
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. The production throughout is more soulful and seamless than on previous efforts.
  2. Unfortunately, the ratio of thoughtful zeal to clunky screed this time around is decidedly not in his favor.
  3. 70
    If it sounds about as much fun as, say, watching CNBC, rest assured, dude's got a tighter flow than Larry Kudlow.
  4. Lif trades in narrative for an erratic set of points that pull from the panoply of rap ire while staking out little new ground.
  5. Alternative Press
    The end result is an album that doesn't pull its punches, a direct message to the people with enough rhythm to get some movement out of stiff limbs while we dance away the recession blues. [May 2009, p.123]
  6. I Heard it Today makes me a less reluctant Lif fan since I've come to terms with his vocal style, but I still yearn for the collaborative efforts of Perceptionist days gone by which had incredible rhymes and incredible beats all at the same time.
  7. While 'Gun Fight,' the title-track, and 'What About Us?' come close, nothing on I Heard It Today packs that extra punch. And yet, even with those problems, this record is still one of Lif’s most concise and well-rounded efforts.
  8. Under The Radar
    With its unsettling synthesizers and ghostly echoes, these crafty beats capture America's shattereed psyche far more gracefully than Lif's hyperbolic diatribes. [Spring 2009, p.77]
  9. It is totally listenable and, to relay a personal anecdote, sounded highly appropriate at a recent social gathering.
  10. Q Magazine
    This follow-up boasts some vibrant garage funk reminiscent of fellow Bostonian, and sometime collaborator, Edan. [Jul 2009, p.122]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. RhysR
    Apr 27, 2009
    5.3??? That's a little too low for a great effort by Lif. A majority of the tracks are good, and who ever is rating his album probably 5.3??? That's a little too low for a great effort by Lif. A majority of the tracks are good, and who ever is rating his album probably does not have a good ear for quality Hip-Hop. May be a little too political for some, but I would rather little to some meaningful lyrics than some garbage rap club music. What Lif states on his album is significant to today's economic climate, and more albums should be made that actually speak about something, rather than making music to fit everyone's comfort level. Lif is one of the few great Emcees we have left, where everyone is selling out to concentrate on film. This album should be reviewed by another person at Pitchfork who actual knows what he or she is talking about. Full Review »