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  1. May 3, 2020
    Excellent story, great flow, so much emotion and dedication can be heard and felt in this album.
  2. Kmi
    Aug 19, 2020
    This album is something else. Track after track, Kendrick Lamar surprises you with more fantastic music. On most of the album, the production is very jazz-inspired. While it would seem that hip-hop and jazz do not go together, Kendrick Lamar makes the two styles fuse beautifully. The lyrics are attentive and analytical of the situations that certain members of society are placed in,This album is something else. Track after track, Kendrick Lamar surprises you with more fantastic music. On most of the album, the production is very jazz-inspired. While it would seem that hip-hop and jazz do not go together, Kendrick Lamar makes the two styles fuse beautifully. The lyrics are attentive and analytical of the situations that certain members of society are placed in, finding Kendrick giving his thoughts on them. Everything about this album blows Kendrick Lamar's two previous projects out of the water. After good kid, m.A.A.d city released, everyone asked themselves, "What could he make that would be better?" This. This is it. Expand
  3. May 6, 2020
    the jazzy and funky production is something from another world, the song ''for free?'' displays kendrick rapping over a jazz instrumental and its one of the most fun experiences that i ever had, the message is cohesive and important, the songs and the way they are arranged makes the experience completely enjoyable and the more you listen, the more the record grows in you. thank you forthe jazzy and funky production is something from another world, the song ''for free?'' displays kendrick rapping over a jazz instrumental and its one of the most fun experiences that i ever had, the message is cohesive and important, the songs and the way they are arranged makes the experience completely enjoyable and the more you listen, the more the record grows in you. thank you for this masterpiece, kendrick. Expand
  4. May 8, 2020
    To Pimp a Butterfly is Kendrick Lamar’s third album release, and arguably his best work so far in his discography. Already a renowned lyricist, his rhyme patterns mixed with how he manipulates his voice and flow is ingenious in this album, affirming his stature as one of Hiphop’s most impressive rappers. The theme this album presents is nonetheless dramatic/philosophical, each trackTo Pimp a Butterfly is Kendrick Lamar’s third album release, and arguably his best work so far in his discography. Already a renowned lyricist, his rhyme patterns mixed with how he manipulates his voice and flow is ingenious in this album, affirming his stature as one of Hiphop’s most impressive rappers. The theme this album presents is nonetheless dramatic/philosophical, each track embedding a series of encrypted meanings of society specifically in America. Instrumentals are produced extraordinarily, each track has a sort of emotion that resonates off of it, providing varieties of feelings- bringing the listener into a deep state of thought. This album is arguably the best album I’ve personally listened to, each aspect of it is perfect- down to the overall uniqueness of the songs. Definitely solidifies Kendrick Lamar as the best rapper of possibly the decade. Expand
  5. May 18, 2020
    I believe it's the hip hops first flawless album. No song is bad. My personal favorite being king kunta. The jazz influence is amazing aswell
  6. Fnn
    Jun 3, 2020
    I mean... yeh, It’s perfect. It’s crazy to think that I believed that Kendrick would never beat gkms.
  7. Jun 9, 2020
    This album puts Kendrick Lamar on a pedestal only set foot by a few artists in music history and the majority of them if not all are either Groups or bands whereas Kendrick Lamar might the only singular artist on this level.
    The writing: Superb Strorytelling: brilliant Production: crisp
    Overall : Masterpiece In my book this album I view it in the lens that only see other great albums like
    This album puts Kendrick Lamar on a pedestal only set foot by a few artists in music history and the majority of them if not all are either Groups or bands whereas Kendrick Lamar might the only singular artist on this level.
    The writing: Superb Strorytelling: brilliant Production: crisp
    Overall : Masterpiece In my book this album I view it in the lens that only see other great albums like Ok Computer, Dark side of the moon to name a few.
  8. Jun 26, 2020
    the best rap album of all time, no debate imo. thematically slaughters every other single rap album to ever be released. U is the best rap song to ever be created, and these walls, blacker the berry, and how much a dollar cost can be argued to be top 15-10. this is a less watered down and more abrasive version of MBDTF.
  9. Jun 28, 2020
    TPAB is my favorite music album from my favorite music artist. This and good kid maad city are the only albums that I can listen over and over again without getting bored or skipping songs.
  10. Jun 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Yleebi smnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmnnnnnnnnnnnn Expand
  11. Jul 1, 2020
    Incredibly insightful, masterfully mixed, and challenges the listener to think
  12. Feb 23, 2021
    This is the greatest album i have ever listened to. A great sounding album back to front sonically, with a extremely powerful message which has even changed the way I view things and people. Kendrick has solidified himself as one the greatest rappers of the 21st century with this album alone.

    I strongly urge people to give this album a listen and fully give it a chance even if you are not
    This is the greatest album i have ever listened to. A great sounding album back to front sonically, with a extremely powerful message which has even changed the way I view things and people. Kendrick has solidified himself as one the greatest rappers of the 21st century with this album alone.

    I strongly urge people to give this album a listen and fully give it a chance even if you are not a kendrick fan or a rap fan.
  13. Aug 29, 2020
    This stunning and unique album made and continues to make rap music history. "Alright" is probably one of the best, if not the best, rap song ever written. In this work of art, Kendrick does not only create an original and innovative production but also shows a very deep meaning behind every lyric.
    Best tracks: "Alright"/ "How Much A Dollar Cost" / "Mortal Man"
  14. Sep 25, 2020
    An instant classic, even in 2020, 5 years after its release. Kendrick Lamar paints a vivid image of a race oppressed in America, speaks out on police violence and urges blacks to be proud of their color and heritage. Musically, To Pimp A Butterfly incorporates an ambitious jazz-rap style that blends excellently with his flow and choruses. A perfect album if there ever was one.
  15. Jul 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The greatest rap album of all time. Storytelling, Production, Lyricism, Consistency, and more. Expand
  16. Oct 27, 2021
    This album is absolutely incredible, I love every second of it. Would recommend to anyone.
  17. Aug 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the most influencial albums of the 2010s 'Simply the best' that's what I call it with it's provocative lyrics and empowering songs like 'Alright' it will go down as one of the essential and highly praised rap albums in the history of music and it's artwork that grabs the attention of the audience you can definately assume the album might change your mindset and take you to another world Expand
  18. Aug 20, 2020
    Even anthony fantano gave it a 10!
    How can some people not like this album?
  19. Sep 24, 2020
    I really believe this is one of the best Hip Hop record that has released. The instruments are beautiful, immense word play are shown, and wonderful story telling. This is a album to listen, by yourself, closely analyzing, and focus on, with no distractions. This record proves, that Kendrick Lamar will be cemented as a top artist in the Hip Hop scene.
  20. Oct 13, 2020
    One of the best of all time, great narrative and takes inspiration from so many genre's. 10/10
  21. Oct 14, 2020
    This album was amazong. not a single flaw. Genuinely one of the greatest albums to come out in this previous decade
  22. Nov 10, 2020
    God damn. God damn. This full album features jazz instrumentals representing the hundreds of years and different generations of black music. This album covers Kendrick's story of growing up in a poor, black neighborhood, the love and pride he has for his race, and the hatred and racism surrounding his people. This album goes over hatred and blame of a loved one, betrayal, social injustice,God damn. God damn. This full album features jazz instrumentals representing the hundreds of years and different generations of black music. This album covers Kendrick's story of growing up in a poor, black neighborhood, the love and pride he has for his race, and the hatred and racism surrounding his people. This album goes over hatred and blame of a loved one, betrayal, social injustice, alternate personalities, and so much more. This album is jam packed with wisdom and lyrical gold that if you zone out for 15 seconds, you will miss a powerful message and get lost. Each track on this record is a scene from a masterful film, it is an experience, this album will put you in a trance of enlightenment. The album features a poem being recited by Kendrick at the beginning or end of most tracks, this poem is a letter to the late rapper Tupac about him still fighting for equality and carrying his legacy 2 decades later. He is tired of the lack of change in society. Kendrick is my personal GOAT after releasing this album. You MUST listen. 10/10. Expand
  23. Nov 22, 2020
    This is the best and most comprehensive album in hip-hop history! Kendrick reimagined the understanding of African American culture and industry in general! Diamond.
  24. Nov 24, 2020
    Very impressed by this album. I thought it was a near impossible task to follow up good kid maad city, but I think Kendrick did just that. He fuses a lot of sounds throughout the album flawlessly. He incorporates Jazz in tracks like “ For Free”, “ U”, “ How Much A Dollar Cost”. He fuses funk in tracks like “ Wesleys Theory”, King Kunta” and “ These Walls”. Wesleys Theory sounds like some GVery impressed by this album. I thought it was a near impossible task to follow up good kid maad city, but I think Kendrick did just that. He fuses a lot of sounds throughout the album flawlessly. He incorporates Jazz in tracks like “ For Free”, “ U”, “ How Much A Dollar Cost”. He fuses funk in tracks like “ Wesleys Theory”, King Kunta” and “ These Walls”. Wesleys Theory sounds like some G Funk **** back in the 90s. His lyrical approach is very poetic and hard hitting on this album. From tearing himself apart on “ U” to the uplifting more soulful “ I “. For me this is the album that makes me put Kendrick up there with some of the greats.

    Favorite tracks: Wesleys Theory, King Kunta, These Walls, U, Momma, How Much A Dollar Cost, Mortal Man
  25. Nov 25, 2020
    This is my most favorite album ever so this is biased. Anyways the sounds on this album are amazing just makes you want to get up and start freestyling. You can tell these tracks come straight from the heart. I think everybody needs to listen to this at least once in their life. All the tracks are amazing so im not doing a standout tracks list cuz their all outstanding. Best song has to beThis is my most favorite album ever so this is biased. Anyways the sounds on this album are amazing just makes you want to get up and start freestyling. You can tell these tracks come straight from the heart. I think everybody needs to listen to this at least once in their life. All the tracks are amazing so im not doing a standout tracks list cuz their all outstanding. Best song has to be "alright" or the "blacker the berry" Expand
  26. Dec 2, 2020
    To pimp A Butterfly is an absolute masterpiece of construction and art. Tells an terrific story of Kendrick Lamar trying to pimp his fame and success to help the kids of Compton get through their struggle. Every song has great hooks mind blowing verses and includes soothing instruments of jazz and other funk elements. Their is not one bad song on this album and its a must listen no matterTo pimp A Butterfly is an absolute masterpiece of construction and art. Tells an terrific story of Kendrick Lamar trying to pimp his fame and success to help the kids of Compton get through their struggle. Every song has great hooks mind blowing verses and includes soothing instruments of jazz and other funk elements. Their is not one bad song on this album and its a must listen no matter what. 10/10 Expand
  27. Dec 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incredibly captivating and compelling storytelling on each track and the collective album, impeccable production and literature on each track and phenomenal handling of its themes of societal racism, misuse of power and self-love/self-hatred. There is a uniquely interesting concept on each track, from him screaming at himself through the third person on u to him describing himself as a slave in love on the uplifting complexion. The creativity is also super heavy in the film concepts, such as the antagonists of Lucy and Uncle Sam, created through the personification of sin and capitalist America. My pick for the greatest album of all time and an absolute must listen for anybody reading this review Expand
  28. Dec 15, 2020
    Top 2 or 3 albums in general for the 2010s. Great listening experience, would recommend listening to it on vinyl.
  29. Dec 18, 2020
    A Masterpiece and an Instant Classic that has aged extremely since its release. You’ve probably heard 1000 reasons why this album is absolutely fantastic already so there’s no point in repeating what everyone’s already said about this masterpiece so... The review’s over. 10/10.
  30. May 13, 2022
    quien es kendrick lamar?
    para el ciego, es la luz
    para el hambriento, es el pan
    para el enfermo, es la cura
    para el solitario, es el compañero
    para el triste, es la alegría
    para el prisionero, es la libertad
    para el pobre, es el tesoro
    para el deudor, es el perdón

Universal acclaim - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    Lamar offers a commitment to effect change through the work itself. Whether or not that's realistic ideal the delivery is so powerful it's hard not to get caught up in the rapture. [May 2015, p.50]
  2. The Source
    May 6, 2015
    Each song means more with reference to the project's overall concept than it does as a standalone record, which shouldn't take away from its impact, but rather speak of the courage of its creator. [Apr-May 2015, p.87]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 29, 2015
    It's a challenging, ambitious combination of words and music that becomes increasingly absorbing over time. [Jun 2015, p.103]