unhurriedly crafted songs full of bona fide thrills, unexpected twists, and an elegant but never gratuitous grandeur. [Mar 2023, p.33]
  10. Feb 8, 2023
    An instant classic? Remains to be seen. Unforgettable? Perhaps. An album with flashes of pure rock and roll splendor from a band that’s super talented and not afraid to take chances? Absolutely!
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 6 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 18, 2023
    Pure hidden gem. The WAEVE needs more recognition, especially for someone who likes Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of The Moon, David Bowie'sPure hidden gem. The WAEVE needs more recognition, especially for someone who likes Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of The Moon, David Bowie's Blackstar, and a pinch of Weyes Blood flavor. Been craving a lot for Drowning, Someone Up There, All Along, Undine, and Sleepwalking among others. Full Review »