Clash Music's Scores

  • Music
For 3,890 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 57% higher than the average critic
  • 5% same as the average critic
  • 38% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 1.3 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Music review score: 74
Highest review score: 100 Dead Man's Pop [Box Set]
Lowest review score: 10 Wake Up!
Score distribution:
3890 music reviews
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Overall The Secret History (Volume 1) is a well constructed and complete portrait of an early Pavement, but with the release's main audience being the avid fan (and with all these tracks available on 2002's 'Luxe and Redux' reissue of 'Slanted...') this leaves only the mad and the keen with a turntable who'll truly want it.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    As a primer, it's pretty effective and the performances are occasionally absorbing, but it's hard to imagine anyone other than the most ardent completist getting excited about it.
    • 54 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    It's not completely unfair to say that Déjà Vu won't be joining the pantheon of great albums any time soon.
    • 70 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    We really want to like Lantern for its originality; its bravery and its attempt to grasp a genuine uninhibited euphoria that isn't easy pull off. Sadly it just misses the mark way too often and leaves you with fleeting glimpses of what could have been a very exciting album.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    The plethora of guest vocalists (J'Danna, BIXBY, Okmalumkoolkat, Heavy D. & the Boyz) means things stay relatively fresh, but more often than not, it's not enough.
    • 60 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    They've birthed a catchy and danceable summer record which shows plenty of promise but falls short of something great.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    These 10 tracks continually buckle under the weight of Flowers' torrid lyrics, mind-numbing cliches, and woefully derivative song structures.
    • 70 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It all feels a bit too calculated at times, though when he ventures into the realms of floral Kinks-y psych pop on 'Mystic Mile' or the slack Beach-Boys-via-Mac-Demarco style surf of 'Never Gonna Hold You Like I Do', there's a promising glimmer of the discrete and intrepid artist he could be.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The album is littered with so many clunky lines and cliched conspiracy talk it almost becomes laughable, but the main problem is with the narrative itself which makes next to no sense at all.... Luckily, a good sizeable chunk of this album is good enough to stand alone, stripped of the high-minded concepts.
    • 68 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Denmark's Kölsch repeats the trick of 2013's '1977', hanging on the coattails of the EDM set with a less extravagant set of fireworks but with plenty of instantly recognisable and effectively crafted signposts and set pieces.
    • 77 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The songs that do aim to be bigger however, simply don't stand-up against their previous work or the mellower parts of the album.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    As a collected body of work At.Long.Last.A$AP is far from dreadful, but taken as a whole it lacks the elements of depth and star quality that--having set the bar incredibly high with his debut--many expect from A$AP Rocky.
    • 74 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The upped slickness does mean the album offers little in the way of the provocative, though, so you may be disappointed by Breakage's leniency, and a wrath that's merely implied.
    • 78 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Multi-Love undoubtedly reveals Unknown Mortal Orchestra's willingness to reinvent and innovate, yet it's still beset by some of the difficulties that have featured in their previous work.
    • 74 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    Producer MJ (of Hookworms fame) and the band intended to strip things back and become more economical with their sound. While they certainly have achieved this, in this instance it has arguably starved the songs and disallowed them the space to breathe.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    It's a microcosm for the muddled thinking that holds Ludaversal back.
    • 79 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    With Polar Bear being fully paid-up jazzers, there's more of an understanding and utilisation of dynamics, which add to the pervading mood, yet the overall feeling is one of ennui.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Diamandis is using her music to discover who she really is. That said, by the end of Froot, we're still none the wiser.
    • 75 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The Scene Between is a happy remedy to a cynical industry and scary, un-groovy world. One listen and you'll be transported back to your teens--when some sunshine and a little dance would cure all.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    A blunt genre deserves a blunt assessment so, for what it's worth: in reflecting his mixtape interests, Brodinksi is well on his way to mastering one of the year's most disposable albums.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Soft Control is a carefully crafted debut that comes from a very real place and shows what can be achieved when you keep pushing forward.
    • 72 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Although there's nothing exactly groundbreaking here, Policy packs plenty of personality and attitude.
    • 78 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    At times the lyrical component can leave you cold.
    • 73 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Asymmetrical and pitched up and down at any given moment, Miscontinuum is an unwavering data stream whose moments of relative clarity still press on your temples like a tightening vice.
    • 60 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    A bizarre little record, Music And Words was seemingly kicked off in 2007. With a seven-year gestation, it would be nigh on impossible to maintain a full sense of coherency, but the twin artists just about manage it.
    • 68 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The speed-rock splendour of ‘Lowtalkin’’ put to one side, the band’s career prospects and longevity probably lie in the strained emotional hypnotism of the more muted, more self-conscious moments.
    • 76 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Since that reboot 12 years ago, they don’t really know what they want to be. So they try all things, and only succeed at some.
    • 70 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    For the most part, though, this seems like a step in the wrong direction: a Nicki Minaj album from somebody who’s thoroughly fed up of being Nicki Minaj.
    • 52 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While there’s nothing particularly original or ground-breaking about this debut, CATB is a band that’s mastered the art of writing tunes that connect with an audience, and at a time when commercial rock is, apparently, at a particularly low ebb, that could serve them very well.
    • 70 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    It’s the ninth studio album to bear the Pumpkins brand, and probably the seventh that wouldn’t find a single track making most fans’ side-of-a-C90 best-of. But it delivers what it promises: songs by Billy Corgan that sound enough like the ones you recall loving as a teenager.