• Record Label: Elektra
  • Release Date: May 21, 2002

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Q Magazine
    No matter how much frenetic energy is exuded, Title TK fails to ignite The Breeders' former fire. [May 2002, p.108]
  2. Blender
    Unfortunately, the songs on Title TK are mostly half-written train wrecks. [Jun/Jul 2002, p.103]
  3. Title TK comes off as unglued in an almost perversely restrained, even uneventful way.
  4. Alternative Press
    Title TK isn't awful, but it's too zoned out to draw you in. [Jun 2002, p.71]
  5. The experimentation of tracks like "Off You" and "Put on a Side" show that Kim Deal and co. aren't concerned with reproducing past success, but also shows that they are entirely capable of producing the same interesting song structures and pop pleasures that we have come to expect.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Mar 21, 2018
    This album, which was released in 2002, is still in top rotation as far as my 2018 playlist goes. It is a strange and stark and immenselyThis album, which was released in 2002, is still in top rotation as far as my 2018 playlist goes. It is a strange and stark and immensely appealing group of songs. I can't pick just one favorite, but "Huffer," "Off You," and "Full on Idle" are definite stand-outs. There is a genius to Kim Deal, and this album is the closest we'll probably get to seeing it. Full Review »
  2. Ryan
    Aug 4, 2004
    I didn't like it at first, but after I got to know the songs it was like noticing something strange and subtle but very very brilliant. I didn't like it at first, but after I got to know the songs it was like noticing something strange and subtle but very very brilliant. Yes 'Off You' is beautiful. I love all these tracks 'has anyone seen the iguana?' is hilarious, moody, dark, brooding but then it goes so silly. I love it!! Their sense of humor is definately reflected in their music. if this music doesn't satisfy your inner frustrations with digitally enhanced bass and vocals, go back to your little "woe is me" linkin park music. this album is fun. they're not trying to make a statement they're just doing what they love. and if you think this album is a piece of trash, email me YOUR music and i'll tell you what I think. Full Review »
  3. BenjaminBunny
    Apr 16, 2004
    I would venture to say that "Off You" is the most beautiful song of Deal's career. A laid-back, lonely, lovely record.