• Record Label: TVT
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2004

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Blender
    Ambulance Ltd have good ears and an even better imagination: They run their influences through a filter of solid gold. [Apr 2004, p.126]
  2. Rolling Stone
    They have a brilliant gift for Lennon-style pop melody that makes their spaciest riffs go down like a spoonful of hash-laced honey. [13 May 2004, p.73]
  3. There is a certain magic at work here, one you don’t hear often, and one that belongs to true artists alone.
  4. The production's sanitary feel plays a large role in the album's conservative nature, as it scrubs away any potential raucousness.
  5. Filter
    Sound[s] like a poppy hodgepodge of My Bloody Valentine, Elliott Smith and Sonic Youth. [#9, p.106]
  6. A dreamy gem steeped in the tradition of '90s shoegazer rock.
  7. Like a guided tour through the last 20 years of guitar rock.
  8. Mojo
    A debut of undeniable quality. [Oct 2004, p.106]
  9. There may not be a more carefully crafted debut release this year.
  10. Entertainment Weekly
    This alluring debut is hard to shake off. [24 Dec 2004, p.69]
  11. But then after a couple more artistic false starts and nearly-getting-it-together moments, the clouds part and Stay Where You Are' shines through with its grainy 12-string splendour and thrownback halo backing vocals and they finally seem to wake up to what they are: a good pop group.
  12. Q Magazine
    Ambitiously wide-ranging. [Apr 2005, p.118]
  13. New Musical Express (NME)
    Boy do they give good ocean of sound. [19 Mar 2005, p.59]
  14. This may be an overly derivative debut but it's one that leaves you eager to hear more.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 38
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 38
  3. Negative: 3 out of 38
  1. Apr 3, 2015
    Eleven years later, I only regret that they didn't release anything else. It is amazing, subtle and smart. Every, guitar, bass line and drumsEleven years later, I only regret that they didn't release anything else. It is amazing, subtle and smart. Every, guitar, bass line and drums are perfectly arranged and brilliantly mixed with the voice, that only leaves you wanting for more. Full Review »
  2. Aug 17, 2014
    it's like a time machine. I'm 32 now and I don't know how it feels or how I supposed to feel if I lived in early 70's or so, but when I'mit's like a time machine. I'm 32 now and I don't know how it feels or how I supposed to feel if I lived in early 70's or so, but when I'm listening to this amazing record I'm closing my eyes and I can see some paralell universe of those years. It's incredible. One song softly flows to another anod each of them is cmpletly different with it's own mood but in the end every track fits perfectly to complete puzzle. After listening to whole album there is a undescribable feeling - it's haunting and disturbing you soul so much. So talanted band, so beautiful songs. I wish these guys would get back together. Full Review »
  3. rayw
    May 2, 2007
    splendid listen, some interesting ideas and played with confidence and aplomb. any chance of a follow up ?