• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: Aug 10, 2018

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Aug 14, 2018
    As befits a self-titled album, all the moves Shears makes--both familiar and new--feel true to him. Funny, flashy, and not so secretly recovering from heartbreak, Jake Shears is one of the tightest sets of music he's made.
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Aug 13, 2018
    If the album sometimes feels more like a broadcast from some long-lost AOR radio frequency than its own fresh story, it's also just fun: a joyride reminder that newer dogs can pull off old tricks, too. [17/24 Aug 2018, p.97]
  3. Mojo
    Aug 20, 2018
    There are nods to Scissor Sisters with some honky-tonk disco and references to the demi-monde. But there are also extraordinary tracks of looped beats and grainy heartbreak. [Oct 2018, p.84]
  4. Aug 22, 2018
    This is a fitting debut for a man who to many needs no introduction.
  5. 80
    Whatever happens next, Shears has certainly delivered one of the year’s most welcome and infectious comeback albums.
  6. Aug 10, 2018
    Jake Shears is a breeze, with members of My Morning Jacket and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band gathering to lay down the tracks in single takes. The result is pretty irresistible, as long as you’re not looking for authenticity, and if you don’t mind vocals that sound like a honky-tonk take on jazz hands deployed in the service of lyrics like “Cuz baby I love you/More than the trash can.”
  7. Q Magazine
    Aug 28, 2018
    He's retained much of his fizz, but his new, relatively thoughtful, air means that the piano-led The Bruiser exudes a heap of rue and regret, while the autobiographical Mississippi Delta toasts a bright new future in a bright new place, something this album cements. [Oct 2018, p.116]
  8. Aug 10, 2018
    The result overflows with the opulence of orchestral Seventies pop--as if ELO and the Bee Gees got together to make a Muppet fantasia of Cajun rock.
  9. 80
    While refusing to close the doors on the synth-pop sound so synonymous with Scissor Sisters, Jake Shears also stands out as a progression; call it the same dance up a different street.
  10. Uncut
    Aug 14, 2018
    If there are few surprises, the tracks are charming, well crafted and kept to a fighting-trim 11. [Sep 2018, p.36]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. Aug 13, 2018
    I love this album. Oh it is amazing. I love his voice. When he was in Scissor Sisters, i felt that he seemed to gimmicky however, listening toI love this album. Oh it is amazing. I love his voice. When he was in Scissor Sisters, i felt that he seemed to gimmicky however, listening to this project, this really shows off his talents. Shears has definitely got himself a new fan! Full Review »