• Record Label: 88Rising
  • Release Date: Feb 2, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Feb 16, 2018
    There is by no means dazzling wordplay, vivid storytelling or smash hits to be indulged through Amen but there are some strong beats courtesy of the man himself.
  2. Feb 16, 2018
    Rich Brian didn’t need to go so hard with the image change, but as far as debut albums go, Amen is catchy, it’s not gimmicky, it’s not annoying, and there’s just enough Chigga still in there to keep things entertaining.
  3. Feb 16, 2018
    His neo-G-funk backings--synthscapes in pink neon with weed smoke drifting across them--are admirably lush and melancholic, but his flow is his greatest skill of all, deadpan patter that rattles out like ticker tape.
  4. Feb 16, 2018
    The overriding, inescapable, and most important aspect of ‘Amen,’ though, is that it is fun. Fun to listen to, fun (it seems) to have made and no doubt fun to perform.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 39
  2. Negative: 2 out of 39
  1. Jul 9, 2018
    The album is admirably fire, yet his flow and storyteller are the greatest skill here. Also the instrumentals of this album is really freshThe album is admirably fire, yet his flow and storyteller are the greatest skill here. Also the instrumentals of this album is really fresh and well done, proving that Brian isn't just a great humoristic rapper but a great producer too. Full Review »
  2. Jul 9, 2018
    “The overriding, inescapable, and most important aspect of ‘Amen,’ though, is that it is fun. Fun to listen to, fun (it seems) to have made“The overriding, inescapable, and most important aspect of ‘Amen,’ though, is that it is fun. Fun to listen to, fun (it seems) to have made and no doubt fun to perform.” — Clash Music Full Review »
  3. May 11, 2018
    Amen is an overall well-rounded debut project for Brian. Ever since Dat $tick, his breakout single, I've always enjoyed listening to most ofAmen is an overall well-rounded debut project for Brian. Ever since Dat $tick, his breakout single, I've always enjoyed listening to most of the new material he's come out with (especially Glow Like Dat and See Me). While some of the songs on this album are just objectively bad (i.e.: Kitty and Little Prince), there are too many highlights on this album to ignore. Cold, Trespass, Introvert ft. Joji, Occupied, Enemies, Flight, the list goes on and on. My main gripe that keeps it back from a higher score is how overall, Brian's tone and voice never change. It's always the same exact delivery and tone of voice, on every song. After a while, it gets pretty old. But the new beats and the multiple features are what kept me interested. Full Review »