
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Dec 20, 2012
    It's different enough to feel like a companion piece rather than a knock-off: less laboured over, more the sound of a rock band kicking back, and less alienated.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 1, 2012
    A fair amount of cosmic fannying involved, but this is framed by some cracking songwriting. [Jul 2012, p.79]
  3. Under The Radar
    Mar 21, 2012
    Pond's music leans a little more joyous, perhaps, and is more infused with glam and classic rock [than sister band, Tame Impala.] [March 2012, p.79]
  4. Mar 20, 2012
    A reminder of the echoing, scatter-brain drumming trips of the good old days.
  5. 90
    It is miles better than 'Innerspeaker', and quite possibly the best album released so far this year.
  6. Mar 7, 2012
    It's tempting to label Beard, Wives, Denim as a tossed off side-project that doesn't stray too far from its more famous parent band. But Pond have something more to offer and both fans and detractors of Tame Impala should give this a listen.
  7. Mar 7, 2012
    Unless you are in the company of some helpful stimulants, it is ultimately frustrating and chaotic. You can marvel at the wondrous and wacky keyboard sounds one minute, but you'll be shaking your head at some of the strange musical harmonies and directions the next.
  8. Mar 7, 2012
    Every melody is blanketed in psychedelic sounds, giving a unified feel to the record, even if the music isn't always easily containable.
  9. Mar 7, 2012
    Not all listeners are likely to enjoy the moments of instrumental experiments, but the varying forms of psych rock that pack the 53 minutes of Beard, Wives, Denim are enough to please both fans of Pond and those waiting for a Tame Impala follow up.
  10. Mar 7, 2012
    The communal, freewheeling looseness is one of the album's greatest assets, as you feel as if you were a party to the making of the record in Eagle Bay, too.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Nov 18, 2016
    The best psych rock album I know of. It's charmingly lo-fi, wonderfully trippy, and constantly changing direction; one moment your head willThe best psych rock album I know of. It's charmingly lo-fi, wonderfully trippy, and constantly changing direction; one moment your head will be swirling in the moody psychedelia of Sorry I Was Under the Sky, the next you'll be bopping your head to the smooth funk of Moth Wings; later, tapping your feet along with Leisure Pony's rapid riffs.
    Although its unpredictable nature led me to question it on my first listen, it has since become my favorite album and one of the most rewarding musical experiences I've undergone to date.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 30, 2012
    If you are not experimental music fans - most of the material on album you'll just pass by. In another case, on "Beard, Wives, Denim" youIf you are not experimental music fans - most of the material on album you'll just pass by. In another case, on "Beard, Wives, Denim" you will find the best alternative rock format. Fancy-catchy melodies, guitar solos that are holding fashion - nay, even psychedelic vocal resonance is included in the budget of "carefree" form. Full Review »
  3. Jul 19, 2013
    Some songs on here are leaps and bounds better than what you will find on Innerspeaker. However, this album fails to hold up with consistency.Some songs on here are leaps and bounds better than what you will find on Innerspeaker. However, this album fails to hold up with consistency. Some songs drag on far too long, and others are just shoddy. Full Review »