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  1. Oct 29, 2019
    Kanye reinvents himself in each one of his project and this one finds him in it’s most mature. While I do want him to return making albums like Yeezus and Pablo, this album is revolutionary on it’s own depicting very profound and important subjects people don’t talk enough about. As a Jewish man I don’t connect to the whole ‘Jesus’ thing at all yet I still connect with many of Kanye’sKanye reinvents himself in each one of his project and this one finds him in it’s most mature. While I do want him to return making albums like Yeezus and Pablo, this album is revolutionary on it’s own depicting very profound and important subjects people don’t talk enough about. As a Jewish man I don’t connect to the whole ‘Jesus’ thing at all yet I still connect with many of Kanye’s spiritual and social themes and subjects throughout the album while adjusting them to my own world view. I think it also helps watching Kanye’s recent interviews to see where he’s coming from. I can see however how this album pisses off so many people, Kanye has been doing interviews about same people for around 2 years now. Hopefully in a few years people will see the brilliance in this album, like the brilliant ‘808’s & Heartbreak’. As always with Kanye, the album is sonically masterful and while I wouldn’t consider it as one of his greatest, it’s definitely not a misstep. Expand
  2. Oct 27, 2019
    His album, his rules. It is musically well composed and it clearly exposes how HE feels about God. He’s showing his vulnerability to the world and you’re all making fun of him? That’s just shameful, regardless of what you believe. Hence, do not rate this album negatively purely based on how you feel about Christianity as a whole because that is just discriminating the freedom ofHis album, his rules. It is musically well composed and it clearly exposes how HE feels about God. He’s showing his vulnerability to the world and you’re all making fun of him? That’s just shameful, regardless of what you believe. Hence, do not rate this album negatively purely based on how you feel about Christianity as a whole because that is just discriminating the freedom of expression; isn’t that what music should be about? Try to understand where he comes from and why Jesus is so meaningful to him as throughout the album he’s expressing love, compassion, admiration, hope, forgivenesses, to say the less. I’d 100% rather listen to rap music talking about something positive than listening to lyrics encouraging taking drugs, killing people and sexualising women. Expand
  3. Nov 13, 2019
    I’ve listened to every song many many times. This is a masterpiece. It’s beautiful, and it made my atheist heart swell up with love and even more appreciation to humanity than ever before. I love our world
  4. Oct 27, 2019
    Well we already know that there are going to be plenty of haters that will rate this as a 1/10 without a shred of integrity. They hate Kanye's Christian and conservative values and they hate how he is a fan of Donald Trump. That is all it takes these days to inspire hatred from mass swathes of the population. However, as an objective listener, I found the album to be fun, quirky, andWell we already know that there are going to be plenty of haters that will rate this as a 1/10 without a shred of integrity. They hate Kanye's Christian and conservative values and they hate how he is a fan of Donald Trump. That is all it takes these days to inspire hatred from mass swathes of the population. However, as an objective listener, I found the album to be fun, quirky, and inspirational. This album legitimately makes me want to become a Christian.
    EDIT: I just went and read the negative reviews. They are such gross exaggerations and you can really tell that most of them are not reviews of the album but of Kanye himself. Vast statements such as "Worst album ever", as if that isn't a totally transparent reviewer. Some reviewers said awful things about Jesus and Christianity....come on! Have some class!
  5. Oct 26, 2019
    This is Kanye album. It’s an experience that ruffles feathers and shifts the paradigm. That’s why we all come to experience Kanye art. The people rating it down are Supreme dorks who’ve never appreciated the nuisances Kanye puts in his projects, but just that it sounds cool. I stand by this album fully.
  6. Oct 31, 2019
    It's absolutely glorious. I have this album on repeat and I still can't get enough. It's pure joy in audio form.
  7. Oct 25, 2019
    Absolutely incredible album from start to finish!! Follow God and Use this Gospel
  8. Oct 26, 2019
    Great album. Ambitious. Fantastic production and creativity.
    Loved "follow god" and "selah" the most.
  9. Oct 26, 2019
    As música com Sunday service perfeitas, tem músicas que lembram um pouco o yeezus. Adorei
  10. Oct 27, 2019
    Another groundbreaking album that will only later, after some years probably, get the praise it deserves.
  11. Oct 26, 2019
    I love all era's of Kanye West. This album is an evolution of his discography. Still has the greatest discography in any genre ever!!!
  12. Oct 25, 2019
    Simply amazing, the wait was really worth it, just no words to how amazing this album is. The production is classic Kanye, simply amazing. Kanye has been reborn.
    (Ignore the bad reviews, they are just haters.)
  13. Oct 25, 2019
    This album is AMAZING. Kanye never disappoints.. The production on this is MIND BLOWING.
  14. Oct 27, 2019
    One of best Kanyes albums. Thank you!!!! This album is really beautiful and great. And truly love this stuff. Bless you Ye)
  15. Oct 25, 2019
    The sampling is briliiant and so is the all round production. A really uplifting feel.
  16. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. JESUS IS KING is the one of the most experimental albums. Every time I impressed how Kanye finds the new direction on his art. Now this is religion. The mix of hip-hop and gospel sounds great! Love it! Expand
  17. Nov 1, 2019
    Jesus is King is a beautiful Rap album that includes unity, family, and transcendence through the Christian religion. The production and messaging was truly beautiful. The album makes one want to unite their respective families and put plans together to become truly greater. The opening track is a gospel track that truly has enlightening energy through the hynamic singing praising JesusJesus is King is a beautiful Rap album that includes unity, family, and transcendence through the Christian religion. The production and messaging was truly beautiful. The album makes one want to unite their respective families and put plans together to become truly greater. The opening track is a gospel track that truly has enlightening energy through the hynamic singing praising Jesus Christ to come down with his blessings. Selah was another track with strong energy saying words like God's soldiers really inspiring the listener to be apart of something bigger. Follow God is everyone's favorite track it seems like as he argues with his father about being "Christ like," in a very enticing and truly interesting way over an amazing beat. Closed On Sunday is the song where in the second verse tells anyone against him to remove their hands from his family in a very powerful and compelling way over switch in the beat hypnotic beat in the first half of the song. That's only the first third all in all, this is definitely one of Kanye's better albums. Expand
  18. Oct 26, 2019
    Despite the obvious mixing and mastering flaws on this album, possibly from the frantic rush trying to get this album finished by his deadline. I'd say the overall music on this album is great.
  19. Oct 26, 2019
    O álbum é muito bom com varios pontos altos quando se ouve com calma.............................................
  20. Oct 27, 2019
    only problem is it aint long enough i want more!! ye re invents him self every album and always makes it sound great and fresh i dont want the old ye i want whoever ye wants to be and if this is it then im not complaining
  21. Oct 25, 2019
    Beautiful. In the context of this genre, it's a teaching class. About production this album is the perfect mix of all the musical resources that Kanye from the 00's hadn't available. This is an exquisite performance with expressive lyrics, instrumental majesty and a time-proof personal style.
  22. Oct 27, 2019
    Kanye releases his first highly-anticipated studio album since he became a christian. Insired by christian themes, the album is a mix of Hip Hop and Gospel music.
  23. Nov 7, 2019
    There’s nothing more powerful than the gospel. It’s so beautiful that Kanye is using his massive reach to put out a much needed message in our increasingly decaying culture.
  24. Jan 23, 2020
    Okkkkkkkkxnnfmgmfmfmfmræfædlrlrnr brkrkenememeestkpstipsyztjpdypd updupxocyoupxjodyxydyoxjo
  25. Nov 21, 2021
    overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated overhated VERY overhated
  26. Oct 25, 2019
    Incrível, emocionante e que nos toca de uma forma única. Do começo ao fim nos surpreende e emociona. Atenção pra faixa "Selah" que sem dúvidas é o destaque do disco.
  27. Nov 6, 2019
    Easily 10/10. Unique, multi-faceted and beautiful lyrics.

    If you’re a fan of JIK, you’re a fan of yourself.
  28. Oct 26, 2019
    Was totally worth the wait! I don’t understand the negative reviews, as this is the first Kanye album I really fully enjoy. There’s simply no skip.
  29. Nov 5, 2019
    Just a masterpiece of god! Everything you know about gospel will be rewind!
  30. Oct 26, 2019
    Seu melhor trabalho desde Yeezus. Kanye traz adoração em forma de música, não perdendo sua identidade que construiu durante anos.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 25
  2. Negative: 4 out of 25
  1. Dec 30, 2019
    His reunion with frequent collaborators belies a rich history of discovering and championing new voices. This ostensible distance from which Kanye preaches reveals King’s true tension: Kanye, like Kendrick on DAMN., is asking for our prayers, while also distancing himself from our hands and our mouths. And it doesn’t work. ... He has artistically lost track of his audience and himself in its midst.
  2. The Wire
    Nov 20, 2019
    He’s hung up on Jesus rather than pneumatic women. It’s hard to tell if that’s an improvement, but it doesn’t seem like a regression either. ... An album with zero fat, dense in at least three senses, two of them positive. [Dec 2019, p.60]
  3. Nov 12, 2019
    As with every Kanye album, there’s some magnificent production on a majority of “Jesus Is King” courtesy of Pi’erre Bourne, Timbaland and Boogz, among others. ... Kanye just seems like he’s in his own world; disregarding what’s going on around him. Other times, Ye’s writing delves into eyerolling contradictions and ego-driven intentions.