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  1. Oct 26, 2019
    the entire album is just impeccable, made me speechless for a while. I love that some songs have old amazing kanye beat, so classy.
  2. Oct 26, 2019
    That was one of my WORST experiences EVER. He's been falling since The Life Of Pablo, **** tracks, **** lyrics, **** production, Kanye is not a thing anymore, this man is claiming for help, he's just an crack head
  3. Oct 26, 2019
    Extremely well made and produced album. Each song has their own character and charm. When i first listened to it, it made me literally jump from my chair in joy. This album will be remembered and loved for years to come. Some songs like "On God", "Closed on Sundays" and "Use this Gospel" are complete BANGERS. The bass line with the synths on "On God" are some of my favorites from any albumExtremely well made and produced album. Each song has their own character and charm. When i first listened to it, it made me literally jump from my chair in joy. This album will be remembered and loved for years to come. Some songs like "On God", "Closed on Sundays" and "Use this Gospel" are complete BANGERS. The bass line with the synths on "On God" are some of my favorites from any album this decade. I feel that the lyrics in the song are very well written and catchy. I gave this album a 10 because personally, I feel that Kanye was just saying straight facts in this Album. Expand
  4. Oct 26, 2019
    Very dull and lacks any type of credible music. kanye west is a failure!! well like his whole career has been...
  5. Oct 26, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a própria radiação de Chernobyl.
    álbum horrível, de longe o pior do ano.
    lixo, lixo, lixo
  6. Oct 26, 2019
    Completely garbage. This album is so far the worst album of all time. Kanye tried to get a buzz saying that he ws the greatest artist of all time but all that showed here was a desperate try that of course failed in matter of minutes . There are at least ONE song that everyone's ear don't bleed while it listens to it. Bad, too bqd. Kanye, you promised us yhe best lbum ever, where is it?
  7. Oct 26, 2019
    wtf??? Even my lil' brother crying sounds better than kanye singing, i'm totally terrified by his voice, this is completely awful
  8. Oct 26, 2019
    horrível meu pai kkkkkkk chega a ser profano, jesus deve estar com vergonha desse troço
  9. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye...imma let you finish...but Kanye had one of the worst albums of all time! It sounds like a bunch of unfinished demos...his career is over. It’s sad to think in the same decade he released MBDTF he released THIS MESS.
  10. Oct 26, 2019
    I'm not religious but I can feel Kanye's passion for his religion through this album. The production alone makes this a standout in his discography. The lack of drums makes this a dramatic album along with the powerful verses. An instant classic.
  11. Oct 26, 2019
    What a mess. Not an album for Kanye fans, not an album for fans of gospel. I'm not sure why this was made.
  12. Oct 26, 2019
    The Kenny g sax was amazing. Was not expecting both clipse members. Beautiful album.
  13. Oct 26, 2019
    Literally a piece of s****. Who can listen this? Pure garb@ge. Kanye is cancelled.
  14. Oct 26, 2019
    ariana grande rainha do pop kanye west fracasso da industria, esse album e horrivel
  15. Oct 26, 2019
    nossa que album ruim, tudo ruim, produção ruim, eu nunca esperava isso do kanye eu era fã dele a 4 anos e ele ja fez tanta besteira q pensei que esse album ia vingar e impedir de eu pular do barco, mas nao ele veio com um lixo mal produzido, até meu cachorro lambendo as patas produz um som melhor, enfim, não faço mais parte da fã base, muito decepcionado com o album
  16. Oct 26, 2019
    Real spill not capping Kanye was spitting the truth, makes you think a lot .
  17. Oct 26, 2019
    Hard to stomach someone so full of himself spouting a Christian message. Gratitude. Humility. Justice. Care for others. These are hallmarks of Christianity. They are also values Kanye doesn’t live and I would guess knows nothing about.
  18. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye West hasn't delivered a good album in years. He has become the musical equivalent of these art galleries that put up toilets for exposition and if you criticize it, they'll say you didn't understand the genius behind such art as that toilet.
  19. Oct 26, 2019
    the whole album is trash, why he still making music? it's embarrassment to music industry, he nothing but a narcissist man with trash idea mind
  20. Oct 26, 2019
    Great vocals, great production, great ideia for using religious music in rap style
  21. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye is trying too hard to sound original in "Jesus Is King", but the truth is: the album is completely boring, the tracks feels unfinished, his singing voice it's just ridiculous, i think he should keep selling his ugly shoes, he's not good at making music anymore, nothing impressive, nothing new, nothing special.
  22. Oct 26, 2019
    Honestly, I was expecting more from Kanye. It's bland, doesn't contain any new elements, and his over confidence ruins it all. "I never trust a narcissist, but they love me".
  23. Oct 26, 2019
    Bad flow weak bars bad mixing messy thematic continuance... weakest Kanye album ever and I'm nervous to see where he goes from here
  24. Oct 26, 2019
    I’m disappointed, I expected more, album has its good points, but I expected more, because it’s Kanye
  25. Oct 26, 2019
    Totally bad album, lack of cohesion and lack of articulation left the album Totally "poor".
  26. Oct 26, 2019
    This album is the second worst thing to happen to jesus, I can't even believe in this ****
  27. Oct 26, 2019
    O pior álbum da carreira dele. Espera bem mais mas pelo jeito ele morreu depois da briga com a Taylor Swift...
  28. Oct 26, 2019
    As música com Sunday service perfeitas, tem músicas que lembram um pouco o yeezus. Adorei
  29. Oct 26, 2019
    By far Ye's worst offering, not fit for a King, the best thing I can say is it's short!
  30. Oct 26, 2019
    Lana ended him as she should. We don't support Trump supporters, perioddddd
  31. Oct 26, 2019
    The Kanye we love has left the building. This felt entire album felt like false sentiment, making religion seem like a fad.
  32. Oct 26, 2019

    Every Hour
    Follow God
    Closed On Sunday 9/10
    On God
    Everything We Need 6/10
    God Is 10/10
    Hans On
    Use This Gospel
    Jesus Is Lord

    nota: 77/100
  33. Oct 26, 2019
    Despite the obvious mixing and mastering flaws on this album, possibly from the frantic rush trying to get this album finished by his deadline. I'd say the overall music on this album is great.
  34. Oct 26, 2019
    Amazing album. One of his best and most coherent since Yeezus. Very focused lyric wise and the production is great. Don't let the Christian themes turn you off.
  35. Oct 26, 2019
    Jesus is king is very good, if you exclude the poor mixing, underdeveloped lyrics and underdeveloped songs. The production is pretty nice and kanyes delivery is excellent as always
  36. Oct 26, 2019
    The sounds on the album are really good, the lyrics do feel a little bit lacking. I was kind of hoping for Kanye to tell us WHY Christianity saved him, not just preaching about it. Overall a solid album, but lyrics aren't as hard-hitting as they could've been
  37. Oct 26, 2019
    Exceptionally not worth the hype. While there are shinning tracks on this album, such as Selah, for the most part the album comes together sloppily and seems incredibly incoherent. The track Hands On has some semi-interesting lyrics about Christian's being the first person to judge Kanye, but besides that the album says nothing more than "God good. Devil Bad." Production wasn't horrible,Exceptionally not worth the hype. While there are shinning tracks on this album, such as Selah, for the most part the album comes together sloppily and seems incredibly incoherent. The track Hands On has some semi-interesting lyrics about Christian's being the first person to judge Kanye, but besides that the album says nothing more than "God good. Devil Bad." Production wasn't horrible, but nothing like some of his better albums. Expand
  38. Oct 26, 2019
    I love all era's of Kanye West. This album is an evolution of his discography. Still has the greatest discography in any genre ever!!!
  39. Oct 26, 2019
    This is Kanye album. It’s an experience that ruffles feathers and shifts the paradigm. That’s why we all come to experience Kanye art. The people rating it down are Supreme dorks who’ve never appreciated the nuisances Kanye puts in his projects, but just that it sounds cool. I stand by this album fully.
  40. Oct 26, 2019
    A letdown by Kanye. Awesome production and some great melodies ruined by bad mixing and shallow lyrics. Non of the songs really stand out mainly because most of them feel unfinished and cut short. A huge potential wasted on this one.
  41. Oct 26, 2019
    This album is on a completely new level of a testament of faith. Kanye takes new leaps in production quality, past mental state battles, and his beliefs in the future to create one of the most important albums of his decade spanning career. Follow God, God Is, and Selah are standouts.
  42. Oct 26, 2019
    The albums feels unfinished and the lyrics are so unimaginative they feel like he put the most basic religious terminology in a bag and started doing madlibs. There seem to be no interesting ruminations on faith and it seems pretty shallow. Selah, is decent And has some epic production but so many other tracks fail to say anything profound that the album feels waaaay below his usualThe albums feels unfinished and the lyrics are so unimaginative they feel like he put the most basic religious terminology in a bag and started doing madlibs. There seem to be no interesting ruminations on faith and it seems pretty shallow. Selah, is decent And has some epic production but so many other tracks fail to say anything profound that the album feels waaaay below his usual standard. Feels weird to see the iconoclastic contrarian rebel that kanye is become so tame and mainstream. Disappointment all round. Expand
  43. Oct 26, 2019
    Religion has always been an interesting part of Kanye's work, the devout moments of "Ultralight Beam" and "Jesus Walks" contrast with the extreme self-worship of "I am a God" (and much else in his discography). This tension between Kanye's beliefs and actions was the driving force behind his most important record - MBDTF. So a record that explores the lighter side of his beliefs hasReligion has always been an interesting part of Kanye's work, the devout moments of "Ultralight Beam" and "Jesus Walks" contrast with the extreme self-worship of "I am a God" (and much else in his discography). This tension between Kanye's beliefs and actions was the driving force behind his most important record - MBDTF. So a record that explores the lighter side of his beliefs has promise, for example in shedding light on how Kanye uses his faith to battle the demons that he showed on ""I Thought About Killing You".

    There are moments here where these themes are explored - Kanye fighting with his dad on "Follow God", feelings of hypocrisy on "Hands On". Unfortunately though, the bulk of the record is spent in full megachurch preaching mode, which quickly feels repetitive and empty. I imagine this style of unbalanced worship quickly frustrates intelligent believers too, who carry their faith with full understanding of the doubt and difficulty that it comes with. Really this is a form of christianity suited for uncritical capitalists, amusingly confirmed when Kanye bemoans his tax bill and claims that the sky-high prices of his clothing lines are to stop his family from "starving".

    Even the most preachy form of Christianity could have been carried with an original hip-hop infused take on gospel instrumentals though, and Kanye has form in this area. There are somewhat successful moments - Follow God uses a gospel sample effectively, but seriously, compare this to the detail and dynamism on "Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1", and it pales in comparison. This feeling is consistent throughout the record, most of the beats are very simplistic, with one or two elements that have no exciting interplay. This explains why the tracks are so short, there simply aren't many musical ideas here. Sometimes the instrumentation is able to carry the track for its runtime, but this is often not true. At its worst, we have the execrable "Water" which is based on a meandering bass tone that feels like a preset from a cheap synthesiser.

    Overall, the album fails both lyrically and musically. Evangelical christians can probably find something to like, but secular listeners praising this are surely grading on an "it's kanye" curve. Seriously even go back to the uneven Life of Pablo and you'll immediately hear the difference.
  44. Oct 26, 2019
    You can’t deny it’s a fascinating listen - and that it contains some lovely moments (the smooth “Water”) - but overall the album feels unfinished, rushed, and contains West’s weakest lyrics to date. West is still the genius he’s always been, but despite his convictions and passion, this album doesn’t seem to accomplish anything substantial.
  45. Oct 26, 2019
    I don't know what disturbs me more, the fact that Kanye West is turning to religion to earn money, or the fact that the horrible lyrics, the autotune and boring beats are merged together in this album to create barely-2-minute songs that sound like a teenager talking about religion for the first time.
  46. Oct 26, 2019
    Are you people ok? This is a disaster, I simply can't believe what I just heard
  47. Oct 26, 2019
    So on the nose lyrics it's unbelievable. Some beats are OK but a handful of songs are unbelievably bad (closed on Sundays is mind numbing)
  48. Oct 26, 2019
    Trump? Jesus? Trump? Jesus? Ye? Jesus? Jesus! JESUS!! GOD! Trump? YE! HESUS! JEEEESUSSSS!!
  49. Oct 26, 2019
    Great album. Ambitious. Fantastic production and creativity.
    Loved "follow god" and "selah" the most.
  50. Oct 26, 2019
    90% of People who dont like it are either butthurt cause Cudi isn't on it or cause they still want the old Kanye

    90% of People who dont like it are either butthurt cause Cudi isn't on it or cause they still want the old Kanye

    90% of People who dont like it are either butthurt cause Cudi isn't on it or cause they still want the old Kanye
  51. Oct 26, 2019
    Only two tracks stands out here, Selah and Follow God. The rest are such a bore to listen to. What a fall from TLOP (don't even bother about Ye). Even Follow God felt like it was ended abruptly and doesn't flow well into the next track. Maybe because I'm not American/Christian, so I don't feel what's so great about the whole gospel feel to this album. I just couldn't 'feel' the music, ifOnly two tracks stands out here, Selah and Follow God. The rest are such a bore to listen to. What a fall from TLOP (don't even bother about Ye). Even Follow God felt like it was ended abruptly and doesn't flow well into the next track. Maybe because I'm not American/Christian, so I don't feel what's so great about the whole gospel feel to this album. I just couldn't 'feel' the music, if that makes any sense. Sorry Ye but Jesus wept, then said THIS AIN'T IT. Expand
  52. Oct 26, 2019
    Mostly Kanye praising the lord. Hoped for more introspection and how he tries to emulate Jesus. But, I guess, Kanye does not like to look inside anymore. Friendly sound, not a lot depths.
  53. Oct 26, 2019
    Amazing album . Lush organic choirs , gospel music combined with hip hop influences and trap drums , this album won't disappoint you . This album could have been lengthier and a few songs felt kinda empty and anti climatic but nevertheless , this album is a masterpiece .
  54. Oct 26, 2019
    Was totally worth the wait! I don’t understand the negative reviews, as this is the first Kanye album I really fully enjoy. There’s simply no skip.
  55. Oct 26, 2019
    Kanye is a man who never does anything halfway, and now that he’s devoted his life to Jesus. It was a matter of time before we got this type of music from Kanye. Although some of the lyrics are a bit corny and plain, you can feel the passion in his (not-so-great) singing. Production is probably the worst ever on a Kanye album, but there are some incredibly beautiful moments throughout theKanye is a man who never does anything halfway, and now that he’s devoted his life to Jesus. It was a matter of time before we got this type of music from Kanye. Although some of the lyrics are a bit corny and plain, you can feel the passion in his (not-so-great) singing. Production is probably the worst ever on a Kanye album, but there are some incredibly beautiful moments throughout the whole album. Expand
  56. Oct 26, 2019
    Awful album. Not Kanye standards. He could ave done a gospel masterpiece but failed badly!
  57. Oct 25, 2019
    Album is very cool stylistically and is something that I guess was better than nothing. If you’re not Christian, this album is a bit of a groan. Don’t get me wrong, there are def some highlights, but if you don’t indulge in religion, it kinda comes off as a little preachy. Though, hey, it’s new Kanye, so I mean I’ll take that over inconsistent release dates any day.
  58. Oct 25, 2019
    Love it so much.............................................................................................
  59. Oct 25, 2019
    The production is splendid (as always because West's productions are always top-notch). The subject matter is not something that I really enjoy. I feel like West is experimenting things on this album and I appreciate his efforts, but I don't really feel the gospel vibe of JIK. Decent album
  60. Oct 25, 2019
    When you can feel someones heart! Kanye became a Christian, best Christian album of all time. Anyone that needs to get life's without drugs should talk this thing for real. He wants the best for all... The man is very misunderstood.
  61. Oct 25, 2019
    Incrível, emocionante e que nos toca de uma forma única. Do começo ao fim nos surpreende e emociona. Atenção pra faixa "Selah" que sem dúvidas é o destaque do disco.
  62. Oct 25, 2019
    Went in with low expectations after “ye” and it was a blissful listen to say the least, from the beginning with the Sunday Service vocals on “Every Hour” to the haunting and dark “Closed on Sunday” to the video game soundtrack sounding “On God” and ending with “Jesus Is Lord” which I would’ve been fine with having a 20 minute version of. All in all I feel this album will grow with time forWent in with low expectations after “ye” and it was a blissful listen to say the least, from the beginning with the Sunday Service vocals on “Every Hour” to the haunting and dark “Closed on Sunday” to the video game soundtrack sounding “On God” and ending with “Jesus Is Lord” which I would’ve been fine with having a 20 minute version of. All in all I feel this album will grow with time for a lot of people and will be looked back on like “Yeezus” and “808s” Expand
  63. Oct 25, 2019
    A new low-point for Ye. Hyper-religiosity is a common attribute of mental illness, and I cannot fault him for his sincere beliefs. However, the rhymes are weak and childlike.
  64. Oct 25, 2019
    This album is pretty solid overall. The songs on this album are pretty short which makes it feel more like a demo tape or mixtape. It's a very well-produced album. The weakest part about the album is the lyrics. some of the bars are awful and very corny. Even though the album has many moments with corny lines it is still a great listen.

    The highlight songs on the albums are Selah
    This album is pretty solid overall. The songs on this album are pretty short which makes it feel more like a demo tape or mixtape. It's a very well-produced album. The weakest part about the album is the lyrics. some of the bars are awful and very corny. Even though the album has many moments with corny lines it is still a great listen.

    The highlight songs on the albums are
    Follow God
    Closed On Sunday
    Everything We Need
    Use This Gospel
  65. Oct 25, 2019
    Productions like Kanye's are second to none, so you can expect their songs to surprise everyone. "Jesus Is King" follows what Ye has decided to be religiously, without letting go of the characteristics of Kanye genres that makes the Gospel his own. Despite the negative expectation break between certain tracks, "Every Hour" and "God is" seem to be the commanders of this album and camouflageProductions like Kanye's are second to none, so you can expect their songs to surprise everyone. "Jesus Is King" follows what Ye has decided to be religiously, without letting go of the characteristics of Kanye genres that makes the Gospel his own. Despite the negative expectation break between certain tracks, "Every Hour" and "God is" seem to be the commanders of this album and camouflage this grotesque mistake of Kanye. Expand
  66. Oct 25, 2019
    A sonic experience like no other, even if you aren't the religious type. Very comparable sonically to 808s and Yeezus, with a blend of new themes brought forward by Kanye. Although current reception is mixed, I believe this album marks a new and welcomed shift in his discography, not necessarily in a permanently religious way but instead in a more authentic portrayal of voicing his innerA sonic experience like no other, even if you aren't the religious type. Very comparable sonically to 808s and Yeezus, with a blend of new themes brought forward by Kanye. Although current reception is mixed, I believe this album marks a new and welcomed shift in his discography, not necessarily in a permanently religious way but instead in a more authentic portrayal of voicing his inner ideas in a direct way. I applaud the fact that he took this risk.

    My favorite song off the album so far is Hands On, due to the immense soundscape produced on the track.
  67. Oct 25, 2019
    Kanye delivers incredible production and bars, whole changing his sound. It's a big adjustment, but it is rewarding.
  68. Oct 25, 2019
    This is so boring ....Nothing special. Music for churches. Where are the MBDTF days?
  69. Oct 25, 2019
    Most confusing album ever......
    Wonder who’s still into him at this time...
  70. Oct 25, 2019
    Some of Kanye’s greatest to date. Follow God and Selah are absolute bangers.
  71. Oct 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Horrível, Jesus não gosta disso, e nunca gostara, tire jesus das suas bocas, jesus não apoia quem apóia a escravidão, o machismo e o racismo. Expand
  72. Oct 25, 2019
    Excellent album. The production is amazing, so are the lyrics. Definitely in the top three of his best albums so far
  73. Oct 25, 2019
    First listen thought it was trash but the more I listen the more I love. As an atheist some lines are pretty cringe but putting that aside, flow is great, product is amazing per usual, and good features. I feel like every song has something unique about it that makes me want to listen to it more and more It'll probably rank low in a list of best to worst albums but that's only cause it'sFirst listen thought it was trash but the more I listen the more I love. As an atheist some lines are pretty cringe but putting that aside, flow is great, product is amazing per usual, and good features. I feel like every song has something unique about it that makes me want to listen to it more and more It'll probably rank low in a list of best to worst albums but that's only cause it's not my taste. Overall enjoy the album and Ye never ceases to amaze me. Expand
  74. Oct 25, 2019
    This is so bad and I mean bad as in terrible. Not sure if he's ordering a fast food meal with that, "You my Chick-fil-A / You’re my number one / With the lemonade." Lol! Or how about "Everybody wanted Yandhi / Then Jesus Christ did the laundry." I kid you not. Then there's this, "That’s why I charge the prices that I charge / I can’t be out here Dancing With the Stars." I listened to thisThis is so bad and I mean bad as in terrible. Not sure if he's ordering a fast food meal with that, "You my Chick-fil-A / You’re my number one / With the lemonade." Lol! Or how about "Everybody wanted Yandhi / Then Jesus Christ did the laundry." I kid you not. Then there's this, "That’s why I charge the prices that I charge / I can’t be out here Dancing With the Stars." I listened to this on you tube for free and I am so glad I did because I can't imagine anyone paying actual money for this self masturbatory crock of hoo ha. I didn't expect any better from someone that would name their child psalm. So there you go. Hard core religious fanatics and sycophants will no doubt give me the thumbs down but this honest review is worth it. I do not recommend this album. Expand
  75. Oct 25, 2019
    It's not a great album but it's good. inconsistent and not very cohesive but there are some truly beutiful moments here. It's too short and the songs sound like glimpses of a full idea at times. The album serves as a true return to form for solo Kanye as the music is simply better than Ye. This sounds like a statemen t album. It's not meant to be this incredible piece of work but aIt's not a great album but it's good. inconsistent and not very cohesive but there are some truly beutiful moments here. It's too short and the songs sound like glimpses of a full idea at times. The album serves as a true return to form for solo Kanye as the music is simply better than Ye. This sounds like a statemen t album. It's not meant to be this incredible piece of work but a personal album that shows listeners where he's at. This album makes his future works very interesting. Collapse
  76. Oct 25, 2019
    Sonically dull, lyrically uninspired, and completely un-Kanye-like. Eleven songs and not a catchy hook in the bunch.
  77. Oct 25, 2019
    The best thing I can say is that it's short. Pretentious, boring -- and Kanye singing, which is always horrendous. Kanye is the worst kind of born-again-type -- boorish and self-absorbed - and now he want's everyone to believe what he does, because, you know, he's the greatest.
  78. Oct 25, 2019
    Jesus Is King is definitely an album that you have to get used to and listen to with an open mind. This is not your normal Ye album and was worth the wait. He isn't talking about bad booty **** and stuff like that, he's talking about our lord and savior Jesus. I hope Jesus Is Born will be even grander.
  79. Oct 25, 2019
    Second favorite of the year and of his discography. Elevates past works like Yeezus and Pablo.
  80. Oct 25, 2019
    This is pretty bad. The lyrics are really corny, the mixing is incredibly inconsistent. The mastering sounds like they ran it through a limiter and called it a day. The yandhi leaks, even incomplete, are better than this.

    Some sonically interesting ideas don't hold it together. Only thing that makes this better than The Big Day is it's mercifully short.
  81. Oct 25, 2019
    I've been a Kanye fan since MBDTF. I've listened to almost every album he has made and continue to listen to them to this day. After listening to Jesus Is King I can say this is the first time Kanye truly misstepped. The production is clean, but the content itself is somewhat shallow. I think he could have brought an interesting twist to Gospel. I mean, Ultralight Beam is one of myI've been a Kanye fan since MBDTF. I've listened to almost every album he has made and continue to listen to them to this day. After listening to Jesus Is King I can say this is the first time Kanye truly misstepped. The production is clean, but the content itself is somewhat shallow. I think he could have brought an interesting twist to Gospel. I mean, Ultralight Beam is one of my favorite songs by him. But this album devolves into Kanye simply using Jesus as a mascot. There is no greater insight into religion, faith, love of God, etc. Too often it feels like Kanye yelling "I love my God!" It's disappointing too, as this album has been hyped up for what feels like 10 years. I was really hoping he'd once again hit it out of the park. I'm still interested to see where he goes next, but I hope that he can find a way to meaningfully talk about his religion without ignoring the complexities of one's own faith and belief in God. Expand
  82. Oct 25, 2019
    Ye is truly a genius. The message–appreciate what you have, be positive, love family and friends—is just beautiful, and the production and lyricism back that up perfectly. The world has been in need of a purely positive record like this, and it can be an inspiration for people to focus on all the good we have in our lives, not the negativity that's going on around us. This album genuinelyYe is truly a genius. The message–appreciate what you have, be positive, love family and friends—is just beautiful, and the production and lyricism back that up perfectly. The world has been in need of a purely positive record like this, and it can be an inspiration for people to focus on all the good we have in our lives, not the negativity that's going on around us. This album genuinely brought me to tears, and I can't remember the last time that happened to me. It's making me reconsider a lot of things in my life, like how maybe I shouldn't curse at my dad anymore because that ain't Christ-like. Thank you, Kanye, as always. You really are the best artist of our generation.

    Favorite song: "Follow God"
  83. Oct 25, 2019
    The sampling is briliiant and so is the all round production. A really uplifting feel.
  84. Oct 25, 2019
    Absolutely incredible album from start to finish!! Follow God and Use this Gospel
  85. Oct 25, 2019
    It's definitely one of the weirdest albums kanye has ever dropped, the production is fantastic on almost every single track, some of the tracks are the most experimental that kanye has ever released (such as Hands On), but the only thing that's holding me back from giving this album a higher score are the lyrics on some of the tracks, they sound pretentious, and on water it literallyIt's definitely one of the weirdest albums kanye has ever dropped, the production is fantastic on almost every single track, some of the tracks are the most experimental that kanye has ever released (such as Hands On), but the only thing that's holding me back from giving this album a higher score are the lyrics on some of the tracks, they sound pretentious, and on water it literally sounds like a christian parody of a decent song, not every track is like that though, Hands on or Selah for example have good lyrics, but it's not enough to save the album, it could've been a 9/10 or even a 9.5/10 album, if kanye put some effort into the lyrics and it didnt come out so pretentious, basic, and even cringy sometimes, still a really good album. Expand
  86. Oct 25, 2019
    Although there are some very good songs in there, such as "Follow God", "Everything We Need" and the excellent "Use This Gospel", the whole album is way too much confusing and mediocre at best. Most of the production feels nice but the non-existence of any cohesion in the whole album, makes it surely not good. As for the lyricism, the themes do look decent and sincere for Kanye himself butAlthough there are some very good songs in there, such as "Follow God", "Everything We Need" and the excellent "Use This Gospel", the whole album is way too much confusing and mediocre at best. Most of the production feels nice but the non-existence of any cohesion in the whole album, makes it surely not good. As for the lyricism, the themes do look decent and sincere for Kanye himself but lack any form of originality or innovation, which is very much needed, if you take into account most of his previous albums. It's a very mediocre 5 for me. Expand
  87. Oct 25, 2019
    I gave Ye a pass because the production was amazing, but this album is just bad through and through. I'm not sure how anyone is into this and the only redeeming quality is the Clipse feature.
  88. Oct 25, 2019
    The only thing missing is the cinematic atmosphere of his longer album cuts.
  89. Oct 25, 2019
    this album sounds like a really bad joke. The fact that this album is about god doesn't justify the lackluster lyrics and production. I loved every kanye album but this one is a hot mess.
  90. Oct 25, 2019
    Man oh man, what a let down. The 11 track, 27 min album was a big disappointment. In my opinion, the best track on there is "Everything We Need." Though that is my favorite track, I still have issues with it. One being the fact that its less than 2 min long. That song had full potential of being a banger but it just ended way too fast. I know a lot of yall were wanting another MBDTF; this isnt it.
  91. Oct 25, 2019
    Every hour - 8/10
    Selah - 8.5/10
    Follow God - 9.5/10
    Closed On Sunday - 8.5/10
    On God - 9/10
    Everything We Need - 7/10
    Water - 9/10
    God Is - 9/10
    Hands On - 10/10
    Use This Gospel - 9/10
    Jesus Is Lord - 8.5/10
    overall - 8.7
  92. Oct 25, 2019
    This album is AMAZING. Kanye never disappoints.. The production on this is MIND BLOWING.
  93. Oct 25, 2019
    Maybe Kanye should go back on his Bipolar medication because this feels like an entirely different and far worse Kanye speaking throughout this album, even far worse than the disappointing Ye. The lyricism is poorer than prior albums, the beats and vocals are paltry and weak with Kanye’s vocals sounding truly terrible at points. Even when looking at this album from a gospel perspective,Maybe Kanye should go back on his Bipolar medication because this feels like an entirely different and far worse Kanye speaking throughout this album, even far worse than the disappointing Ye. The lyricism is poorer than prior albums, the beats and vocals are paltry and weak with Kanye’s vocals sounding truly terrible at points. Even when looking at this album from a gospel perspective, it’s pretty meh. But as a rap album and a Kanye album, this is bar-none his worst content yet. Expand
  94. Oct 25, 2019
    Very much worth the wait. The production is stellar as always and that clipse feature was a highlight of the album for sure. My only issue is that the record could have been longer!
  95. Oct 25, 2019
    As 2019 ends and a tumultuous 2020 begins, Kanye captures a flawed humanity asking for a final plea from God. A mix of warm beats and uplifting lyrics, West gives in to his spiritual shortcomings and embraces the eternal power of Jesus.
  96. Oct 25, 2019
    New Holy, new beat, new kanye.
    The lyrics with heavy, deep beats and transcendental messages give fresh stimulation.
  97. Oct 25, 2019
    It isn't good, that's for sure. Lyrically it's devoid of substance. Run of the mill generic gospel content and subject matter. Take it or leave it, non-essential to either Kanye fans or gospel fans.
  98. Oct 25, 2019
    Solid record but definitely doesn't compare to Kanye's past projects. Highlights include "Follow God" "On God" and "Closed on Sundays" excusing the horrendous Chik-Fil-A line. Listening goes by quite fast considering its only 27 minutes and left me a bit underwhelmed. Definitely a good project but a weak one for Kanye standards.
  99. Oct 25, 2019
    The best album of Millennium, Kanye West i love u, rap Excellence. BOWN DOWN
  100. Oct 25, 2019
    Beautiful. In the context of this genre, it's a teaching class. About production this album is the perfect mix of all the musical resources that Kanye from the 00's hadn't available. This is an exquisite performance with expressive lyrics, instrumental majesty and a time-proof personal style.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 25
  2. Negative: 4 out of 25
  1. Dec 30, 2019
    His reunion with frequent collaborators belies a rich history of discovering and championing new voices. This ostensible distance from which Kanye preaches reveals King’s true tension: Kanye, like Kendrick on DAMN., is asking for our prayers, while also distancing himself from our hands and our mouths. And it doesn’t work. ... He has artistically lost track of his audience and himself in its midst.
  2. The Wire
    Nov 20, 2019
    He’s hung up on Jesus rather than pneumatic women. It’s hard to tell if that’s an improvement, but it doesn’t seem like a regression either. ... An album with zero fat, dense in at least three senses, two of them positive. [Dec 2019, p.60]
  3. Nov 12, 2019
    As with every Kanye album, there’s some magnificent production on a majority of “Jesus Is King” courtesy of Pi’erre Bourne, Timbaland and Boogz, among others. ... Kanye just seems like he’s in his own world; disregarding what’s going on around him. Other times, Ye’s writing delves into eyerolling contradictions and ego-driven intentions.