
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Jul 22, 2022
    Rushing through in a cloud of distortion and broken snares is fine, but a little subtlety goes a long way to making a band stick around longer. Beach Bunny and Lili Trifilio seem built for the long run and it will be fascinating to listen to them grow.
  2. Jul 22, 2022
    Emotional Creature makes it clear Trifilio has a gift that’s not going anywhere. Keep an eye out for Beach Bunny on a phone near you.
  3. Jul 22, 2022
    Throughout the record there are subtle hints of growth—both personal and musical—but they’re often dragged down by the redundancy of her thematic concerns.
  4. Jul 22, 2022
    It’s empowering to see Trifilio own the full spectrum of her emotions, and it’s what cements Beach Bunny’s latest record as a masterclass in confessional rock and roll.
  5. Jul 22, 2022
    Emotional Creature provides enough to keep the group’s longtime fans happy, while also extending some tendrils to explore potential future evolutions. In short, it’s one of those transition albums whose legacy will heavily depend on reception to Beach Bunny’s future output. Growing up is hard, but for now, Emotional Creature serves a solid portrait of a band in motion.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jul 22, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. ‘Emotional Creature’ displays a clear personal and artistic growth from Trifilio. The album provides a plethora of heartfelt songs with lyrics that include clear meaning whilst still including a sense of relatability for the band’s audience. Compared to the previous album ‘Honeymoon’, ‘Emotional Creature’ provides a clear consistency throughout the album. Whilst songs on ‘Honeymoon’ felt grouped together, the sophomore album provides a clear continuation from track to track. This is clearly displayed with tracks like ‘Love Song’. The outro track and the album’s last few minutes showcase a clear callback to past tracks on the album with “runnin’ away through the rain makes your socks wet” being a returning lyric from the introductory track of the album ‘Entropy’, “it all comes out eventually” clearly referencing ‘Eventually’ and the call back to ‘Fire Escape’ with the guitar’s riff from that track being also used in ‘Love Song’ ‘Emotional Creature’ is a sci-fi inspired album with the band’s first usage of Synthesisers in their music further displaying the artistic growth made with this project. Full Review »
  2. Nov 30, 2022
    Whole album is a damn fun ride. Is a bold and self-assured record that crystallizes the optimism and angst of youth in its 12 concise tracks.
  3. Sep 20, 2022
    The Paramore/Best Coast-lite sound and lyrical content of "Emotional Creature" may be enough to satisfy the most undemanding indie rock/popThe Paramore/Best Coast-lite sound and lyrical content of "Emotional Creature" may be enough to satisfy the most undemanding indie rock/pop punk fans, but the ultra-derivative nature of Beach Bunny's latest effort is only further underscored by washed-out, heavily sanitized production that robs many tracks of the power and emotion they could otherwise possess and leaves the record in a constant search for an identity as well as a soul.

    Choice Cuts: "Entropy," "Deadweight," "Karaoke"
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