• Record Label: Kranky
  • Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Uncut
    Jan 18, 2012
    Tragedy and Geometry is exquisite and detailed to an almost obsessive-compulsive degree. [Jan 2012, p.89]
  2. Jan 18, 2012
    Tragedy & Geometry is an emotional, slow-burning, hour-long journey that tests the limits of how captivating an exploration via ambient repetition can be.
  3. Jan 13, 2012
    The music in this album slowly shapes the surrounding substance of the listening space, building a reticulated, synth-orchestrated architecture with countless perspectives.
  4. Jan 3, 2012
    Hauschildt's new opus is certainly just as captivating and varied as some of his band's [Emeralds] best work.
  5. Jan 3, 2012
    A visceral display of synth prowess that makes exhilarating use of contrasting textures and subtle dynamics.
  6. Jan 3, 2012
    Some might lament the lack of tension in this album, but when the music's this beautiful, who needs it?
  7. Jan 3, 2012
    An elegant and often bewitching entrant in the surfeit of night-weary synthscapes.
  8. Jan 3, 2012
    At times the music can get sentimental and even sappy, but it's never heavy-handed.

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