• Record Label: PC Music
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. The Wire
    Nov 6, 2020
    Consists of a reasonable ten discrete songs that feature a manageable number of guest vocalists. ... His focus on hybridity and virality keeps his work fresh and intriguing. [Oct 2020, p.52]
  2. Sep 25, 2020
    With Apple A. G. Cook shows plenty of potential, but ultimately more consistency is needed with his songwriting if he is to really make his mark.
  3. Sep 24, 2020
    A staggering and potent amalgamation of numerous genre influences, but it also has moments of information overload, where its boundarylessness becomes too much.
  4. Sep 21, 2020
    Though Cook creates both of Apple's sides ably, juxtaposing them keeps the album engaging and makes it a successful entry point to his music. Happily bridging the gap between synthetic and organic, Apple is one of Cook's most satisfying obliterations of the borders between genres, authenticity, and artifice.
  5. Sep 21, 2020
    At times, its tonal shifts cause whiplash, but the real magic appears when Cook manages to coalesce these two sides in the same song.
  6. 80
    Apple is barely a whisper in the breeze by comparison at ten tracks long, and in the way that 7G meticulously unpicked Cook’s innards so fans could see the master’s mind at work, Apple weighs out the specifics and pours them into the meting pot.
  7. Sep 18, 2020
    Slimmed down to forty minutes split between ten tracks, Apple has the feel of one cohesive whole when compared to 7G’s daunting monolith.
  8. Sep 18, 2020
    It's all delivered with such fresh energy and so many original production ideas that it's honestly hard to gripe too much. If you've been vibing on Hannah Diamond's Cook-produced debut Reflections recently and were somewhat baffled by 7G, look no further than Apple, a bold and exciting album that boasts focus as well.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Oct 1, 2020
    we couldn't ask for much more from mr. cook after the 4 hour long masterpiece that was 7G. i think APPLE, besides having some good songs, waswe couldn't ask for much more from mr. cook after the 4 hour long masterpiece that was 7G. i think APPLE, besides having some good songs, was far from being as interesting as his previous album. some songs just sound like fillers and it's not an album that i'll be revisiting for now, even tho i will be listening to some of the songs repeatedly.

    while most songs here lack the best from A. G. and some song's lyrics are basic and effortless it's still a nicely produced album with some sounds worth exploring.

    fav songs: airhead, stargon
    least fav: animals
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