
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Sep 8, 2014
    Twenty-six albums in, Loudon Wainwright's signature is etched even more deeply into the American songsmith grain on Haven't Got the Blues (Yet).
  2. 70
    Ultimately it’s another pretty great Loudon Wainwright lll release, not significantly different from its many predecessors, which will no doubt come as a relief to those cult fans who have followed his career for the past 45 years.
  3. Oct 8, 2014
    An impressively ambitious feat no doubt, but this album would probably be better served with a little more restraint.
  4. 80
    At this stage in his career, Loudon Wainwright III could forgivably have lost some of his mojo, but on the life-affirming evidence of Haven’t Got The Blues (Yet), there’s still plenty of great songwriting left in the tank.
  5. Aug 12, 2014
    The resulting poignancy of his honest songwriting is an amazing accomplishment.
  6. Mojo
    Aug 12, 2014
    With musical modes brilliantly elevated by his occasional producer David Mansfield, Wainwright nails the exigencies of old age through the medium of rockabilly, the quest for parking spaces in Manhattan via cabaret klezmer, and the gloating joys of i-ding a faithless girlfriend dead in a deep freeze with cheery Vaudeville sing0along. [Aug 2014, p.90]
  7. Aug 21, 2014
    Like all of Wainwright’s music, Haven’t Got the Blues (Yet) will divide opinion, depending on whether the listener enjoys his style; but whether the listener agrees with him or not, they cannot surely be unaffected by his rich outpouring of love, amusement, scorn, wit, and above all, spirit.
  8. Sep 9, 2014
    For the rest of the world, the album is just another notch in the man’s long discography that you can cherry-pick some favorite moments from and compost the rest.
  9. Sep 10, 2014
    This disc shows he’s still at the top of his game.
  10. Sep 8, 2014
    Haven’t Got The Blues (Yet) is best taken in small, doctor-recommended doses so as to avoid any adverse side effects brought on by the broader, more observational-minded humor on display here.
  11. Q Magazine
    Aug 28, 2014
    With almost every line a zinger, Wainwright's cocktail of satire and over-sharing remains potent. [Sep 2014, p.117]
  12. Aug 12, 2014
    [I’ll Be Killing You This Christmas is] a rare misstep that might return to haunt him, and detract from the less raw protests on another solid album of satirical sideswipes.
  13. Sep 9, 2014
    Loudon Wainwright III's latest album is a long joke, full of wry commentary on weighty topics like mortality and lonesomeness.
  14. Uncut
    Aug 12, 2014
    The whole thing feels like a dusky gambol through America's musical past. [Sep 2014, p.81]

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