
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Feb 20, 2015
    Their songs of family, love, lust, and spirit pair perfectly entwined and complementary voices.
  2. Feb 24, 2015
    A hypnotic collision of cultures and influences, of tradition and innovation.
  3. Feb 13, 2015
    This is, it's apparent, an album of ideas and feelings that were dying to come out, and Lisa-Kaindé and Naomi have expressed them with beauty and technical expertise beyond their 20 years.
  4. Feb 20, 2015
    Ibeyi is executed expertly and encapsulates entirely its artists’ public narrative and ambitious musical inclinations up to this point. For now, that’s a blessing and all we know enough to ask for.
  5. Feb 13, 2015
    Iit feels like there’s so much more music and ideas for them to explore, so many other potential directions for them to head in. For now however, this remarkably mature and accomplished album will do just fine.
  6. 80
    Tracks like 'Oya', 'Think Of You' and 'River' have a sparse, ghostly quality reminiscent of early Regina Spektor or Björk. Innovative and comforting.
  7. Mar 23, 2015
    With such masterful creativity and an ability to connect with listeners emotionally, no matter what language they are singing in, Ibeyi may have already released the debut album of the year.
  8. Feb 23, 2015
    Some of the rougher edges and raw(er) emotion that got the twins noticed in the first place get ironed out a bit. And one side effect is that a few of the album's final tracks sound somewhat similar in tonality, tempo, and their vibe. But Ibeyi still find subtle ways to create shape.
  9. Q Magazine
    Feb 12, 2015
    Pitched somewhere between James Blake and Erykah Badu, it's a subtly delightful album. [Mar 2015, p.109]
  10. 80
    Ibeyi is an ambitious debut record from the twosome, and one that deserves to be heard by as many people as possible.
  11. Uncut
    Feb 27, 2015
    The brilliant "Oya" places the sisters' voices front and centre, swinging from Bjork-like vocal gymnastics into a Yoruban spiritual. Elsewhere, Russell winds the pair's cajon and Bata beats into wonky boom-clap rhythms that smartly complement the romantic "ghosts" or "Think Of You." [Apr 2015, p.77]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 43
  2. Negative: 1 out of 43
  1. Feb 19, 2015
    What should I say about the debut album of the twins Díaz? It is simply one of the best things I heard in 2015! One of the best debut, justWhat should I say about the debut album of the twins Díaz? It is simply one of the best things I heard in 2015! One of the best debut, just it.

    The authenticity of these is impeccable and it's frightening because it's so detailed and magnificent. Coming with a Jazz and Folk mixing culture with musical knowledge and extremely personal feelings, it just makes the album more intense, deep and heavenly. The Soprano voice of Lisa-Kaindé do the background looks like an angel, while Naomi keep your voice Mezzo-Soprano in front, showing the pain with melodramatic feelings.

    About the songs: "Mama Says" and "Faifhful" is the most deep to tell a little about how the mother of the twins felt after the loss of their father, the percussionist Miguel Díaz. This is totally hard to do, especially for a family ... We can see clearly the difficulty that the three passed and still passing with the loss of a family member. "Oya", "River" and "Weatherman" bring a more electro-experimental tone, leaving the album on a high with what is contemporary, while "Stranger / Lover" and "Yanira" show the roots of Cuba that girls have.

    At last, this album is amazing and it's almost impossible not to appreciate the comprehensive content, the talent and the personal theme that Ibayi acquired as a legacy of his father.
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  2. Oct 29, 2015
    This album is so much fun. I love how they play with sound, wheather that be cultural sound or playing with genres to create the sound ofThis album is so much fun. I love how they play with sound, wheather that be cultural sound or playing with genres to create the sound of Ibeyi. So different, so strange, so great. Full Review »
  3. Mar 1, 2015
    If Asa’s music made love to Nneka's music and had a dark baby, this album is what you get, the Ibeyi album by Ibeyi is a good debut effortIf Asa’s music made love to Nneka's music and had a dark baby, this album is what you get, the Ibeyi album by Ibeyi is a good debut effort

    4.2/ 5 Wraps. Check out for more reviews
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