
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. May 16, 2019
    Menuck and Doria found a new creative partnership, and each return to are SING SINCK, SING provides that crucial reminder while offering a shoulder to cry on.
  2. May 16, 2019
    Despite the tendency of the duo to feature a stronger dose of melancholy, the record still expands on moments filled with an extravagant perspective.
  3. May 16, 2019
    If Pissing Stars reflected the cruel, chaotic world that every new parent worries about bringing their child into, then SING SINCK, SING emits the fragile hope that the next generation will be able to steer toward a better future.
  4. May 16, 2019
    All of the album’s five tracks share the same aural characteristics of minimalist and pulsating synth drone, languid vocals and swirls and ripples of mechanised undulations and the album feels like a complete body of work rather than a collection of songs.
  5. Uncut
    May 17, 2019
    "Fight The Good fight" and "A Humming Void An Emptied Place" feel like sorrowful hymns, Manuck's plaintive voice swaddled in electronics, but the album's highlight is "Do The Police Embrace?." poetic polemic that recalls Springsteen in its blend of melancholy and uplift. [Jul 2019, p.33]

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