
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. May 20, 2013
    There’s everything here that those in the know have come to love and expect from The Veils, but there’s also a window in for the rest of you--especially those not-quite goth, dreamer-types lurking over there, I see you with your Low lyric tattoo and Yeah Yeah Yeahs t-shirt.
  2. May 20, 2013
    Overall, its their most accessible, one whose highs are much more pronounced than its lows.
  3. May 20, 2013
    This record is brooding and shadows, joy and smirks, a blood-red dusk on a quiet desert evening; all emotion and sparkling instrumentation, confident of where it wants to go and even surer on how to get there.
  4. Under The Radar
    Jun 13, 2013
    It's not as shattering as their 2006 breakout Nux Vomica. [Jun-Jul 2013, p.96]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Oct 9, 2013
    Falling short of the promise set forth by The Runaway Found & Nux Vomica, latest records Sun Gangs and Time Stays, We Go have shirked some ofFalling short of the promise set forth by The Runaway Found & Nux Vomica, latest records Sun Gangs and Time Stays, We Go have shirked some of the artfulness for tunefulness which doesn't quite as much suit the considerable talents of songwriter Finn Andrews. He's at his best when blowing right through conventional territory and listening exclusively to his demons but on Time Stays, We Go, he seems to water down his muse until he's almost in Travis territory. "Turn From The Rain" is the most egregious of the bunch, while "Sign Of Your Love" sounds like Fran Healy trying to be edgy. I never thought I would compare The Veils to Travis of all things, but I never foresaw The Veils compromising their sound either...Don't get me twisted, there's some stuff here you can't get anywhere else ("Train With No Name", "Dancing With The Tornado", the brilliant, Longpigs-ian "Candy Apple Red") but the dreck of opening track "Through The Deep, Dark Wood" and the aforementioned, strangely obsequious numbers render this whole thing a sadly mixed bag. Full Review »