
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Mar 8, 2018
    I'm Bad Now may be billed as a closing chapter in their first act, but Nap Eyes give the feeling that their narrative will continue on indefinitely.
  2. Mar 8, 2018
    I'm Bad Now delivers throughout its 11, mostly restrained pieces in a way that highlights Chapman's exquisite prowess for astute observational prose.
  3. Mar 14, 2018
    Yet as disjointed as Nap Eyes’ free-associations can be, they capture a vivid part of life, the drifting area where you’ve acquired adult freedoms but adult focus still dangles out of reach.
  4. Mar 6, 2018
    Moving forward from that meandering pace [on 2016's Thought Rock Fish Scale], I'm Bad Now finds Nap Eyes picking up their feet a bit, without sacrificing the subtle psychedelia that makes their songs so enticing.
  5. Mar 8, 2018
    I’m Bad Now is another reliable slab from Nap Eyes, with stronger melodies and more consistency across the board.
  6. Mar 12, 2018
    I’m Bad Now is a more forthright, steady-going listen than Thought Rock Fish Scale, and, on first pass, it seems a touch less enchanting than that record’s nocturnal reveries. The new album shows Nap Eyes can certainly excel at tight, snappy power-pop (check the incisive opener “Every Time the Feeling”). But there are also all-too-brief flashes of viscerality that you wish the band had explored further.
  7. 90
    Whether it’s cheering the night off with friends and family or spent in reflective solitude, I’m Bad Now is something you want to experience and get lost in, and if you don’t come back for a while, it’ll be just fine.
  8. Uncut
    Mar 6, 2018
    I'm Bad Now feels as much a modest masterpiece as Spring Hill Fair or Tigermilk. [Apr 2018, p.32]
  9. Mar 12, 2018
    Personal taste will determine whether that's a good or bad thing. As, production aside, Chapman's still coming at modern dissatisfaction, alienation, and general self-loathing from a familiar and oddly reassuring place.

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