
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Apr 4, 2016
    Yes, I'm a Witch Too may be somewhat uneven, but its wildly different tracks reaffirm that Ono's music contains multitudes.
  2. Feb 19, 2016
    Though it might not sound like a revelation, embracing the reality of Yoko Ono is the key to the success of Yes, I’m a Witch Too. Unfortunately, that’s only done here to varying degrees.
  3. Feb 17, 2016
    While Yes, I'm A Witch Too makes Ono's work more accessible by sanding down the more experimental edges, in doing so, it somewhat detracts from what makes Ono's great.
  4. Magnet
    Feb 12, 2016
    Love it or hate it, in her hands or someone else's, Ono's music does what fine art has always done: It dares you to feel. [No. 128, p.54]
  5. Mojo
    Feb 3, 2016
    This repeat performance from marginally less familiar names might seem like a poor substitute for a new project. Happily, it's not. [Mar 2016, p.97]
  6. Feb 24, 2016
    Overall, Witch Too mines Ono’s imaginative catalogue in search of hidden gems, buffing them up to sparkle anew. And ideally, the more inquisitive may even be moved to seek out the original versions of these tracks.
  7. Q Magazine
    Feb 3, 2016
    The thematic predecessor to this LP underlined Yoko Ono's re-evaluation as a musical envelope pusher by a new generation of artists including Cat power, Spiritualized and The Flaming Lips, who all reworked moments from her back catalogue. This sequel successfully repeats the trick. [Mar 2016, p.112]
  8. Feb 23, 2016
    She follows up 2007’s covers and remixes album Yes, I’m a Witch with another collection that’s just as strong and intriguing, mainly because of the smorgasbord of indie and electro-pop oddballs and A-lister names attached to it.
  9. Feb 18, 2016
    The album paints a pleasingly knowing portrait of the 83-year-old giving her final say and raving it up regardless.
  10. 80
    Her second volume of collaborative remixes/re-recordings with diverse guests draws its source material from all stages of Ono’s career, and brings home not just how enduringly courageous she has been, both artistically and socially, but also underlines the vein of fierce feminism running throughout her recording career.
  11. Uncut
    Feb 3, 2016
    Most of the artists here, among them Moby, Miike Snow and Cibo Matto, find rich source material at the melodic end of her catalogue. [Mar 2016, p.77]

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