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  1. Oct 26, 2019
    Mostly Kanye praising the lord. Hoped for more introspection and how he tries to emulate Jesus. But, I guess, Kanye does not like to look inside anymore. Friendly sound, not a lot depths.
  2. Oct 27, 2019
    This should’ve been released for April Fools rather than Halloween. Once upon a time, Kanye West was a legitimate, respected rapper who said basic truths like, “George W Bush doesn’t care about black people.” His first huge hit was condemning a gold digger who only wants black men with fame and fortune. Fast forward to 2019, and as the only celebrity of color to endorse an openly racistThis should’ve been released for April Fools rather than Halloween. Once upon a time, Kanye West was a legitimate, respected rapper who said basic truths like, “George W Bush doesn’t care about black people.” His first huge hit was condemning a gold digger who only wants black men with fame and fortune. Fast forward to 2019, and as the only celebrity of color to endorse an openly racist POTUS, and following his marriage to an amateur porn star who continually upgraded from one black athlete/celebrity to another until reaching peak levels of fame in Kanye, the state of his life is so absurd now as to be a tragedy. And most significantly, the music is utter garbage. The lyrics about chick-fil-a, in particular, will genuinely make you ask if this is a joke or an actual record. Unfortunately, absolutely no one is laughing, and that includes the utterly joyless Kanye himself. Expand
  3. Oct 29, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Literally What the hell is this...
    Just bad. I can't understand how a 27 minutes album feels so long...
  4. Oct 30, 2019
    Tragic, mejor artista? Mejor egocentrico, de los peores discos que he escuchado, deja tu ego un tiempo y vuelve ha mejorar tu música porque este cd no vale la pena
  5. Oct 26, 2019
    Meu deus que álbum ruim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk nem a p-rca da ariana conseguiu fazer algo tão sem identidade e sem proposta como o kanye, ele tentou se destacar pegando essa fórmula de rap mesclado com gospel e saiu ruim desse jeito, que decadência pra quem tem um My Beaultiful Dark Twisted Fantasy na discografia, volte a vender sapatos kanye, vc não serve mais pra música
  6. Oct 25, 2019
    It isn't good, that's for sure. Lyrically it's devoid of substance. Run of the mill generic gospel content and subject matter. Take it or leave it, non-essential to either Kanye fans or gospel fans.
  7. Oct 27, 2019
    It’s a new way of his music. rap and religion. i particularly don’t enjoy this.
  8. Oct 27, 2019
    Uhh Kanye being Kanye, but his statements became more invalid over time. In this album, he decided to completely lean on an ancient fiction book and abandon his very last breath of clear vision. Politics blur him off and for that sake he dove deep to fit his butt on conservative territory. Kanye oh Kanye, please enlighten me with liveliness of your music instead of this piece of foul corpse.
  9. Oct 26, 2019
    Jesus is King is definitely Kanyes worst full length album. The beats that aren't generic are generally bad, the flows are basic, the lyrics are bad, and the message comes off as too preachy.
  10. Oct 27, 2019
    Álbum péssimo, letras fracas, instrumental entediante, Kanye l1x0 humano. Poderia fazer coisa melhor, até meu filho de 10 meses faz barulho melhor com as panelas.
  11. Oct 29, 2019
    this is horrible, i can't believe kanye had the courage to release this complete mess. a terrible message with a terrible production with lyrics that are even worst.
  12. Nov 3, 2019
    Fracassado com essa notinha mixuruca kkkkkkkkkk kanye lixo e nada mais importa
  13. Oct 26, 2019
    A letdown by Kanye. Awesome production and some great melodies ruined by bad mixing and shallow lyrics. Non of the songs really stand out mainly because most of them feel unfinished and cut short. A huge potential wasted on this one.
  14. Oct 26, 2019
    Such a disappointment. Really underwhelmed after waiting this long. Feel like he’s strayed too far from what made him great. I really doubt I’ll come back to this album like I do to the rest of his discography. Total misstep
  15. Oct 26, 2019
    Yikes. Such trash. So overrated. I am unsure why he ever thought he was good and just continues to spiral.
  16. Oct 26, 2019
    horrible album. his worst yet. can’t believe he’s gone this downhill since 2009...
  17. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is terrible... definitely his worst one yet i could barely sit through some of the songs.. Expand
  18. Oct 26, 2019
    God would not approve of this , this is a false god hunty. Stream lover so that god can forgive you for giving us this trash
  19. Oct 26, 2019
    really disappointed with this album. there's no good part of this album and i'm just shocked that kanye put this trash out
  20. Oct 26, 2019
    Almost one year to wait for this piece of garbage, sorry not sorry Kanye
  21. Oct 27, 2019
    It seems that Kanye has fallen further away from what used to make him great. I used to listen to every song on every record and they were all great. Granted this album may grow on me more overtime, but after one and a half listen I think its probably the worst album of his career. Now that is a high bar in my opinion, but i'm not to sure i'm able to listen to most of the songs on theIt seems that Kanye has fallen further away from what used to make him great. I used to listen to every song on every record and they were all great. Granted this album may grow on me more overtime, but after one and a half listen I think its probably the worst album of his career. Now that is a high bar in my opinion, but i'm not to sure i'm able to listen to most of the songs on the album more than once. So to me that makes it just okay. Expand
  22. Oct 25, 2019
    Album is very cool stylistically and is something that I guess was better than nothing. If you’re not Christian, this album is a bit of a groan. Don’t get me wrong, there are def some highlights, but if you don’t indulge in religion, it kinda comes off as a little preachy. Though, hey, it’s new Kanye, so I mean I’ll take that over inconsistent release dates any day.
  23. Oct 27, 2019
    This album smells sh*t like Kanye. The husband of Kim Kartrashian made this g@rbage. Who can listen this? Omg.
  24. Oct 25, 2019
    I've been a Kanye fan since MBDTF. I've listened to almost every album he has made and continue to listen to them to this day. After listening to Jesus Is King I can say this is the first time Kanye truly misstepped. The production is clean, but the content itself is somewhat shallow. I think he could have brought an interesting twist to Gospel. I mean, Ultralight Beam is one of myI've been a Kanye fan since MBDTF. I've listened to almost every album he has made and continue to listen to them to this day. After listening to Jesus Is King I can say this is the first time Kanye truly misstepped. The production is clean, but the content itself is somewhat shallow. I think he could have brought an interesting twist to Gospel. I mean, Ultralight Beam is one of my favorite songs by him. But this album devolves into Kanye simply using Jesus as a mascot. There is no greater insight into religion, faith, love of God, etc. Too often it feels like Kanye yelling "I love my God!" It's disappointing too, as this album has been hyped up for what feels like 10 years. I was really hoping he'd once again hit it out of the park. I'm still interested to see where he goes next, but I hope that he can find a way to meaningfully talk about his religion without ignoring the complexities of one's own faith and belief in God. Expand
  25. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pathetic, ewww, production is poor, sounds so dull, the unknown person who is singing sounds terrible
    Dont listen to him
  26. Oct 25, 2019
    Although there are some very good songs in there, such as "Follow God", "Everything We Need" and the excellent "Use This Gospel", the whole album is way too much confusing and mediocre at best. Most of the production feels nice but the non-existence of any cohesion in the whole album, makes it surely not good. As for the lyricism, the themes do look decent and sincere for Kanye himself butAlthough there are some very good songs in there, such as "Follow God", "Everything We Need" and the excellent "Use This Gospel", the whole album is way too much confusing and mediocre at best. Most of the production feels nice but the non-existence of any cohesion in the whole album, makes it surely not good. As for the lyricism, the themes do look decent and sincere for Kanye himself but lack any form of originality or innovation, which is very much needed, if you take into account most of his previous albums. It's a very mediocre 5 for me. Expand
  27. Oct 26, 2019
    Hands down Kanye's worst album. An extremely disappointing effort from one of my favorite musicians. Generic lyrics with no real substance, just seem to be basically pandering to the christian crowd. You know it's bad when the leaked versions of these songs with incomplete lyrics are 100x better than the final versions...
  28. Oct 27, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It sucks, the most narcissistic thing I've ever seen.... it sucks don't listen to this Expand
  29. Oct 27, 2019
    Horrible... The way this album was written and named feels like he was Christian is whole life but the way it's presented feels like he just joined the faith yesterday.
  30. Oct 26, 2019
    Worst album ever, no sense words, bad instrumental and bad composition. He is dead on the music industry, he a bad person and doesn’t deserve a thing
  31. Oct 26, 2019
    Just so bad. Don’t waste your money on this joker. I gave a 1 to be nice but it doesn’t even deserve that. The man thinks he is God.
  32. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. MUITO FEIO MUITO NOJENTO, GENTE EU ACHO QUE EU VOU VOMITAR Expand
  33. Oct 26, 2019
    The music is so bad, the lyrics are gross. Is people serious by listening this man? A disgrace for music. Period
  34. Oct 26, 2019
    Not good at all. The sound is boring as hell. I fall sleep from the very started.
  35. Oct 26, 2019
    trash taylor swift outsold trash taylor swift outsold trash taylor swift outsold trash taylor swift outsold trash taylor swift outsold
  36. Oct 27, 2019
    Upside - it's only 27 minutes of mind numbing Jesus worshipping gospel crap.
    Downside - You'll never get those 27 mins back.
  37. Oct 27, 2019
    This and Ye are incredibly forgettable LP's. I'm sure there is an audience for this and it is no longer me.
  38. Oct 26, 2019
    Terrible. A gospel album? Really?! No one wants to listen to that. Kanye has officially lost his mind, and he’s officially lost a fan.
  39. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye should stick to praising trump. he is a fad pretending to be religious for approval
  40. Oct 26, 2019
    what is dis hunny? kanye west is not woke, just annoying, i don’t know why y’all are streaming
  41. Oct 27, 2019
    Trash trash and more trash
    Taylor swift outsold pls
    K**nye should just go and support trump only pls..mother earth is tired of you..just go away..
  42. Oct 26, 2019
    Nossa como esse album ta ruim, eu ia comprar no iTunes daí fui ouvir no spotify perdi o interesse total, era pra isso que estavam fazendo maior alarde no twitter? kkkk que b*sta ein
  43. caj
    Oct 26, 2019
    more music from the entitles narcissist that openly supported trump, said slavery was a choice, etc...? no thanks
  44. Nov 2, 2019
    pior álbum que já escultei em toda minha vida, eu esperava algo melhor, mas pelo amor de deus só música genérica chata, errrrr
  45. Oct 26, 2019
    You can’t deny it’s a fascinating listen - and that it contains some lovely moments (the smooth “Water”) - but overall the album feels unfinished, rushed, and contains West’s weakest lyrics to date. West is still the genius he’s always been, but despite his convictions and passion, this album doesn’t seem to accomplish anything substantial.
  46. Oct 26, 2019
    This album is simply not good. None of the songs are catchy and Kanye hasn't had a good song in years. Perhaps if he focused more on his music and less on being a terrible person, this album wouldn't be a flop.
  47. Oct 26, 2019
    Worst album of the year, not even for elevator music, pure rubbish rubbish, coming from one rubbish person, horrible total disappointment.
  48. Oct 27, 2019
    complete garbage. he’s one of the worst artists out there. not to mention he’s a trump supporter and said slavery was a choice..... seems like with this album he’s catering to his MAGA supporters
  49. Oct 27, 2019
    Jesus is King is an odd mixed bag in the fact that songs Like Fallow God, Every Hour, and Hands On aren't terrible. The best song on the album is by far Fallow God as it has the old Kanye flow. This album honestly feels like a lousy chance the rapper album and makes me feel like Kanye is going the same way as Eminem, the one plus is this makes me have a new respect for Ice cube in that heJesus is King is an odd mixed bag in the fact that songs Like Fallow God, Every Hour, and Hands On aren't terrible. The best song on the album is by far Fallow God as it has the old Kanye flow. This album honestly feels like a lousy chance the rapper album and makes me feel like Kanye is going the same way as Eminem, the one plus is this makes me have a new respect for Ice cube in that he still makes good music. Eminem and Kanye take a note from Jay-Z's book and work behind the scenes cause this is just sad. Expand
  50. Oct 27, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jesus Is King for sure, but the album is not that good. Sorry Kanye u can do way better. Expand
  51. Oct 26, 2019
    There's not much that you can write about in gospel music, as a singer. But I feel like in rap there was more than much space to create something completely innovative into blending these two genders (that we've seen before together). West failed to do so falling in the same patterns mainstream gospel, and serving disapointing vocals (especially hard to listen in God Is). Lyrics areThere's not much that you can write about in gospel music, as a singer. But I feel like in rap there was more than much space to create something completely innovative into blending these two genders (that we've seen before together). West failed to do so falling in the same patterns mainstream gospel, and serving disapointing vocals (especially hard to listen in God Is). Lyrics are confessive, but predictive and the interpretation ain't convincing. The good tracks: Follow God, Hands On and Selah. Kanye is way too far from being the greatest artist alive today. Expand
  52. Oct 26, 2019
    This album is so frustrating to listen to, lots of great foundations that were never explored both sonically and thematically
  53. Oct 27, 2019
    Incoerente, falsa personalidade e totalmente desprovido de autenticidade. Usou tema religioso apenas pra chamar atenção de um novo público e mesmo assim não deu certo. Fracasso!!
  54. Oct 26, 2019
    After numerous delays, built up hype and the mystery of Yeezus religious path, JESUS IS KING has risen! However, falls short from the lengthy previous productions of his last project such as MBDTF and Life of Pablo. The album carries a time of 27 minutes total. The production and instrumentals slaps in this song, to really experience the full power of the instrumentals and in-depth, IAfter numerous delays, built up hype and the mystery of Yeezus religious path, JESUS IS KING has risen! However, falls short from the lengthy previous productions of his last project such as MBDTF and Life of Pablo. The album carries a time of 27 minutes total. The production and instrumentals slaps in this song, to really experience the full power of the instrumentals and in-depth, I recommend full, surround sound speakers of the best noise cancelling headphones you can buy. Also, note that Kenny G saxophone solo is so so sweet to the soul. When it comes to Ye and his lyrical flow that we've seen for nine albums straight, it falls short and it's nothing but a disappointment. Expand
  55. Oct 26, 2019
    Jesus is King, the title and the message of the album are one and the same. However, the musicality lacks memorability compared to the rest of West's catalogue. Particularly, the cringe worthy moments where West got lazy with the effects on his vocals on tracks like "God Is" are painfully disappointing. The highlight of the entire record is Kenny G's sultry solo on "Use The Gospel" ..theJesus is King, the title and the message of the album are one and the same. However, the musicality lacks memorability compared to the rest of West's catalogue. Particularly, the cringe worthy moments where West got lazy with the effects on his vocals on tracks like "God Is" are painfully disappointing. The highlight of the entire record is Kenny G's sultry solo on "Use The Gospel" ..the best track on the record by far. Expand
  56. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye's latest album is certainly something new for him. While I can certainly see why it could be given some amount of scrutiny for its shaky production, I believe that it can be something good. Track-wise, I quite like the first half of the album, while the second half could use some work, but other than that, I do like the new direction Kanye's going, though based off this album, IKanye's latest album is certainly something new for him. While I can certainly see why it could be given some amount of scrutiny for its shaky production, I believe that it can be something good. Track-wise, I quite like the first half of the album, while the second half could use some work, but other than that, I do like the new direction Kanye's going, though based off this album, I think he needs some time to perfect his craft in gospel-rap. Expand
  57. Oct 26, 2019
    terrível musicas sem sentido, podia estar melhor mas como e o Kanye so faz musica que não gosto
  58. Oct 26, 2019
    it’s undoubtably the worst album I have ever heard. I have never heard anything worse. I wouldn’t even recommend it to my worst enemy. WORST ALBUM IF ALL TIME!!!
  59. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye is a pretentious little f**ker and this is the proof he has gone totally nuts.
  60. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. taylor swift é a- list (ariana grande que lute) rainha do pop e artista da década.
    kanye: west
  61. Oct 26, 2019
    It’s terríble and I missed all the creativity that he has like the others albums
  62. Oct 26, 2019
    Péssimo. Jesus não deve ter gostado de ser envolvido com esse projeto. Kkkkk
  63. Oct 26, 2019
    His music is just becoming worse and worser. Maybe he needs to retire, it's for the best.
  64. Oct 27, 2019
    It's almost impossible to think that this same guy made MBDTF. The album is really pretentious, some songs are boring and lyrically, it's just weak.
  65. Oct 26, 2019
    While I admire him trying to change up his sound. It just didn’t work. He has truly lost his touch and I miss the old Kanye. His new music is just trash.
  66. Oct 26, 2019
    this album is so bad ew don’t even try to listen to it it is sooo bad i once tried and almost throw up HORRIBLE
  67. Oct 27, 2019
    Not many redeeming qualities throughout this album. Some moments of inspiration or impressive production, drowned and layered in horrible lyrics and a totally incohesive project. Save for 2-3 songs at most, there’s little replay value.
  68. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nao gostei do álbum, não me agradou as músicas e ele não está sendo ele mesmo no mesmo Expand
  69. Oct 26, 2019
    its so boring omg i think ok he is great but omg i can't listen bye kanye xoxo
  70. Oct 26, 2019
    The album was tired. Absolute garbage, the fact that this man is still making music is an embarrassment not only to himself but to music as a whole
  71. Oct 26, 2019
    This album is horrible. The production is a mess and there is no lyrical content worth listening to. I tried to go into this unbiased and judge it objectively but got damn this is a bad album.
  72. Oct 27, 2019
    It's mediocre songwriting for his age. Sonically it's still the same music he made before. Nothing new.
  73. Oct 27, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I didn't like this album, horrible. He could have released something better as he always had, honestly I didn't like it Expand
  74. Oct 26, 2019
    This is absolutely the worst album I have ever heard. I do not know how he dared to release something as disgusting as this. The album must be on a waste basket. Please, Kanye, stop making music and retire from music.
  75. Oct 27, 2019
  76. Oct 27, 2019
    Very fake
    Has no real message His views are very toxic and doesn't help with the album either.. Don't waste your time listening to this
  77. Oct 26, 2019
    a tr*mp supporter, a narcissist and a bully who can’t even make good music. hah
  78. Oct 26, 2019
    i think the album is very bad, kayne is a very bad person, he thinks that he is the king of everything but no, i mean, he is a good rapper, but his personality doesn't helps.
  79. Oct 26, 2019
    Literally the worst album of 2019, can't believe they actually let him released this trash
  80. Oct 26, 2019
    Exceptionally not worth the hype. While there are shinning tracks on this album, such as Selah, for the most part the album comes together sloppily and seems incredibly incoherent. The track Hands On has some semi-interesting lyrics about Christian's being the first person to judge Kanye, but besides that the album says nothing more than "God good. Devil Bad." Production wasn't horrible,Exceptionally not worth the hype. While there are shinning tracks on this album, such as Selah, for the most part the album comes together sloppily and seems incredibly incoherent. The track Hands On has some semi-interesting lyrics about Christian's being the first person to judge Kanye, but besides that the album says nothing more than "God good. Devil Bad." Production wasn't horrible, but nothing like some of his better albums. Expand
  81. Oct 26, 2019
    I’m disappointed, I expected more, album has its good points, but I expected more, because it’s Kanye
  82. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye with the brilliant production as usual, as well as some unusual and inventive flows by his standards - however, the album is held back in my opinion, due to the sheer amount of ham-fisted attempts to push the religious message of the album.
  83. Nov 13, 2019
    I’ve listened to every song many many times. This is a masterpiece. It’s beautiful, and it made my atheist heart swell up with love and even more appreciation to humanity than ever before. I love our world
  84. Oct 28, 2019
    Muy buen album de Kanye, la verdad que no decepciono, no tenia idea de lo que podia llegar a esperar de un album Gospel, pero la verdad que me sorprendio bastente. Entre los mejores temas destaco Follow God, Close On Sunday, On God y Use This Gospel.
  85. Nov 7, 2019
    There’s nothing more powerful than the gospel. It’s so beautiful that Kanye is using his massive reach to put out a much needed message in our increasingly decaying culture.
  86. Jan 23, 2020
    Okkkkkkkkxnnfmgmfmfmfmræfædlrlrnr brkrkenememeestkpstipsyztjpdypd updupxocyoupxjodyxydyoxjo
  87. Nov 6, 2019
    Easily 10/10. Unique, multi-faceted and beautiful lyrics.

    If you’re a fan of JIK, you’re a fan of yourself.
  88. Oct 27, 2019
    Album of the Year. This album is better than what any other artist can put out. People still hate on him as a person and claim that his quality of music is declining, but he’s actually experimenting with new themes and sounds, so all of his albums are unique. He is the greatest artist of all time. “God Is” is a classic track already. That’s Kanye West for you.
  89. Oct 27, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Kanye doesn’t disappoint with this one and has made another great album! Wished it was longer! Expand
  90. Oct 27, 2019
    Delivers a cohesive, sonically pleasing and lyrically strong gospel album without having it be all “praise Jesus” like some often do. Very strong production and lyricism
  91. Oct 28, 2019
    Only Ye can make music like this. Even when it seems like he hasn't put his all into the project, it sounds infectious, inspiring, and more artistic than most music today. While the project could've been more fleshed out, longer, etc., the fact is that despite all the pressure...a diamond was still made. And that deserves apprevtoation.
  92. Oct 28, 2019
    Great Album! Obviously Kanye brings all the haters out making these reviews all but pointless
  93. Oct 28, 2019
    I believe that "Jesus is King" is a genuinely great album. Despite having a limited run-time of only 27 minutes, Kanye makes the most of it by embellishing it with beautiful choir vocals and outstanding production. This is the most focused we have seen Ye since the days of 808s and Heartbreak, as I believe that this is the first time since then that he has found a sound and truly sticks toI believe that "Jesus is King" is a genuinely great album. Despite having a limited run-time of only 27 minutes, Kanye makes the most of it by embellishing it with beautiful choir vocals and outstanding production. This is the most focused we have seen Ye since the days of 808s and Heartbreak, as I believe that this is the first time since then that he has found a sound and truly sticks to it. This is without a step above what we heard on "Ye" and I truly can not recommend this album enough. It may not be for everyone, but I do think that many will be very surprised on how much they enjoy this project. Expand
  94. Oct 28, 2019
    This album shows Kanye’s versatility and adds well to his unique discography
  95. Oct 28, 2019
    While the lyricism of Jesus Is King might be Kanye's worst to date, the production & concepts are definite hits. Refreshing album after Kanye's tumultuous 2018.

    Best Tracks: On God & God Is
    Worst Tracks: Water & Everything We Need
  96. Oct 28, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A very good album with a awesome production and instrumentals. Lyrics are good too, but it's a fact that is gospel hip hop album, so it's very experimental, I just loved. kanye it's on a other phase of him life, so try to listen the full album with no preconcept Expand
  97. Nov 5, 2019
    I have never been a religious person or listened to religious music so my take is a bit skewed. However, from listening to Kanye growing up this album is promising but another generic album. Gone are the hip hop days of Kanye with amazing beats and fire lyrics. In with the gospel choirs and repeating messages. There is nothing inherently wrong with that but not my taste compared to whoI have never been a religious person or listened to religious music so my take is a bit skewed. However, from listening to Kanye growing up this album is promising but another generic album. Gone are the hip hop days of Kanye with amazing beats and fire lyrics. In with the gospel choirs and repeating messages. There is nothing inherently wrong with that but not my taste compared to who Kanye used to be. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 25
  2. Negative: 4 out of 25
  1. Dec 30, 2019
    His reunion with frequent collaborators belies a rich history of discovering and championing new voices. This ostensible distance from which Kanye preaches reveals King’s true tension: Kanye, like Kendrick on DAMN., is asking for our prayers, while also distancing himself from our hands and our mouths. And it doesn’t work. ... He has artistically lost track of his audience and himself in its midst.
  2. The Wire
    Nov 20, 2019
    He’s hung up on Jesus rather than pneumatic women. It’s hard to tell if that’s an improvement, but it doesn’t seem like a regression either. ... An album with zero fat, dense in at least three senses, two of them positive. [Dec 2019, p.60]
  3. Nov 12, 2019
    As with every Kanye album, there’s some magnificent production on a majority of “Jesus Is King” courtesy of Pi’erre Bourne, Timbaland and Boogz, among others. ... Kanye just seems like he’s in his own world; disregarding what’s going on around him. Other times, Ye’s writing delves into eyerolling contradictions and ego-driven intentions.