
Universal acclaim - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Jun 11, 2012
    This short house-rap blast bottles all that "cool list" excitement into a sharp set, so jack your body and get your freak on because you're in her hut now.
  2. Jun 8, 2012
    Banks is often all the more mesmerizing when she leaves the beef on the back-burner and takes stock of her influences.
  3. Jun 13, 2012
    Manically happy, infectiously danceable and too clever by half, if 1991 does one thing, it proves that Banks's breakout hit, "212," was no fluke.
  4. 100
    Quick-tongued, lascivious, catchy, and delighted with itself, there hasn't been a more pleasurable record all year and probably won't be‑-not even by her.
  5. Jun 20, 2012
    Banks continues to get away with her obnoxiousness--and while the quality of the music remains disproportionate to the hype, it does make her bratty rejection of the rap establishment feel that much more thrilling.
  6. Jun 15, 2012
    Azealia Banks has an endearing charm, magnetic glow, and aggressively attitudinal confidence that come together as 1991's short collection is equally catchy and unique rendering her one to continue watching.
  7. Jun 8, 2012
    Some of Banks' best lines are elegantly self-aggrandizing and enemy-deflating, but she's just as capable of executing those moves in more straightforward terms.
  8. Jul 10, 2012
    1991 is all about the bubble-popping lushness of "Van Vogue" and the hall-of-mirrors shimmer of "Liquorice." It's also about the summer, and showing more of Banks than just her breakout hit.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 278 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 278
  1. Jun 16, 2014
    Azealia Banks is the most original artist of actuality. She did "1991 EP" the best of 2012 and no one can turn down her Witch-Hop. EverybodyAzealia Banks is the most original artist of actuality. She did "1991 EP" the best of 2012 and no one can turn down her Witch-Hop. Everybody should listen all tracks and dance while learn something with the lyrics. Full Review »
  2. Sep 1, 2012
    This is a very unique Ep. I love the style of music and the lyrics of Banks. If her debut album anything like this EP it should be a veryThis is a very unique Ep. I love the style of music and the lyrics of Banks. If her debut album anything like this EP it should be a very great one. She has some great lyrics. EP album of the year. This album is a very great Hip Hop/R&B Album. Full Review »
  3. Jul 21, 2012
    Azealia Banks is an original and fresh addition to the current Hip-Hop movement. Her Rap skills are very refined, her lyrics are unique, andAzealia Banks is an original and fresh addition to the current Hip-Hop movement. Her Rap skills are very refined, her lyrics are unique, and she has a very good singing voice on top of it. This EP is great; I definitely recommend. Download her FREE Mixtape, Fantasea, though Facebook (It's very good as well).
    Favorite tracks: "212" and "Liquorice"
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