Revolver's Scores

  • Music
For 235 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 56% higher than the average critic
  • 7% same as the average critic
  • 37% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 0.2 points lower than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Music review score: 73
Highest review score: 100 Relentless, Reckless Forever
Lowest review score: 30 Cattle Callin
Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 1 out of 235
235 music reviews
    • 64 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    You can't too wrong when an albums starts with cowbell and kick-drum--and truth be told, you can't go too wrong with a Buckcherry album, period. [Jul/Aug 2010, p.88]
    • Revolver
    • 64 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Too many songs build and build and never explode, and though Keenan has never sounded growlier, Parole never really breaks loose.
    • 64 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Overall, Max & Co. keep things tasty on Savages.
    • 64 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    At times, the album can be a little much; after the 17th grinding breakdown decked in plucking harp strings, things can blur together--but the things that make Takasago Army stand out are worth any flaws it possesses as an album (the weird jungle insert of "Root Regeneration" makes you feel like you're at a spa with the devil).
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Nothing here grabs you as immediately as "Bring Me To Life" did. Still, the group's pummeling disco-grunge version of "Like A Prayer?" Totally awesome. [May/Jun 2010, p.100]
    • Revolver
    • 63 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    It’s considerably more difficult to listen to than ‘Aesthetica’--the vocals often sound like a skipping CD--and largely forsakes that album’s triumphal feel for grating noise mash-ups (“Follow” and “Follow II”), angular electro jams (“Quetzalcoatl”) and synthetic horns (“Fanfare”).
    • 63 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While her vocals alone are unlikely to gain Within Temptation too many new listeners, fans who have stuck with the band throughout their career will likely forgive The Unforgiving's occasional missteps.
    • 63 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    Perhaps sensing the imminent death of the album format, Zombie has thrown all caution to the wind.It's an approach he should have taken long ago. [Mar/Apr 2010, p.90]
    • Revolver
    • 62 Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    Apocalyptic Love is at heart a collection of lean, high-octane rock-and-roll tunes built to be blasted out of open-top sports cars or, more suitably, open-air stadiums.
    • 62 Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    Nu-metal survivors Papa Roach's sixth full-length is an exhilarating return to form.
    • 62 Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    In all, Live at the Aragon has plenty for both old and new Mastodon fans to enjoy.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While the new sound may alienate a few old fans, Reign of Terror is a solid album that should win over just as many new converts.
    • 61 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Having tasted success, it's not surprising that most of the vocal tracks on 7th Symphony are decidedly commercial. Almost to counter that, however, Apocalyptica's instrumental pieces are among their heaviest and most grandiose yet. [Sep/Oct 2010, p.90]
    • Revolver
    • 60 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    The Offspring's hit-making machinery is as efficiently well-oiled as ever. [#3, p.106]
    • Revolver
    • 60 Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    Fifth album The Oracle is a much welcome return to form, at least in energy. Ten tracks, no ballads, no bullshit. [May/Jun 2010, p.95]
    • Revolver
    • 59 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    The new songs sound similar to those on the the band's last full length release, The Powerless Rise.... The remixes, meanwhile, aren't exactly noteworthy.
    • 59 Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    American Tragedy is wildly fun, a head-thumping, booze-chugging, 14 track-long hedonistic binge.
    • 59 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    AFI fans will no doubt miss the guitar muscle, but adventurous listeners will appreciate the retro-synth theatrics.
    • 58 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    Murdered Love is best when all the anthemic stuff comes equipped with the sort of infectious grooves that the band's SoCal stomping ground is known for.
    • 57 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Rather than pat themselves on the back for still being alive, the guys in Soundgarden went on a nostalgia trip, and honestly, it's for the best.
    • 56 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    British Lion might surprise longtime Ed Heads in that it's more redolent of the sort of '80s hard-rock bands who dominated the radio waves when Maiden couldn't, like Dokken and even Whitesnake.
    • 56 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    Unfortunately, the toidy humor isn't funny, and the introspective songs aren't that relevatory. [#3, p.105]
    • Revolver
    • 55 Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    A welcome surprise.
    • 54 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    While spirited in their performance, this brutal quartet lack the dynamism and versatility of label-mates Dying Fetus.
    • 53 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    [Drowning Pool have] managed to produce consistently killer albums with an unmistakable sound. This continues with album No. 5.... The weakest songs here are the singles.
    • 53 Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    The result ain't fresh, but it's definitely fun.
    • 52 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Sometimes, Blood's industrial metal is the kind that got overdone a decade ago. Still, it's a mostly good set-and a cool comeback for Seinfeld.
    • 51 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    Overall, though, most of these covers sound disappointingly similar to the originals.
    • 50 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While Lions roars with all of the classic rock bombast and Stones-y swagger we've come to expect from the Crowes, the album is sorely lacking in the magic that can only be achieved when the innately talented drive themselves to distraction in the pursuit of perfection. [May/June 2001, p.110]
    • Revolver
    • 48 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    While not terribly mindblowing, this EP is a quick and entertaining listen.
    • 46 Metascore
    • 30 Critic Score
    The result certainly stays true to Hank3's legacy of audacity, especially in "Mad Cow," which drones on for 10 minutes. But actually listening to the thing? Pretty torturous.
    • 43 Metascore
    • 60 Critic Score
    This collaborative overkill is the same misstep that hobbled the group's last comeback attempt, 1993's Down With The King. [#4, p.108]
    • Revolver
    • tbd Metascore
    • 80 Critic Score
    Fans already won over by Egypt Central's previous record will recognize the band's original sound here, and new listeners will be taken a wild ride to a strange, dark wonderland and back. Follow the White Rabbit.
    • tbd Metascore
    • 90 Critic Score
    Chalk up a new classic on Abruscato's resume.
    • tbd Metascore
    • 70 Critic Score
    Drive A does quite a lot, thanks to guitar and bass lines are as tuneful as they are propulsive.