
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. May 9, 2012
    For all its questing, though, the album's--and the band's--heart and soul are the simple arrangements which, layered upon one another like a stack of firewood, often signify something greater than their sum.
  2. Apr 26, 2012
    Horse Feathers are quick to set a mood and diligent in sustaining it, but it's pretty much the same mood they've struck on all their albums.
  3. Apr 25, 2012
    It's not to say it's on the level of Fleet Foxes' Helplessness Blues, but it's pretty damn close.
  4. Apr 19, 2012
    Even if you don't delve deeply enough into these tracks to unearth all the layers of psychological discomfiture lurking beneath the softly inviting surface, there's more than enough to be gained simply by absorbing the artful unfolding of the tunes at face value.
  5. Apr 18, 2012
    Lighthearted melodies and delicate instrumentations mask Cynic's New Year's darker lyrics, adding a layer of complexity that requires multiple listens.
  6. Apr 18, 2012
    Above all, Cynic's New Year sounds incredible; its production quality alone is worth several listens.
  7. Apr 18, 2012
    Cynic's New Year is a starkly gorgeous album dripping with stringed instrumentation-whether that be the plucking of banjos and acoustic guitars or swooping cellos and violins-augmented by the odd plinky piano part, one that will leave the listen feeling utterly winded for all of its ragged glory.HO
  8. Apr 18, 2012
    The primary drawback here is that even though the album does occasionally ascend to great heights, it spends at least the same amount of time strolling through monotonous buildups that never really reach their destinations.

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