
Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Mar 17, 2022
    Although occasionally straying a bit too close to generic Afro-rock, the group still manage to keep it all on the right side of the classic sungura sound before mixing it up a bit on the final track.
  2. The Wire
    Mar 17, 2022
    The music is sungura, an upbeat modern pop relative of chimurenga, but the Gonora Sounds take on the style is somewhat more rugged that most. Isaac’s drumming is a downpour of rolls and patters, while his father’s guitar drips cascades of fireflies. [Feb 2022, p.60]
  3. Mar 17, 2022
    There’s a little bit of fire and brimstone to the songs Daniel Gonora sings on Hard Times Never Kill, but it’s clear from his sincere delivery and the love with which his band comes together that what he wants is for his people to be safe and well.

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