
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jan 19, 2021
    It's not every day when a band makes a second album that's more thrilling than their debut, but Pom Poko aren't an everyday band. Their tricks are always in service of their songs on Cheater, and their excitement about the possibilities of their music is utterly contagious.
  2. Jan 21, 2021
    Cheater finds Pom Poko stretching and redefining their own unique blend of mangled aesthetics and creating a ruptured post-punk-pop world that’ll leave you staggered and anxious for just one more song.
  3. 80
    ‘Cheater’ is one hell of a trip with a rare band who are singularly themselves. No-one else could do what Pom Poko do.
  4. Jan 27, 2021
    Cheater is concise, well-paced, and thought-through. Its chaos is held together precariously, a ride that feels at once dangerous and secure. Though you know exactly what to expect, you keep getting back in the line.
  5. Jan 19, 2021
    On their first album, Birthday (2019), Pom Poko delighted in confounding expectations and taking their brazen sounds to giddy extremes. With Cheater, the band are essentially repeating the process with even more confidence.
  6. Jan 19, 2021
    Said new album Cheater is pretty great. It dishes out a familiar set of thrills, doubling down on many of Birthday’s strengths.
  7. 70
    If you like your music ordered and predictable, then Cheater probably isn’t for you. But if you’re the kind of person who embraces chaos and doesn’t care if the can of fizzy drink has been shaken up before you open it because the resulting sticky mess is just as sweet, then you’ll love this album.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Oct 5, 2021
    I find this album a beautiful mix between beautiful vocals, and cool guitar riffs. The songs are chaotic but still really well made and structured.
  2. Feb 26, 2021
    WOW, what an album! I was really surprised by this one, keep coming back to it again and again. Favorite tracks: Cheater, Like a Lady, My Candidacy
  3. Jan 23, 2021
    "A Nice Album To Dancing Around Your Room"

    A catchy girly pop hardcore rock album, in a bittersweet mixture of tender and harsh melodies,
    "A Nice Album To Dancing Around Your Room"

    A catchy girly pop hardcore rock album, in a bittersweet mixture of tender and harsh melodies, distorted guitars and sweet vocals, bringing a fun and likable sound to enjoy yourself company.
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