• Record Label: pgLang
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1481 Ratings

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  1. May 19, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A classic **** again it is very good experience kendrick is a top 5 best rapper all time Expand
  2. May 18, 2022
    Realmente es una pieza que precisa atención, consigo tiene una producción agradable con sonidos instrumentales precisós y ni hablar de su lirica que destaca a lo largo del álbum más que todo dónde LAMAR da puntos, ideas, explicación, reflexiónes sobre un entorno familiar y personal.
    En conclusión es un álbum bien elaborado para escuchar esta parte solidamente pasiva, leve de KENDRICK LAMAR
    Realmente es una pieza que precisa atención, consigo tiene una producción agradable con sonidos instrumentales precisós y ni hablar de su lirica que destaca a lo largo del álbum más que todo dónde LAMAR da puntos, ideas, explicación, reflexiónes sobre un entorno familiar y personal.
    En conclusión es un álbum bien elaborado para escuchar esta parte solidamente pasiva, leve de KENDRICK LAMAR
  3. May 18, 2022
    Great Album. Good for Kendrick fans and new fans. Favorite songs are United in Grief. N95.Die Hard. Savior. and Mr Morale. I cant stop listening to it So happy it did not disappoint.
  4. May 18, 2022
    People are just brainwashed if they think this is anywhere as close as his past albums, only 2 memorable songs, bad sound, and silent hill's chorus is horrendous.
  5. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers is a change of perspective from Kendrick Lamar, consequently providing us with a unique soundscape while simultaneously giving us some solid bangers. It is a deep dive into Kendrick's psyche, with the framing of a therapy session. The execution of this perspective is near flawless with the separation of the first and second disk. Some tracks seem a bit generic or weak to me (Die Hard, Purple Hearts), but still holds solid ground in the context of the album.

    Favorite Tracks: United In Grief, N95, Worldwide Steppers, Father Time, Rich Spirit, Crown, Savior, Auntie Diaries, Mother I Sober, Mirror

    Least Favorite Tracks: Die Hard, Silent Hill
  6. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. With the three previous Kendrick albums I expected a lower grade album for Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers, and that’s what he delivered. The album is not perfect with records like Rich Spirit and Silent Hill being the weaker parts. Those very songs skewed my view of the album after the first listen. Still after all this I kept listening to the album as you do with Kendrick’s albums to really try to understand his composition and lyrics. After a few days of this album on repeat I’ve found myself appreciating part 2, Mr. Morale a lot more. The grand production of Mr. Morale really brought home this theater-like feeling that’s carrying every song throughout the album. As a Baby Keem fan I really enjoyed the chemistry between him and Kendrick’s production (since I thought production was the weaker part of Baby Keem’s album Melodic Blue). Mr. Morale also has a more hard hitting lyrical themes with Mother I Sober and Auntie Diaries. Part one, The Big Steppers, also had its grand songs. United in Grief, Worldwide Steppers and Father Time were the peaks of this part for me. While We Cry Together is insanely beautiful it’s not a track I walk around and listen to as often at the others because I would rather not listen to two people arguing for 4 minutes. Just to end it off I want to mention my favorite tracks in no particular order.
    United in Grief
    Worldwide Steppers
    Father Time
    Count Me Out
    Auntie Diaries
    Mother I Sober Mirror
  7. May 18, 2022
    If you think this album ain't great, work on yourself. Because this doesn't sound the way you expected doesn't make it less of a classic.
  8. May 18, 2022
    Well worth the wait. A one of a kind talent showcasing why he is the absolute greatest rapper on the planet right now. His storytelling elevates the art form itself, and this might be my third favorite Kendrick album, he is truly a gift to art and music.
  9. May 14, 2022
    Amazing experience. No dull moments or bars wasted on this project. This album further cemented Kendrick’s place as one of the greatest artists of all time.
  10. May 18, 2022
    Absolute masterpiece, Mother I sober might be the best song Kendrick has done .
  11. May 17, 2022
    I'm not a fan of rap music at all, but this is definitely one of the better ones I've heard. Even though they sell like the songs sounds different, they all sound EXACTLY The same. But the lyrics aren't bad.
  12. May 17, 2022
    Kendrick is good at painting pictures. In this case, he paints a Picasso. It's a twisted, emotional, dark, confusing and emotional ride through just a minor glimpse of Kendrick's real life & what goes on in his head. It shows the transition of someone who is unfortunately ignorant from his upbringing but correctly portrays the image of a man who learned from his life experiences and grewKendrick is good at painting pictures. In this case, he paints a Picasso. It's a twisted, emotional, dark, confusing and emotional ride through just a minor glimpse of Kendrick's real life & what goes on in his head. It shows the transition of someone who is unfortunately ignorant from his upbringing but correctly portrays the image of a man who learned from his life experiences and grew to became what he would consider to be a modern savior. This album gets 10 out of 10 from me! Expand
  13. May 17, 2022
    One of the most thoughtful and self reflective albums I’ve ever heard. Among Kendrick’s best.
  14. May 17, 2022
    I enjoyed this album a lot. i was very excited for this project and it met my expectations.

    Favourite tracks- united in grief, N95, We cry together, auntie diaries and mother I sober
  15. May 17, 2022
    Another brilliant masterpiece, what else do you expect from Kendrick Lamar? (Better listening to it over time/a few times as opposed to instant gratification, an album as heavy as this comes with that expectancy).
  16. May 17, 2022
    THIS MAN IS THE GOAT! The album was amazing and really heartfelt. Wwgxjvxwbxjbxiwbxbxuwbxidibdiwbxiwbxiwvxibibxjwvdiiwvxibwxivwxihqixbwxiwvxivwixbwixbqixbqxuwbxiqvxiwxivixwbxiwiwiqxiqvxiwvxivwxivwxubwxugquxgqxuqgqxuqvxjqvxjqvxjvqxquxvquxuxqvuxvwivqu doTHIS MAN IS THE GOAT! The album was amazing and really heartfelt. Wwgxjvxwbxjbxiwbxbxuwbxidibdiwbxiwbxiwvxibibxjwvdiiwvxibwxivwxihqixbwxiwvxivwixbwixbqixbqxuwbxiqvxiwxivixwbxiwiwiqxiqvxiwvxivwxivwxubwxugquxgqxuqgqxuqvxjqvxjqvxjvqxquxvquxuxqvuxvwivqu do uxgwixbqdubquxbwixwvxibwxiwbiibwixbixbwixwidbwbwixbiwdbwidhwidvwiwucxiwvxiwgxiwdgiwhxiqdqiqiqgxiqgxiqgxqgqidgwidgwvuhewydbuduwdvzvzwbxuvzuqvxuw xuwgduebduwbxubxubxeuheudvixvwugixbqudbx Expand
  17. May 17, 2022
    2010-2022 That's 12 years, 4 official albums in 12 years; his 10th will drop in 2040; IMO he is only a media darling and the only SOLID album he has ever put out to this day is his first Major, GKMC; this album should have been titled
    The Metamorphosis of Butterfly of Section80: Mad Kid, Good City and how to Pimp DAMNation
    about the overall quality of His albums every time he drops I
    2010-2022 That's 12 years, 4 official albums in 12 years; his 10th will drop in 2040; IMO he is only a media darling and the only SOLID album he has ever put out to this day is his first Major, GKMC; this album should have been titled
    The Metamorphosis of Butterfly of Section80: Mad Kid, Good City and how to Pimp DAMNation
    about the overall quality of His albums every time he drops I can't help but think about this part from Jay's Takeover:
    Four albums in ten years? I could divide
    That's one every, let's say two, two of them was doo
    One was nah, the other was Illmatic
    That's a one hot album every ten year average
    And that's so (Lame)
    switch up your flow, your's is garbage
    What, you tryna kick knowledge?
  18. May 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is an album that differs from previous themes delved into on prior albums by Kendrick. Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers is a significantly introspective album about who Kendrick is as a person and how he has grown since his earliest days. It is profoundly human, and what I believe to be an album that Kendrick made for himself more so than to “please everyone.” Production is also top-notch, and combined with k-dots signature poetic lyricism there is enough for me to deem this album an instant classic. 94/100. Expand
  19. May 17, 2022
    For a Kendrick album, this album is very mid. It's not a bad album, but it's more of a movie you'll never watch again. The replay value is very limited. Each of K-Dot's albums have told a great story and kept to a overarching theme within that story. This one, though, tries a bit too hard to talk about way too many elements and make them cohesive. Rap wise, it's top-notch Kendrick, butFor a Kendrick album, this album is very mid. It's not a bad album, but it's more of a movie you'll never watch again. The replay value is very limited. Each of K-Dot's albums have told a great story and kept to a overarching theme within that story. This one, though, tries a bit too hard to talk about way too many elements and make them cohesive. Rap wise, it's top-notch Kendrick, but it's easily his worst, which is still better than most out there. It's very introspective and within that, we get more of the insecurities that drive Kendrick, but within all of that, the energy is very somber and each song seem detached from one another.

    Hopefully he keeps going and has a good follow-up to it after leaving TDE, but it's nowhere near the classic his studio albums have been before it.
  20. May 17, 2022
    This is a masterpiece, definitely the best album for the last 2 - 3 years, for me there's no miss, every song does the job and bring to me that "theatre" experience that I expected it to be, even tho it cannot compare to GKMB or TPAB, but it's still a great piece of artwork to listen to.
  21. May 17, 2022
    RATING: 81%
    While not his most consistent, Kendrick Lamar returns with a catchy album with some intelligent lyrics and well-produced beats.
  22. May 17, 2022
    It's one of the most albums that I related to from Kendrick and I do enjoy this album more than any album I listened in these past 5 years. One of the greatest rappers of all time and the best of this generation. Ty mr Kendrick Lamar ❤
  23. May 17, 2022
    Maybe something is just off with me, but I would say this is easily the most overrated album ever made. The Off-Season was definitely the best rap album in the last year or two, and while this was decent - this album has nothing on Kendrick's previous works.
  24. May 17, 2022
    This is by far the most human Kendrick Lamar has ever been, He puts himself first brfore expectations, religion and critics and that helps him sees the struggles of others. Kendrick really shows here that it's not about you, Instead of you thinking because of your religion, tradition, culture or personal beliefs on whether you should accept people like Trans. Maybe just maybe it's notThis is by far the most human Kendrick Lamar has ever been, He puts himself first brfore expectations, religion and critics and that helps him sees the struggles of others. Kendrick really shows here that it's not about you, Instead of you thinking because of your religion, tradition, culture or personal beliefs on whether you should accept people like Trans. Maybe just maybe it's not about you and that they shouldn't require your acceptance or approval to live their lives as people only get 1 shot on this earth. Why should they spend it no being themselves to make you happy? I am really grateful for this genius of a man. Called Lamar Expand
  25. May 17, 2022
    The best album I've ever heard
    The best album I've ever heard
    The best album I've ever heard
  26. May 16, 2022
    His most personal project to date. Sonically, lyrically, and conceptually amazing.
  27. May 16, 2022
    Well hasn’t this been one of the most divisive and polarising albums of the year! Long awaited, highly anticipated and now heavily debated, Kendrick Lamar dropped his latest album ‘Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers’ last week and there has been no shortage of discussion online and in barbershops and street corners around the globe.

    Full review at:
    Well hasn’t this been one of the most divisive and polarising albums of the year! Long awaited, highly anticipated and now heavily debated, Kendrick Lamar dropped his latest album ‘Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers’ last week and there has been no shortage of discussion online and in barbershops and street corners around the globe.

    Full review at: https://rawsidehiphop.com/review-kendrick-lamar-mr-morale-the-big-steppers
  28. May 16, 2022
    Sonically it’s not like his passed albums I get the deepness of the message but sonically I felt like it wanted to be TPAB 2.0 but I have this album second to last of his catalogue
  29. May 16, 2022
    Absolutely genius!!! Variations of flows, such a great lyricist and storyteller, this album makes you feel in a big story. Mr morale is very provocative.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jun 20, 2022
    By far the most compelling persona on Mr Morale & The Big Steppers is the Kendrick who is trying to make sense of his own family. ... ["Mother I Sober" is] a tour de force, almost but not quite as revelatory as "DUCKWORTH", a similar family saga off 2017's DAMN. And the best moment is when the strings swell and Lamar's voice changes. [Aug 2022, p.24]
  2. Jun 17, 2022
    Through over 70 minutes of Lamar’s latest, every facet of life for the young Compton rapper is held up to the light. Love, pain, hope, despair, triumph, defeat, it’s all there. ... He’s a rapper who understands rapping is more than just a good beat, a good punchline, or a good vocal tone. He’s blessed to have all of that but he takes the platform he got from it and makes art that will last a lifetime.
  3. The Wire
    Jun 15, 2022
    Introspective, emotionally charged pieces such as “Father Time”, “We Cry Together” and “Savior” provide high – or jarring – points on the record, but elsewhere there are periods of lull absent on previous efforts. ... As sonically impressive as his latest album may be, his approach to the topics under discussion doesn’t feel sufficiently thought out. [Jul 2022, p.48]