• Record Label: Bighit
  • Release Date: Mar 24, 2023
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Universal acclaim- based on 1141 Ratings

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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es el mejor álbum de todos, nos muestra un lado jamás visto de Jimin, a la vez que nos podemos conectar con los sentimientos que quiso transmitir a través de la música. Sin duda uno de los mejores álbumes que he escuchado Expand
  2. Apr 17, 2023
    This is an amazing album. Jimin did a great job and in each song you can feel as if it also my story, it is an album with Jimin's personal feelings but it fills all the senses and each song is enjoyed from beginning to end. It's a masterpiece!
  3. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has a different face for each song. However, the album as a whole is a cohesive piece of work, with a beginning, middle, and end, just like a movie. While expressing very personal emotions, the public is also easily emotionally involved.
    The variety of melodies and vocals make for a great listening experience. The only drawback is the small number of songs.
  4. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jimin's FACE album gets better the more I listen to it. All the tracks on the album contain one huge narrative, so I think I'm interacting with Jimin throughout the listening. Jimin, I love you for filling up the FACE album with your heavenly voice. Expand
  5. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Face es un álbum muy sincero con el que muchos nos podemos identificar ya que nos muestra diferentes etapas de la vida por la que cualquiera de nosotros hemos pasado, momentos difíciles y como al final los superamos y continuamos Expand
  6. Apr 17, 2023
    Face representa los sentimientos que aveces mantenemos ocultos, por lo tanto es un excelente álbum
  7. Apr 17, 2023
    set me free pt2 is amazing with the autotune, the lyrics on point, actually FACE issa chefkiss tbh
  8. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Everything is good fot the album. Im always listening all the song, and congrats for #1 BB hot 100 Expand
  9. Apr 17, 2023
    Face es un álbum maravilloso con melodías increíbles que te hacen bailarla y escucharla todos los días. Una de mis favoritas sin duda alguna
  10. Apr 17, 2023
    I love the album. Jimin’s voice is so unique. You should see the MV too. No one else sing and dance like him.
  11. Apr 17, 2023
    The best album I've ever heard. All the songs are in my taste I like absolutely all the songs. Jimin's voice/vocal is gorgeous.
  12. Apr 17, 2023
    This album shows that Jimin can't be encapsulated in the k-pop genre, it shows he has grown musically and delivered an album enjoyable from start to finish. Face-Off should've been a single because it's the best track in the album besides Set Me Free Pt. 2, I wish the album was longer than 20 minutes, let's hope his next album is longer and as good as this debut.
  13. Apr 17, 2023
    The expectations were high, but Jimin delivered. This album encapsulates a period of time with great artistry, and I love how the plot goes through different moods and time stamps. Remarkably, Set Me Free pt.2 is a pinnacle of the album, yet it was released first as a strong statement, and I respect Jimin for saying it all out loud. With Like Crazy, there's this strange thing: the more youThe expectations were high, but Jimin delivered. This album encapsulates a period of time with great artistry, and I love how the plot goes through different moods and time stamps. Remarkably, Set Me Free pt.2 is a pinnacle of the album, yet it was released first as a strong statement, and I respect Jimin for saying it all out loud. With Like Crazy, there's this strange thing: the more you listen to it, the more addictive it becomes. 10/10 for a debut album! Expand
  14. Apr 17, 2023
    I really love this álbum a lot, i'ts so beautiful, i love jimins work. This álbum is a piece of art.
  15. Apr 17, 2023
    I really like the album. It has a story to go through and I can chime with the feeling of the album. I cried and laughed and cried again. It has all the feelings and I really really felt so connected with the music. The music in the album just came into my body.
  16. Apr 17, 2023
    Jimin is a pure artist and FACE reveal us a new side of his artistic skills!! FACE is everything we need this year, is the best album of the year!!
  17. Apr 17, 2023
    Jimin es tan increíble y su música tan buena para escuchar
    Sin duda son los mejores
  18. Apr 17, 2023
    This is definitely my favourite EP this year so far. Each song has a different sound to it, from ballad to rap, to 80’s up beat sound with a modern elements and more. It’s quite an artistic way to mix the songs that somehow blend together and flow one after another perfectly. Jimin’s vocals and harmonies are just amazing, so distinctive. The lyrics are deep, raw and full of emotions,This is definitely my favourite EP this year so far. Each song has a different sound to it, from ballad to rap, to 80’s up beat sound with a modern elements and more. It’s quite an artistic way to mix the songs that somehow blend together and flow one after another perfectly. Jimin’s vocals and harmonies are just amazing, so distinctive. The lyrics are deep, raw and full of emotions, sincerity! Love it all. Great, very refreshing and innovative! Thanks Expand
  19. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Im new to Jimin's sound so the reason I got to listen to the whole album is because of too many people from different fandoms in kpop hating him and posting hate comments online. I give it a listen to see if what they are saying is true but the 5 tracks are all good to me never skip any. Even the Interlude. Like crazy is a synth pop vibe and its suit Jimin's voice so much. Love face off as well its like different feel but jimin's is so versatile of different style. I dont understand the hate though. I wish for Jimin to soar high more and thanks to the haters I got to know Jimin's and bts works and their music more. Bravo!!! Expand
  20. Apr 17, 2023
    Jimin's first solo album FACE was the most anticipated album for me, i expect high quality songs and that's exactly what i got and even more so. It is such a pleasure to be able to listen to jimin's creativity and storytelling. The lyricism that tells a personal story that does resonate with me a lot. He exceeded my expectations and dropped a jaw dropping grand album. 10/10.
  21. Apr 17, 2023
    Face the best album, Jimin broke and made endless records at the same time his title song Like Crazy ranked #1 on billboard hot 100, He is the first Korean solo to reach #1 on Spotify's Global 50 and many more records. es such a positive album shows us a choreography in set me free that shows a lot of power in the steps so synchronized this album came to revive the industry Jimin always soFace the best album, Jimin broke and made endless records at the same time his title song Like Crazy ranked #1 on billboard hot 100, He is the first Korean solo to reach #1 on Spotify's Global 50 and many more records. es such a positive album shows us a choreography in set me free that shows a lot of power in the steps so synchronized this album came to revive the industry Jimin always so talented Expand
  22. Apr 17, 2023
    A great album, from start to finish, every song is great. Set me free pt 2 my anthem
  23. Apr 17, 2023
    Jimin's first solo album is finally out! It's just wonderful! Amazing lyrics and music. Face album of the year. I'm so proud of you Jimin!
  24. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Thissss is so very good album!!!!! I really love it. This is so amazing. A masterpiece!!! Deserve a Grammy award!!! Album of the year Expand
  25. Apr 17, 2023
    In this album Jimin shows a face that nobody knew, songs that make you feel identified. nice sounds and lyrics in each song.
  26. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Face de Jimin es todo lo que está bien, su voz es magnífica, su voz es tan angelical que incluso hace que disfrutes su música a un nivel que WUAO! Expand
  27. Apr 17, 2023
    This EP is a journey through the emotions and thoughts Jimin felt during the pandemic. The production, themes, vocals and visuals are addictive and it is well worth a listen.
  28. Apr 17, 2023
    Face es un álbum hermoso, además de contener una gran variedad de canciones, el poder escucharlo hace que tu estado de ánimo y tu día mejoren, Jimin se esforzó demasiado en la preparación de este álbum y el resultado fue magnífico, uno de los mejores álbumes del año.
  29. Apr 17, 2023
    EL MEJOR ÁLBUM QUE HE ESCUCHADO, cómo poco a poco se va perdiendo a sí mismo en las letras pero después se reencuentra, la cronología del álbum es simplemente wow, te vuela la cabeza lo que un chico puede hacer, me ha gustado demasiado y ni se diga de la canción oculta.
  30. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Face álbum que nos enseñó la otra cara de jm cómo artista, es una obra que merece el reconocimiento que tiene. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 5
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 5
  3. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Apr 13, 2023
    While it’s a short EP, it doesn’t disappoint. If anything, he presents himself as a soloist with an unexpected sound for his high-pitched countertenor voice and very far from those earlier ballads we have heard from him.
  2. Apr 12, 2023
    Balancing both his vulnerable and fiercely intense sides, he manages to reveal more of himself in 20 minutes than he has to date.
  3. Apr 12, 2023
    Its six tracks wrap all too quickly, and while it was specified that Jimin doesn’t consider this a full-length project, it does leave the listener craving more music in this vein somewhere down the road — it’s worth repeating that the energy of “Face-off” is one that he should consider chasing most of all.