by RM
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  1. Apr 17, 2023
    Este album es una Joya, la cual posee una profundidad en su letra , sus ritmos son tan reconfortantes y diversos, es un regalo para los oidos y un abrazo para el corazón.
  2. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo es un gran álbum, sus letras y sus vídeos son muy buenos, son ARTE, sus canciones transmiten paz y tranquilidad y sus vídeos son inspiradores ya q quiere dar un mensaje a través de la letra, su autor es una gran persona, gran compositor, gran artista y su talento nos demuestra una vez más lo q puede mostrar , en este caso con Índigo un gran álbum AMO este album Expand
  3. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo es un álbum donde el artista transmite sus sentimientos y pensar, es como el arte que no puedes dejar de apreciar, puedes escucharlo en cualquier momento de tu vida cotidiana. Expand
  4. Apr 16, 2023
    indigo is a great album so complete and transmits excellent energy with each melody Namjoon really shined
  5. Apr 16, 2023
    The album is very good, the lyrics are very profound, and RM is really good. This album sometimes melodious, sometimes slow, sometimes bright people so fall in love, dream realm, harmonious tunes, after listening to feel drunk in. That sounds great!
  6. Apr 16, 2023
    Such a diverse album! It shows the different sides of RM through the genres in the album. Also, all the featuring artist is perfect and fits the song with their own style. The first track 'Yun' ft. Erykah Badu is my favorite
  7. Apr 16, 2023
    How to make every song that I really like?!The lyrics also bring me a lot of comfort. "Don't look at back"
  8. Apr 16, 2023
    When I first listened to this album, I knew that, this is a very great work, the main song wildflowers make my tears flow, I remember a lot of things, I was in the middle of the worst moment, this album has comforted my soul, let me know that there is a lot of beauty in this world. I love indigo, I love RM, he is a great magician, and has the magic to heal the world
  9. Apr 16, 2023
    The beat is amazing, it gives me peace and also fun. The lyrics itself makes me think about life. For example "Change Pt.2" reminds me nothing would remain the same, the person we know today could changes maybe in span of year, month or even a week, so it is boarden our perspective about something or someone and we could try to accept it and be cool with it, without giving a negative impression.
  10. Apr 16, 2023
    This album got everything that I needed. Personally, my favorite songs in the album is "lonely" and "change pt.2" because the lyrics are related for me. I always want to bop my head while also getting emotional, it's funny but I love multitasking so yes, I love those songs. And RM really writes masterpiece and a driving friendly music. He's a genius.
  11. Apr 16, 2023
    It's such a good album, you can listen to it all the time and you're never going to get tired of it!.
  12. Apr 16, 2023
    Each of the 10 songs in this album can be used as the main song of different genres.
    He has successfully demonstrated that he can handle different styles of music.
    This artist has taken another successful step towards his great artistic journey.
  13. Apr 16, 2023
    An absolute gem of an album! Timeless music. Can’t wait to discover the other stories he has to tell in his future albums!
  14. Apr 16, 2023
    I am not smart enough to know the right words to say how much your music has done for me. All I can say is thank you for making great music and I absolutely love the Indigo album. The songs in this album has different vibes that you can enjoy and at the same time it has a great meaning that can help you when you are having a bad day.
  15. Apr 16, 2023
    i love all songs in this album, especially 'all day' and 'closer'. The lyrics sounds like a peom when RM and other singers sing. All 10 songs are in blue just as RM said, but they really comfort me a lot.
  16. Apr 16, 2023
    i am so in love with this album. it is really hard to listen to one song without letting the whole ablum play through. seriously. sometimes i let it play multiple times lol. indigo was a more matured version of mono, i think. although i wish there were a bit more punchy raps in it, i think the music suites RM style just fine. i understand the lyricism and he expresses the same sentimentsi am so in love with this album. it is really hard to listen to one song without letting the whole ablum play through. seriously. sometimes i let it play multiple times lol. indigo was a more matured version of mono, i think. although i wish there were a bit more punchy raps in it, i think the music suites RM style just fine. i understand the lyricism and he expresses the same sentiments that most can feel. unlike what other people say, i enjoyed the collabs and did not feel like they, "carried him". wish he had more solo songs of just himself, but i think it was still a great album overall. all the songs are different but felt cohesive; especially when you sit and feel the music through the emotions and tones. my top 3 were yun, no.2, and change pt.2 for sure. i am very excited for his next works. amazing job leader, RM!! Expand
  17. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is a MASTERPIECE, Indigo heals my soul everytime I listen to it, Namjoon is such a GREAT ARTIST.
  18. Apr 17, 2023
    I really love this album - there's a wide mix of genres and some great artists featuring. This album is a lot of fun but I also find it very soothing. My favourite track is Hectic which was a follow up from his earlier Seoul. Other highlights for me are Closer and Yun. Amazing to see how RM has changed his vibe from the RM to Mono mixtapes to this album - wonderful maturity and clearly heI really love this album - there's a wide mix of genres and some great artists featuring. This album is a lot of fun but I also find it very soothing. My favourite track is Hectic which was a follow up from his earlier Seoul. Other highlights for me are Closer and Yun. Amazing to see how RM has changed his vibe from the RM to Mono mixtapes to this album - wonderful maturity and clearly he is well respected in the industry based on his album guests. Expand
  19. Apr 16, 2023
    Me encanto mucho todas las canciones, son realmente hermosas, cada una de ellas se complementan tan bien y creo que es uno de mis albumes favoritos, se merece el reconocimento
  20. Apr 16, 2023
    It really is a beautiful album, the lyrics and feeling that each song transmits is unique, the love and dedication that Kim Namjoon gives to his work is impeccable and wonderful
  21. Apr 16, 2023
    Desde inicio a fin es expectacular, la letra , sonido y composición todo , buen trabajo al artista.
  22. Apr 16, 2023
    This is one album that I can play over and over again. Love the music and the lyrics so much! Every song speaks to the heart and inspires the soul.
  23. Apr 16, 2023
    Great album, one of my favorites so far. The mix of sounds, voices and rhythms is unique. Every artist shines. The lyrics of the songs are beautiful and they convey every feeling behind them. Great job RM
  24. Apr 16, 2023
    The best album I've ever listened to. It's amazing how a young man can talk so deeply about life, my favourites songs are "No.2", "Closer", "Change pt.2" & "Wildflower". GREAT ALBUM, CONGRATULATIONS NAMJOON!
  25. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love this álbum so much is so amazing
    Amo las letras y lo que namjoonie quizo transmitir en el álbum es sin duda un álbum INCRIEBLE
  26. Apr 16, 2023
    this album is amazing, namjoon really made art, because it makes you reflect, makes you feel good and makes you feel supported and understood by someone
  27. Apr 16, 2023
    It's an amazing album, the songs, the lyrics, their meaning, everything is beautiful, it has a deep message. I love it, it's a work of art
  28. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un hermoso álbum con tantos ritmos y grandes letras, sin duda Namjoon capto toda la esencia de sus 20's en este álbum, merece ser escuchado por todo el mundo
  29. Apr 16, 2023
    Este álbum es una obra de arte, amo mucho la música de RM, están tranquilizante escucharlo cantar.
  30. Apr 16, 2023
    El álbum es genial, todo llevo una elaboración muy cuidadosa y lo que quiere expresar es realmente hermoso y hace que llegue al oyente. En mi opinión es un muy buen álbum, excelente.
  31. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is one of my favorite albums! It’s suitable for me to listen anytime and anywhere. You can experience RM’s true heart and state of mind at the end of his twenties.
  32. Apr 16, 2023
    To be honest, INDIGO still is my favourite pick compared with other released solo album of bts's members. The whole album is such a masterpiece and an artwork indeed. It is exactly invaluable. In the whole album, some of RM's inner world is almost completely shown to us. This album will only get more interesting and pointful as time goes on. Even though I listen to it under every differentTo be honest, INDIGO still is my favourite pick compared with other released solo album of bts's members. The whole album is such a masterpiece and an artwork indeed. It is exactly invaluable. In the whole album, some of RM's inner world is almost completely shown to us. This album will only get more interesting and pointful as time goes on. Even though I listen to it under every different periods or situations, it will only give me the same surprise and shock feelings, just like unwrapping the gifts. Expand
  33. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo es un álbum muy reconfortante, cada una de sus canciones te plasman un sentimiento que en algún momento de tu vida lo sentiste y hace que te identifíques con él. Índigo es como un lugar seguro cuando tienes un mal día, un abrazo reconfortante y son las palabras exactas que quieres escuchar y nadie te las dice. Realmente es muy curativo escuchar cada una de sus canciones, NamjoonIndigo es un álbum muy reconfortante, cada una de sus canciones te plasman un sentimiento que en algún momento de tu vida lo sentiste y hace que te identifíques con él. Índigo es como un lugar seguro cuando tienes un mal día, un abrazo reconfortante y son las palabras exactas que quieres escuchar y nadie te las dice. Realmente es muy curativo escuchar cada una de sus canciones, Namjoon siempre tendrá las palabras perfectas para los momentos adecuados, simplemente es perfecto Expand
  34. Apr 17, 2023
    Love this album, healing album, beautiful album, and hardwork, good job namjoon
  35. Apr 16, 2023
    RM is a very talented artist who can create very beautiful song lyrics with a very good choice of words in writing lyrics
  36. Apr 16, 2023
    WOW, realmente superó todas mis expectativas. RM es un artista tan puro y en este proyecto plasmó tanta pasión. Me convertí en fan después de escuchar.
  37. Apr 16, 2023
    Un álbum completo,con buena letra y excelente lírica.
    Nam puso todo su sentimiento en éste álbum y es por ello que sus fan podemos identificarnos con el artista atravez de sus letras
  38. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es el mejor álbum que haya escuchado, todas las canciones tienen una letra profunda, que te llega al alma, las melodías son únicas y las voces son todo un arte.
    Aunque no sean el género de tu gusto musical, sin duda si te das la oportunidad de escuchar este álbum, no quedarás DECEPCIONADO, el artista nos lleva a muchas etapas de nuestras vidas y nos reconforta con sus letras y melodías, sin duda el mejor álbum de año, comprándolo con las canciones populares que son huecas y full sexo, este álbum en realidad es poesía narrada por voces increíbles mezclada con melodías inigualables, ame mucho este álbum❤️
    Entendí lo que el artista quiso transmitir y lo acepto.
  39. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's amazing, every single song makes me want to dance, you can see the effort that was made to finish each of the songs it contains. Love it! Expand
  40. Apr 16, 2023
    Es uno de los mejores álbumes, es mágico y inspirador, cuenta una historia a través de cada letra; es como un parche para el alma.
  41. Apr 16, 2023
    Hermoso álbum, me encantan cada una de sus canciones... Son como una obra de arte de verdad es muy bueno.
  42. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo es uno de mis álbumes favoritos, con tan solo escuchar sus canciones te da una paz y una tranquilidad enorme, puedes escucharlo en cualquiermomentodel día. Lo recomiendo muchísimo...
  43. Apr 16, 2023
    I LOVE this album, I do find pretty impressive how someone can put in words different emotions the way each word can be felt, the meaning behind each sentence. I don't have enough words to express HOW MUCH I LIKE THIS ALBUM. No.2 is one of my favorites songs in this album.
  44. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. namjoon's spirit let's fight together, create more beautiful and meaningful songs for army life. once again enthusiasm!!!!!!!! Expand
  45. Apr 16, 2023
    El álbum es genial en todo sentido, sus canciones me hacen amar todo lo que con ellas describen, amor el arte, agradezco el que nos regalara RM tan maravilloso álbum.
  46. Apr 16, 2023
    It's a masterpiece. Whenever whatever your mood is I can find any song realte to your mood in this 10 track.
    And please listen to mono too
  47. Apr 16, 2023
    If u want a free therapy listen to Indigo, this time RM tried diff genre n collab with many amazing artists. He poured his hearts into it abt his late 20s, the love, the struggle feeling lovely n finally to not look back abt the past.
  48. Apr 16, 2023
    beautiful lyricism and fantastic production! this is one of my favorite albums of all time, perfect for a rainy day and resonates a lot with people in their 20's
  49. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is a beautiful album, the lyrics, stories, sound, RM definitely created a masterpiece
  50. Apr 16, 2023
    Excelente álbum, todas las canciones son increíbles!!
    Lo amo con locura, mucho antes de escucharlo sabía que sería una joyita.
  51. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un obra de arte, es un álbum sanador con canciones hermosas y de mucho significado, un álbum hermoso.
  52. Apr 16, 2023
    En lo personal es uno de mis álbum favorito, me encanta cada una de sus canciones que la integra.
  53. Apr 16, 2023
    El nuevo álbum de namjoon es realmente bueno tiene de todo para todos los gusto las letras las melodías las colaboraciones que tiene este álbum es digno de tener una buena puntuación,aparte que el escribió todas sus canciones y siempre está integrado en la producción de las minas ,es un verdadero artista que merece el reconocimiento que tiene, felicidades a namjoon por regalaron tremendaEl nuevo álbum de namjoon es realmente bueno tiene de todo para todos los gusto las letras las melodías las colaboraciones que tiene este álbum es digno de tener una buena puntuación,aparte que el escribió todas sus canciones y siempre está integrado en la producción de las minas ,es un verdadero artista que merece el reconocimiento que tiene, felicidades a namjoon por regalaron tremenda obra de arte. Expand
  54. Apr 16, 2023
    Él mejor álbum de todos, los diferentes géneros y sensaciones que muestra RM en su álbum da a mostrar una vez más que todas sus canciones están conectadas a él
  55. Apr 16, 2023
    Heartfelt and breathtakingly beautiful. A look into the mind and heart of a true poet.
  56. Apr 16, 2023
    I totally in love with this album....... Such a masterpiece. I love all the songs from this album but wildflower is my personal favorite
  57. Apr 16, 2023
    I am very happy with the album, it conveys many emotions, expresses many feelings in the songs, the same as the author, this is art.
  58. Apr 17, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. very good album, with quality Kim Namjoon tried very hard to innovate and give us a great album.
    thanks for Best album
  59. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo es la manera más impecable de representar los sentimientos que Namjoon experimento durante esa etapa
  60. Apr 16, 2023
    Índigo es un álbum muy bueno. Nam se la rifo y demostró ser un artista demasiado completo por sus vocales y rap, además, las letras de sus canciones contienen un significado profundo.
  61. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es uno de los mejores álbumes que escuché,se nota el amor y la dedicación que le puso a este álbum Expand
  62. Apr 16, 2023
    I love this album very much. RM is a very complete artist and it is reflected in this album. It contains genres, rhythms and even sounds that can be different from each other but that at the same time complement each other and tell a story. It transmits cry, joy, melancholy, pain, "hate" and overcoming. It is simply like seeing, feeling and listening to the growth of a person.
  63. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo is the best album of the year definitely! I love every feat of the album.
  64. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is so amazing, the sounds that have are tuneful and relaxed. I like the mix of genres and the artists that sing and rap are so talented ♡ Expand
  65. Apr 16, 2023
    Es una increíble obra de arte musical, cada canción refleja ese sentimiento que expresa en sus letras, la sinfonía es impresionante, realmente es un gran álbum, me gusta mucho.
  66. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Indigo is one of my favorites albums, every song has a beautiful meaning, and every song is beautiful, one of my favorites is wild flower, i thing that is for the meaning of the song, the fact that i feel identified with wild flower and I feel like I'm not alone, like I have someone or something that understand me and understand my pain, my sadness and this life, that's indigo for me... Expand
  67. Apr 16, 2023
    Amo este album. RM captura sus 20s en estos 10 éxitos. Me encanta la mezcla de ritmos, conocidos en hectic, stil life y experimentales como change pt2 hasta balada como No 2. Indigo es una obra de arte creado por un amante del arte
  68. Apr 16, 2023
    Agradezco tanto a Namjoon por haber creado este álbum, sin duda es uno de mis favoritos y estoy tan feliz con cada canción, este álbum es precioso y siento que conecta bastante conmigo, Namjoon es un increíble artista y no hay duda sobre eso.
  69. Apr 16, 2023
    this album is an introspective piece of work that portrays what it means to be an artist and a person in your 20's. the different genres and collaborations all throughout the album follow the ups and downs and different changes that rm went through during that period of time and that lead to shaping him into the person he is today. rm insists on the importance of being human first and whatthis album is an introspective piece of work that portrays what it means to be an artist and a person in your 20's. the different genres and collaborations all throughout the album follow the ups and downs and different changes that rm went through during that period of time and that lead to shaping him into the person he is today. rm insists on the importance of being human first and what that entails and ends the album on a hopeful note urging the listener to keep moving forward and not look back. from the lyrics to the production this is a well thought out well loved piece of work that reads like a diary of someone in their 20's. Expand
  70. Apr 16, 2023
    La calidad de la composición, mezcla, versatilidad dentro del rango, arreglos , el rap y las excelentes voces que unen todo este excelente complemento el cual es indigo, un álbum con piezas excelentes no solo auditivas si no llevan más allá como un texto amplio de literatura , análisis y reflexión. Arte en todo de principio a fin y visual.
  71. Apr 16, 2023
    Es un excelente álbum que llega al alma y mi corazón se siente lleno de amor y paz, me encanta este álbum
  72. Apr 16, 2023
    Amo el álbum, con toda sinceridad. Indigo muestra diferentes facetas de Kim Namjoon que no conocíamos. Nos comparte sus 20's y las emociones y pensamientos que lo acompañaron en esa etapa de su vida. Este álbum es simplemente una obra de arte musical, cada una de las canciones en el álbum, valen por completo la pena.
    La manera más la que Namjoon compone y expresa su sentir es como la de
    Amo el álbum, con toda sinceridad. Indigo muestra diferentes facetas de Kim Namjoon que no conocíamos. Nos comparte sus 20's y las emociones y pensamientos que lo acompañaron en esa etapa de su vida. Este álbum es simplemente una obra de arte musical, cada una de las canciones en el álbum, valen por completo la pena.
    La manera más la que Namjoon compone y expresa su sentir es como la de una poeta... ♡
  73. Apr 16, 2023
    Este álbum es asombroso, las letras son descubrimientos de uno mismo y la historia del artista a lo largo de los años.
  74. Apr 16, 2023
    One of the most wonderful albums I've ever listened to. It leaves your mind and soul at peace and makes you feel deeply understood. This album is just phenomenal in truly all aspects!
  75. Apr 16, 2023
    A masterpiece to say the least. Excellent lyricism and I loved the fact RM featured so many underrated and talented artists, you can tell they were chosen with care and it turned out prefectly.
  76. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo has a well deserved 10/10 because this album has been so well made. The emotions transmitted through the lyrics is amazing.
  77. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wow, índigo es un álbum impecable, es como un respiro de la música común que te ofrecen, me identifico con las canciones y tiene un concepto muy íntimo, y ni se diga del visual es una joya musical Expand
  78. Apr 16, 2023
    always incredible!! i’m so in love with this album omg so proud of you my love !!!
  79. Apr 16, 2023
    It is a masterpiece, the style, the lyrics, 10 different rhythms that sum up the 20s in such a rhythmic way together, make this album an impeccable work in the company of extremely talented artists who knew how to choose perfectly, the harmony within the diversity of this album is amazing.
    Namjoon really does a great job, this album is real music and this man was born to make great music.
  80. Apr 16, 2023
    Jamás, jamás, jamás voy a superarte Índigo. Este album sana mi alma, mi corazón, mi mente, absolutamente todo.
  81. Apr 16, 2023
    RM Hizo un trabajo espectacular con este album! Sus letras y sus grandes ideas y pendiente de cada detalle del album es una maravilla que puedes escucharlas en cualquier momento y llega directamente a tu alma
  82. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is perfect I love all the sounds but my favorites are Closer and Wildflower I know how hard Namjoon worked for this album and I'm very proud of him. Expand
  83. Apr 16, 2023
    I love it! , I love this album too much contains very deep and meaningful lyrics, some songs have a very good rhythm and others a quiet one, anyway it is incredible.
  84. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I loved the album, it feels so personal and how to describe the improvement of each person Expand
  85. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Is the best album in the world, KEEP STREAMING, i swear for God, the album is so good ♡ Expand
  86. Apr 16, 2023
    El mejor álbum con una historia impresionante, se sienten como un abrazo al corazón si tu vida ha sido algo turbulenta, realmente es genial
  87. Apr 16, 2023
    This album is absolutely incredible and exceeded my very high expectations. Namjoon opens up his soul and reaches out into the void, such vivid storytelling. He weaves this tightly woven album with such beautiful colors and textures, from his own brilliant lyrics to the dynamic voice textures of artists he respects and loves, RM made a timeless masterpiece.
  88. Apr 16, 2023
    Another no skip album! I love this so much! My favorite track of the album is Wildflower and Lonely!
  89. Apr 16, 2023
    It is the most beautiful work, a beautiful mixture of unexpected sounds, his voice is literally a consolation, a hug to the soul, a "you're not alone" from someone as admirable as him. He can put feelings into words and treat everything sweet but still serious, THE BEST ALBUM!!
  90. Apr 16, 2023
    indigo is my favorite album of the year. rm’s artsier and story is woven throughout the whole album, evidenced by his brilliant songwriting. it has a genre for everyone, and it’s my favorite 30 mins of my day when i listen through. i hope rm know how loved this album is.
  91. Apr 16, 2023
    This album is insane, such a masterpiece!! I really like how Namjoon always brings up a lot of deep or realistic stuff about life or his personal persona (feelings) to let their fans now about what is going on. Such a great artist who needs more recognition than some others. 10/10
  92. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a diary. It's passionate, honest, and poetic. There's a variety of genres that fit the subject matter but they flow seamlessly to the next track. The features are well thought out, he knew who would fit the style of each track but even the story is fresh, experimental, and an album to comfort and relate to. Expand
  93. Apr 17, 2023
    Indigo best album
    No. 2 is my favorite
    Wild flower is best
    Love love love love
    thank youuu
  94. Apr 16, 2023
    Indigo es un álbum muy relajante al momento de escucharlo cada que me siento mal, un safe place, amo cada verso de sus canciones, escuchar sus canciones es un canto de pájaros muy hermosos para mis oídos.
  95. Apr 16, 2023
  96. Apr 16, 2023
    It's my go to album when Im commuting to office. Giving me calm vibes especially if stuck in traffic.
  97. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. La vibra tan tranquila y acogedora de este álbum es increíble, se siente con un abrazo después de un día realmente duro.
    Nam lo hizo hermoso y jamás podré agradecerle lo suficiente por darnos tremenda obra de Arte musical.
    Namjoon. Me salvaste la vida, gracias.
  98. Apr 16, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Namjoon is really amazing Indigo is my favorite place for me and I love that Expand
  99. Apr 16, 2023
    Es increíble, RM es tan talentoso e inteligente que se ve reflejado en su trabajo, es gratificante escuchar cada una de sus canciones.
  100. Apr 16, 2023
    Índigo Best album i love It , it's so good and really really love, Namjoon you're the best!!

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 9, 2023
    Indigo is an eye-opening taste of what RM is truly capable of outside the bounds of the K-pop powerhouse.
  2. 100
    It’s too early to tell if the record will help the BTS leader achieve his goal of creating something truly timeless but, in this moment, ‘Indigo’ feels like a masterpiece with the potential to be remembered as a classic.
  3. 60
    Some moments fall flat – Lonely is cloying, paint-by-numbers EDM-pop that doesn’t fully land. Still, Indigo is a polished collection that spans both pop and rap with confidence.