• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Sep 29, 2017
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  1. Jan 12, 2018
    This has to be one of Miley's worst album to date. I appreciate the fact that she is trying to evolve as a musician but this was not a very good attempt. She had her benchmark era with Bangerz and to top that would have been hard. She should stick to mainstream pop since that's what people like from her. Apart from the two singles which were comparatively better than the album. The onlyThis has to be one of Miley's worst album to date. I appreciate the fact that she is trying to evolve as a musician but this was not a very good attempt. She had her benchmark era with Bangerz and to top that would have been hard. She should stick to mainstream pop since that's what people like from her. Apart from the two singles which were comparatively better than the album. The only song worth listening to is Bad Mood. But after a few listens you get over the three songs as well. Was pretty disappointed with this album. Expand
  2. Nov 25, 2017
    Then Malibu came out I already knew that this album will be a country album. I thought it would be still great even thought I'm not a country lover at all. What disappointed me the most is that there is a big lack of creativity, lack of meaningful words. But if you are a big country fan and want an album that is not different that should fit you well. But like I said this album is not forThen Malibu came out I already knew that this album will be a country album. I thought it would be still great even thought I'm not a country lover at all. What disappointed me the most is that there is a big lack of creativity, lack of meaningful words. But if you are a big country fan and want an album that is not different that should fit you well. But like I said this album is not for me. The only song I like on this album is Malibu. Expand
  3. Sep 30, 2017
    Younger Now apresenta uma sonoridade que remete aos seus trabalhos anteriores. Achei bem oportuno o fato de ter influências country. Referente a este mesmo título, deixa a desejar a confusão sonora do álbum, que refletiu em todo o seu exterior, as músicas são ótimas, mas a contradição de Cyrus deixou a desejar.
  4. Sep 29, 2017
    I only liked 2 of the 9 songs so I'm giving it a 3/10. Fair. I think it's cohesive but the songs are simply not good. They are cheesy, repeating a constant theme during the whole album and showing that miley doesn't have a lot to say and to offer.
  5. Sep 29, 2017
    The album called "younger now' with avvant-guard songs??What? I think this is very different but is not consistent for a artist with a bag like hers......
  6. Oct 2, 2017
    Miley, go back to Malibu and finish this real album! We need real songs, not a Bangerz discard. This new phase of Miley holy sucks, put on the Hannah Montana wig and head back to Disney.
  7. Oct 2, 2017
    I felt like it was a song with no end. It lacks variety in styles since it sounds almost the same.
    Miley has great voice and she could do more than that.
    Younger Now and Malibu are definetly the best ones on the whole album.
  8. Oct 3, 2017
    Infelizmente o álbum é ruim! Me esforcei, escutei, escutei de novo e não me desceu. Miley não soube trabalhar a mudança dela, da era "Bangerz" para a era "Younger Now", a mudança de uma garota nua em cima de uma bola, para uma garota na praia dançando country. O álbum está amador e com músicas insuportáveis. O que se salvou ainda, foram as canções "Malibu" e "Inspired", na minha opinião asInfelizmente o álbum é ruim! Me esforcei, escutei, escutei de novo e não me desceu. Miley não soube trabalhar a mudança dela, da era "Bangerz" para a era "Younger Now", a mudança de uma garota nua em cima de uma bola, para uma garota na praia dançando country. O álbum está amador e com músicas insuportáveis. O que se salvou ainda, foram as canções "Malibu" e "Inspired", na minha opinião as melhores do álbum, por isso ainda dei 3 pontos na minha crítica. Quem sabe na próxima era ela mostre algo novo e que nos surpreenda, porque nessa não rolou. Boa sorte! Expand
  9. Aug 17, 2018
    ”Younger Now” was a failed attempt to save Miley’s career. The album as a whole was a big flop and the tracks were plain and boring. Miley should stick to releasing pop music.
  10. Aug 3, 2019
    Nice country album but bland. Bad Mood is a gem and Malibu is a good single choice but the album overall is boring.
  11. Sep 29, 2017
    The only songs that i've liked is 'Younger Now' and 'Malibu' because the rest could be better. We know she can do better then this. And the album doesn't sounds like her.
  12. Apr 7, 2018
    Un album super plano, te aburre en los primeros minutos. solo los singles se salvan
  13. Sep 30, 2017
    Boring album, mediocre lyrics and pretencious. This tried to be authentic but it´s even annoying. I liked Malibú and Younger Now, the rest is meh. So many people are comparing this to Joanne, but I would say Joannne is better than this.
  14. Sep 29, 2017
    confusing production, lyrics that seem to be written by a 7-year-old child and a concept that is flawed by an artist who changes personality every moment.
  15. Nov 11, 2017
    Miley inventando personalidades novamente, em um álbum onde só "Malibu" presta.Miley agora vem mais limpa, mas, não consegue sentir ela ali, mais um álbum decepcionante para o ano de 2017, infelizmente.
  16. Oct 4, 2017
    Um album ruim, mesmice de sempre com musicas datadas e chatas, saudades da menina da disney que encantava a todos com sua delicadeza e doçura, minha miley esta over.
  17. Sep 29, 2017
    Miley Cyrus ficou totalmente perdida neste álbum, mesmo sendo muito intimo parece um álbum forçado, algumas faixas enjoativas que não da para escutar mais de duas vezes, essa não é a Miley "Real".
  18. Sep 29, 2017
    Que quiso intentar Miley? volver al country? No me gusto soy sincero, ella puedo hacerlo mejor, pero aun así desperdicio su talento que tenia, lo siento no me gusto para nada, horrible!
  19. Aug 24, 2022
    I absolutely loved "Malibu" . It was a warm summer live ballad that went a step further and instead became a torch song for a love that healed,comforted and centered miley. "Malibu " lyrics all felt concise and the bridge is just unforgettable. Unfortunately that lead single is the last great moment on this record. Despite appearances from Dolly Parton the record feels like what most ofI absolutely loved "Malibu" . It was a warm summer live ballad that went a step further and instead became a torch song for a love that healed,comforted and centered miley. "Malibu " lyrics all felt concise and the bridge is just unforgettable. Unfortunately that lead single is the last great moment on this record. Despite appearances from Dolly Parton the record feels like what most of miley's records are: bad impressions of greater things. Expand
  20. Oct 3, 2017
    Really, really, baddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  21. Oct 5, 2017

    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record, and it’s way more alternative than i’d say “country” and i dig it a lot. i can tell miley wrote a lot of these songs from her heart and that’s why i love it so much. i just wish the roll out was better for such a great album. and i honestly think,

    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record, and it’s way more alternative than i’d say “country” and i dig it a lot. i can tell miley wrote a lot of these songs from her heart and that’s why i love it so much.

    i just wish the roll out was better for such a great album. and i honestly think, the wrong singles were chosen - younger now, bad mood and thinkin should’ve been the singles before the album dropped. personally, malibu doesnt capture the feel of the record and younger now opens the album perfectly and explains this whole “change” magnificently and i think if YN was the first song heard w/ the video the era would’ve been handled smoother (by the gp too).

    and also, im curious to see how this’ll do. i know miley will have a #1 record im just curious as to the critical acclaim it’ll get and im sure she’s going to get grammy noms - this is a grammy album. and despite her not making as mainstream music as demi, selena or ariana; miley remains the most creative ex act honestly. Collapse
  22. Oct 5, 2017
    Fueron casi 4 años de espera para un album pop OFICIAL, desde bangerz en 2013. Miley regresa con un mal album, dejando caer las expectativas y decepcionando a todos los seguidores de su música
  23. Oct 5, 2017
    personally, i was ready to cancel my pre order lmao but miley delivered. top to bottom this is an awesome record, and it’s way more alternative than i’d say “country” and i dig it a lot. i can tell miley wrote a lot of these songs from her heart and that’s why i love it so much. i just wish the roll out was better for such a great album. and i honestly
  24. Sep 29, 2017
    Younger Now blends pop-rock and pablum country fare that is so restrained, so thinly produced, it seems like her lovably goofy personality was hobbled throughout the recording process.
  25. Oct 5, 2017
    un album tan vacio como aburrido. la artista que nos vendia la liberacion joven femenina a cantante 40 años de mas. me atrevo a decir que es lo peor del 2017.
  26. Sep 29, 2017
    After her weird but experimental album Dead Petz, Mildred is back, and with her most inauthentic album yet. She pretty much disowns her previous work everytime she starts a new era (like she's now doing with Bangerz), so it was pretty predictable that this album would be nothing like her previous album. But we got stuck with a godawful album that is incredibly boring, it also is her worstAfter her weird but experimental album Dead Petz, Mildred is back, and with her most inauthentic album yet. She pretty much disowns her previous work everytime she starts a new era (like she's now doing with Bangerz), so it was pretty predictable that this album would be nothing like her previous album. But we got stuck with a godawful album that is incredibly boring, it also is her worst vocal delivery yet. We are stuck with only one standout, Malibu, while the rest are forgettable. Rainbowland might just be the worst song of her career, whilst Younger Now is undoubtedly the WORST album of her career. This watered down inauthentic version of mildred is HORRIBLE Expand
  27. Oct 4, 2017
    Not a good album unfortunately. Waste of talent, the tracks seem to be the same, sonically repetitive, bad lyrics, good voice, tiring and boring album. If you want a really good and fresh country album I recommend Shania Twain's Now.
  28. Oct 3, 2017
    By no means do I offend Miley.
    His discography is enviable in the eyes of all the artists of his generation.
    But his album starts well and goes down with the passing of songs.
    A Texas Country cliché that builds a very warm album near its brilliant predecessor, "bangerz".

    Waiting for his seventh album.
  29. Oct 3, 2017
    Here's the WORST album from Miley Cyrus's career since Hannah Montana. Go back to the Pop, the BANGERZ was is the best! I really hope that she learns with the ERRO that this album is better in the next.
  30. Oct 4, 2017
    Melhor álbum da carreira sem dúvida!! Com musicas gostosas de se ouvir o álbum tem a mão na Miley do Inicio ao fim. Miley fez o que muito está faltando na industria da musica foi original e intimista de verdade.
  31. Nov 26, 2020
    Definitely my favorite Miley's album. Country vibes, rock vibes, so chill (and full of sense !)

Mixed or average reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 17
  2. Negative: 3 out of 17
  1. Oct 16, 2017
    This is a thumpingly disappointing and consistently milquetoast set of songs riddled with lyrical banality, done-to-death melodies and wispily thin production.
  2. Oct 12, 2017
    Younger Now is a hookless, joyless, profitable success.
  3. Oct 4, 2017
    Where her past albums felt messy but painfully sincere, Younger Now comes off as safe and overly sanitized, with the frisson that made Cyrus a star all but entirely blasted away. ... Still, the album has some plainly good songs.