• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Feb 9, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Phantogram have put forth a collection of heady and stimulating songs primed for in-the-dark listening.
  2. Eyelid Movies is a nostalgia trip at heart, but it isn’t a lifeless pastiche by any means. The amount of care the duo gives to the arrangements, the subtle and successful blending of influences, and above all, the high quality of the songs and performances, mean that the record is a success on its own terms.
  3. Alternative Press
    Alongside Barthel's sweet kiss-off in "Mouthful Of Diamonds," Carter's tortured lead vocals on "You Are The Ocean" keep the rest of Eyelid Movies brimming with palpable sexual tension until the closing credits. There had better be a sequel. [Mar 2010, p.95]
  4. Ultimately, Eyelid Movies is more a scene-setter than a full-fledged album, but it's an interesting update on a sound, from upstate no less.
  5. A refreshing, unusual and diverting first record from two new talents, then, and one to recommend for jaded electro and indie fans who felt the New York scene had gone as far as it could with art-skronk.
  6. In practice and in total, Eyelid Movies isn’t a contrarian or particularly abrasive debut—it’s entirely likable, paced well and efficiently, dishing out a little something for everybody but never seemingly exhausted by this task.
  7. The best bits of Eyelid Movies show range and attention to detail, so it's hard to care when they downshift into waves of serpentine sound. Eyelid Movies is a sumptuous, seductive record, easy to let fall into the background, sure, but easier still to fall into.
  8. Eyelid Movies does what good albums ought to do: it fabricates a little musical universe, complete with its own weather (cold fog, blistering sun), settings (seedy clubs in the San Fernando Valley, the backseats of black cars), and moods (paranoia, sexual ecstasy, hungover ennui).
  9. The skills Barthel and Carter possess at creating this kind of sound with just a keyboard and guitar, as well as the two bandmate's longtime personal chemistry, points to a promising future. Professionally, however, Eyelid Moves is something of a stumble out of the gate.
  10. From the hip-hop loops and grungy, Dust Brothers-style synths of "Running from the Cops," to the new wave balladry of "All Dried Up," and the trip-hop cool of "You Are the Ocean," these are kinds of left-of-center pop tunes that, in the mid-'90s, could have sneaked their way onto Top 40 and modern-rock playlists (which were basically the same thing back then).
  11. 80
    Often gorgeous and never soothing, the damaged pop on Phantogram's mesmerizing debut is pure nightmare fuel.
  12. Eyelid Movies ultimately has more atmosphere than songs, but for a band goin’ down the road to see Beth Gibbons, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
  13. It should be noted that Eyelid Movies owes a great deal to Portishead's entire catalogue in terms of song structure, phrasing, and instrumentation. This might rub some folks the wrong way, but this album still manages a unique, cohesive sound that definitely merits investigation.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 35
  2. Negative: 1 out of 35
  1. Oct 19, 2016
    Phantogram’s Sarah Barthel and Josh Carter’s debut album “Eyelid Movies” instills powerful ideas through both relaxed and upbeat songs, softPhantogram’s Sarah Barthel and Josh Carter’s debut album “Eyelid Movies” instills powerful ideas through both relaxed and upbeat songs, soft vocals, and powerful lyrics. The sharp instrumentals and unwavering energy give the album it’s edge. Filled with electronic vibes and a trip-hop beat, the album is filled with skilled style and technique, sure to send you on journey.
    As you travel through the album, a hopeless story of lost love is revealed through song. The lyrics are calm yet slightly disturbing as they reference death and drugs multiple times as a use to demonstrate what heartbreak feels like. Upbeat instrumentals and melodies hide the dark tones. This gives the impression that the person experiencing these hard times is almost laughing at what has happened. Very few songs have a slow, somber sound, but the few that do bring you back to a broken world instead of wandering through a world with no cares.
    The lyrics are up to interpretation and upon analysis can take a much deeper meaning. A line in “Mouthful of Diamonds” reads, “The devils won’t take you back out to the salty seas.” This can be interpreted back to the saying, “Between the devil and the deep blue seas,” which is an idiom for having to choose between two loathsome options. Lines like this are found all throughout the album, so a deep thinker and listener would thrive on “Eyelid Movies.”
    Sarah and Josh go way back together. Both from New York, they were best friends growing up and have been making music together since middle school. In 2011 they signed with Barsuk Records. With all that time spent working on their style, technique, and skill, it’s easy to understand how Phantogram’s first album could be so strong. Their ideas and instrumentals flowed well together and you can get a good sense of the sound they are looking for.
    Sarah Barthel’s airy and sensitive vocals fit the style perfectly. She can make a song sound vulnerable or strong by making slight changes in her singing style and she’s an overall amazing singer. Josh Carter’s voice is featured throughout the album on background vocals with the occasional song with him on lead. He has more earthy vocals but can hit impressive notes. Both singers have great strengths and blend well together, really pulling everything together.
    “Eyelid Movies” is a strong album with great style. Strong ideas and sounds make this album fun and easy to listen to, while dark lyrics send deep meanings through the music. My journey through this album is a trip I would like to take again, and I encourage others to same.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 11, 2012
    bloody and brilliant! No couldn't just say that. Sonic music really; electrical madness and such, and Battles and Baths and Fruit Bats andbloody and brilliant! No couldn't just say that. Sonic music really; electrical madness and such, and Battles and Baths and Fruit Bats and Neon Indian and Cults and completely none of that in all! Full Review »
  3. Feb 18, 2012
    Eyelid Movies is definitely an intricate, interesting album. No doubting that. But it's also a bit of a mess. Too much is happening in thisEyelid Movies is definitely an intricate, interesting album. No doubting that. But it's also a bit of a mess. Too much is happening in this album that doesn't quite sound so good sometimes. The vocals are wonderful but the lyrics are clumsy at times. Some tracks are out of place. Some tracks stand out for me though. All In All, Eyelid Movies have a handful of great tracks and some tracks are unnecessary. C+ Full Review »