
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Feb 2, 2018
    The songs are all about stressful experiences, conflicts, and struggles, and this uneasiness is felt throughout the record, but all of this cathartic energy is harnessed in a highly skillful manner. Messes almost seems too accomplished to be referred to as a debut album.
  2. Feb 7, 2018
    Chura proves that she exists in a different plane where music for its own sake lies at the zenith of what one can experience and achieve in life, and is detached from the excesses of wealth and power it can bring. Here’s hoping there’s much more to come from this magical songstress.
  3. Feb 2, 2018
    In Messes, I’m hearing plenty of scrappy, sardonic, guitar-slashing indie rock--“Spotted Gold” stands out--but also other things. Chura’s voice gains clarity and sophistication on the slower songs.
  4. Feb 2, 2018
    Never too bitter or too sweet, these songs are bursting at the seams with casual urgency, an intoxicating counterpoint to the songs' melancholy.
  5. Feb 2, 2018
    It’s easy to indulge a reverie when it’s a vivid one, and Messes invites you to lose track of time for awhile with it.
  6. Feb 2, 2018
    Though Messes is a record full of heart, it doesn’t always hit there as powerfully as it could.
  7. Feb 2, 2018
    Messes is an album that’s likely to fly under the radar, as it is being released into a field that’s already crowded. But, anyone that gives it a chance is likely to get Stef Chura’s idiosyncratic vocals hooked to their brain, and will be enticed to give it more time. It will only reward further listens, as the subtleties in this simplistic joy are many.
  8. Feb 2, 2018
    Messes is the kind of album you feel rather than interpret, where what’s being said is less important than how it’s delivered. And when it comes to vocals, Chura’s delivery is certainly distinctive.

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