
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. This mixture of clattering, ramshackle arrangements and smartly put-together tunes... is an intriguing new direction for a band that previously seemed more interested in artsy, diffident post-rock.
  2. Alternative Press
    It's nothing short of their highest point to date. [Nov 2006, p.188]
  3. There’s something to be said for rewarding repeated listens, for golden nuggets in every song, never buried but never hollering.
  4. The overall effect is some formidable, quirky inde-rock.
  5. Mojo
    It's both so clever and so very charming. [Nov 2006, p.114]
  6. Harness doesn't deliver many surprises or follow through on the promise of the debut; it simply refines the sounds they explored and digs its heels in a little deeper.
  7. A significant leap forward from 2004s We Should Have Never Lived Like Skyscrapers, the sound is richer, warmer and more deeply layered.
  8. Transcendence has yet to occur, but they have taken the required step in acquiring a broader range of exposure.

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