
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
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  1. Mojo
    Mar 21, 2017
    Wonky fuzz-pop duo from Leeds weird out a little on follow-up to 2015's Ratworld. [May 2017, p.98]
  2. Q Magazine
    Feb 14, 2017
    Lemon Memory is both invigorating and anaesthetising. [Apr 2017, p.115]
  3. Feb 13, 2017
    Wholly enjoyable, but nothing revelatory.
  4. Feb 13, 2017
    While the range of tangents explored makes it a more interesting album, its lack of incisiveness prevents Lemon Memory from being called a better record.
  5. Jan 26, 2017
    Lemon Memory is a subtle, yet solid step forward for Menace Beach as they move to separate themselves from a now-crowded field of '90s-indebted acts.
  6. Jan 25, 2017
    It’s possibly not the massively successful step forward that it probably thinks it is, but there’s enough promise shining through to make Menace Beach well worth keeping an eye on.
  7. Jan 20, 2017
    Lemon Memory shows a band unencumbered by the constraints of genre or even their own musical history.
  8. Jan 19, 2017
    An impressive leap forwards.
  9. Jan 19, 2017
    It’s crushingly disappointing from a band that can sound so much better.
  10. Uncut
    Jan 18, 2017
    The band aren't afraid to diversity. [Feb 2017, p.30]
  11. Jan 18, 2017
    Menace Beach gain a lot from the distinctive nasal vocal style of former Komakino frontman Ryan Needham, and when he becomes largely absent the record suffers as a result. ... But when they strike gold, they hit it hard.
  12. Jan 18, 2017
    As it stands, Lemon Memory is an improvement upon their debut.
  13. 60
    [A] more thoughtful, diverse creations in which floating organ and mellotron lend a wavering melancholy to songs like “Maybe We’ll Drown” and “Lemon Memory”, pierced by contrasting guitar rages of keening angularity.
  14. 70
    Menace Beach seem to be taking the opportunity of a rather ominous looking 2017 to create a pretty attractive alternative musical universe for them and their fans to inhabit.

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