• Record Label: pgLang
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1481 Ratings

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  1. May 15, 2022
    No se necesita buscar una buena producción como la encontramos en DAMN. para considerar este nuevo álbum: una obra de arte. Tenemos lo que siempre hemos tenido (y apreciado) de oklama; que es una composición y letras increíbles, con grandes rimas y flow.
  2. May 15, 2022
    SUCH a great album. Even lowkey better than DAMN. and that was one of my favorite albums of all time! The beats are great, Kendrick performs ridiculous flows, the lyrics are immaculate and the variation is good enough. Absolutely no skips and overall the best album we have had in a few years!
  3. May 15, 2022
    Amazing! Transcends hip hop! Everyone should give this amazing piece of art their time!
  4. May 15, 2022
    This is not an album that's kind to first listens.  There's a good chance the strange, skeletal beats and off-kilter flows on tracks like United in Grief and Worldwide Steppers will throw you off.  There's a good chance that it won't be until We Cry Together at Track #8 when the song quickly commands you to stop tap dancing around the conversation - or maybe even not until Track #10 CountThis is not an album that's kind to first listens.  There's a good chance the strange, skeletal beats and off-kilter flows on tracks like United in Grief and Worldwide Steppers will throw you off.  There's a good chance that it won't be until We Cry Together at Track #8 when the song quickly commands you to stop tap dancing around the conversation - or maybe even not until Track #10 Count Me out begins with saying there's a "breakthrough" - that the earlier tracks begin to click and make sense.  Only then is it revealed that this album is a comprenshensive therapy session for Kendrick, one where he's going over all of his flaws in painstaking detail, from his celebrity (Rich Spirit), to toxic relationships (We Cry Together), all the way to childhood trauma (Mother I Sober).  For those willing to trudge along to this point and truly dive in, you will be rewarded with an ambitious, albeit imperfect gem full of absolute classics, much like its creator.  All of the flaws with this project reside in the first disk*.  I say that with a heavy asterisk because this disk is chalk full of amazing highlights.  Most people's first true love hete will probably be with Father Time, which is a straightforward, stunning bar-filled banger on toxic masculine fathers.  The explosive acting and emotion paired with an amazing beat by the Alchemist make We Cry Together an absolute spoken word classic in the vain of classic Eminem tracks.  And again, understanding the concept of the album later on makes earlier complex tracks like United in Grief rewarding to come back to, as they're filled with so much deep, lyrical meat to sink your teeth into with the context in tow.  Even with the context though, some of the tracks here flat out do not live up to the quality of the rest album around them.  Mainly the low-key melodic Die Hard and Rich Spirit are okay, inoffensive tracks but sound dull in comparison to rest of the album, even on repeated listens for me. Once you get past the first disk though I challenge anyone to find any more faults here.  The 2nd disk is where Kendrick lays his soul to bear and truly exorcises some demons and, no exaggeration, it's some of the best music you will ever hear in your life, period.  From challenging the concept of idols and his own savior complex on the aptly named Savior, to his ever evolving relationship with Trans members of his family, to literally killing off the "generational curse" of a deep-seeded childhood trauma, the 2nd half is a mind-blowing masterpiece front-to-back filled with stunning moment after stunning moment.  This album would potentially uproot TPAB if it was just this 2nd disk alone. As it stands, despite a couple shortcomings in the first half, this is one of the most powerful artistic expressions on personal mental healing I've ever heard.  It's definitely a heavy favorite for album of the year and this easily takes 2nd place for me in Kendrick's discography behind TPAB. Expand
  5. May 15, 2022
    Might possibly be Kendrick’s best work of art. Just when you think he can’t possibly outdo himself what does he do? He creates his most artistic and complex piece of work. Simply amazing
  6. May 15, 2022
    simply amazing. every listen it gets better and better to the point where i think it might be my favorite Kendrick album.
  7. May 15, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sourav Mahato is an Indian Entrepreneur. He was born on 20 Nov 2000 in Canning Town. He is the active ceo and founder of "Label By KR", a digital marketing company. The best way to keep up is to learn from and support each other as we continue pushing the boundaries of innovation in marketing. Expand
  8. May 15, 2022
    We’ve seen Kendrick go from a scared boy in Compton in GKMC to becoming a type of prophet in TBAP to the culmination of a cultural savior figure with DAMN. It seems now though he is talking to himself as much as anyone when he says “I am not your Savior.”
  9. May 15, 2022
    Amazing! Mr Lamar did it again, what a honest well composed album! On repeat!
  10. May 15, 2022
    The fifth studio album by the north american rapper has some really high and interesting moments, but Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers in some occasions - Rich Spirit and Silent Hill - feels like a step down from Kendrick's previous works, both lyrically and production wise. This two songs realy sound like something you'll get from a Lil (Something), and not from one of the best rappers andThe fifth studio album by the north american rapper has some really high and interesting moments, but Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers in some occasions - Rich Spirit and Silent Hill - feels like a step down from Kendrick's previous works, both lyrically and production wise. This two songs realy sound like something you'll get from a Lil (Something), and not from one of the best rappers and lyricists of the 21st century. Also, this and a couple more songs don't seem to be aligned with the narrative presented with the dual album, making this choice also questionable. Overall, Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers is a really good album if thought of as a single piece and not two different albums. Expand
  11. May 15, 2022
    Greatest hip-hop record of the past couple of years. There’s nothing more to say.
  12. May 15, 2022
    Man, Kendrick has done it again. This album was so immersive, and a lot of songs were that real **** Mirror, crown, rich spirit, aunties diaries, silent hill, savior, we cry together and united in grief are my favourites
  13. May 15, 2022
    F**k, this is just perfect, it make me feels like i have either daddy issues, wtf, this man is unbelievable
  14. May 15, 2022
    amazing album, different from most of what we get today in the rap game. people complain that it doesn’t have any “bangers” as if every album needs to be mainstream.
  15. May 15, 2022
    This is the greatest album of the 2020s so far. The whole project is basically if good kid, m.A.A.d city, and DAMN had a baby, and it's perfect.
  16. May 14, 2022
    The best album Kendrick Lamar has released to date and my favourite album of all time. Every song is a joy to listen to, and songs like Auntie Diaries, Mother I Sober and Mirror brought me to tears and addressed serious issues. Amazing bangers such as N95, Die Hard, and Silent Hill. Every song I haven't already listed is a jammer as well. Will be credited as the most important album of the decade.
  17. May 15, 2022
    Wow.. Many unexpected Songs, theres so much hidden in the lyrics and this album is so personal. You going trought every Emotion. Great Production and writing.
  18. May 15, 2022
    Кендрик — мужчина. Самый взрослый и личный альбом, при этом затронет намного больше людей, чем TPAB. Браво.
  19. May 15, 2022
    Beautiful production, flows and lyrics. It's very introspective and unique.
  20. May 15, 2022
    After more than five years finally a new Kendrick album, it was an amazing project, and i hope some more of this new Kendrick style can come out more often.
  21. May 14, 2022
    In **** credible. One if the best albums ive ever heard. So much layers in the production and in lyrics content. Artist of the generation
  22. May 14, 2022
    I loved it. Not because I waited for 5 years for a kendrick album or because he sounds different, but because of the concepts he explores throughout the album. The sound is so unique and futuristic, in my opinion there is profound Kanye influence throughout the album but this isn’t a bad thing. He didn’t specifically borrow other artist’s sound rather he built his own sound onto hisI loved it. Not because I waited for 5 years for a kendrick album or because he sounds different, but because of the concepts he explores throughout the album. The sound is so unique and futuristic, in my opinion there is profound Kanye influence throughout the album but this isn’t a bad thing. He didn’t specifically borrow other artist’s sound rather he built his own sound onto his influences. It definetly will get better overtime for me, as his previous albums did as well. I still don’t think I’ve understood all the references and topics he explored within the album, even after 7 full listens. Thank you Kendrick. But I still don’t understand the oklama and Mr. Morale aliases. Are they related to each other? I don’t know. Expand
  23. May 14, 2022
    Still too early to process the album. Only time can tell how this album preforms. It's his deepest album, almost like a therapy session for him, as he reveals the struggles of his past and how they still haunt him. Superb mix of deep songs (Mother I Sober) and hype songs (N95) which all deliver.
  24. May 14, 2022
    Even though it’s not Kendrick’s best work, but he definitely made a powerful comeback.
  25. May 14, 2022
    Nice music to my ears, the other great rappers should be proud of this album
  26. May 14, 2022
    Better than DAMN. Honestly people are just hating tl hate. This album is simply amazing
  27. May 14, 2022
    Breathtaking. Just, breathtaking. The amount of emotion in each song, the lyricism as always. Amazing
  28. May 14, 2022
    Alright, this is gonna be hard. I'm writing this in English although is not my main language, but i want to reach the max people i can. Right now at the moment, i'm been through a rough depression, my days are completely trash and i feel like the ugliest and worst person alive. Constantly i have suicidal thoughts and most part of the things i've liked in some point of my life just don'tAlright, this is gonna be hard. I'm writing this in English although is not my main language, but i want to reach the max people i can. Right now at the moment, i'm been through a rough depression, my days are completely trash and i feel like the ugliest and worst person alive. Constantly i have suicidal thoughts and most part of the things i've liked in some point of my life just don't seems the same thing.

    But this album... Really did something.

    I was really excited to the new Kendrick album, but in the same week he was dropping i had some real bad crisis. When it dropped i was awake in the dawn, and i thought with myself: "Ah, alright, i don't have nothing more to do, let's listen to that".

    And man, it was really special. Every track showing some really deep narrative, great melodies, an absolute insane production. I wasn't expecting something so good as it is this one.

    Some tracks i will bring to my entire life, like "Die Hard", "Father Time", "Rich Spirits", and specially "Count Me Out".

    This is the prime Kendrick again in the scene.

    I don't think my depression disappeared, but i'm really better after that, when i'm down i'll always listen to this album, cause it's really impactful in my life.

    Thanks a lot Kendrick Lamar, you're one of my main inspirations in life. 10/10.
  29. May 14, 2022
    Kendrick Lamar returns with another triumphant victory with Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers. The themes on this album are incredibly deep and a emotional story is told. The long wait was worth it.
  30. May 14, 2022
    apenas kendrick lamar fazendo as coisas como tem que ser feitas, tudo perfeito.

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jun 20, 2022
    By far the most compelling persona on Mr Morale & The Big Steppers is the Kendrick who is trying to make sense of his own family. ... ["Mother I Sober" is] a tour de force, almost but not quite as revelatory as "DUCKWORTH", a similar family saga off 2017's DAMN. And the best moment is when the strings swell and Lamar's voice changes. [Aug 2022, p.24]
  2. Jun 17, 2022
    Through over 70 minutes of Lamar’s latest, every facet of life for the young Compton rapper is held up to the light. Love, pain, hope, despair, triumph, defeat, it’s all there. ... He’s a rapper who understands rapping is more than just a good beat, a good punchline, or a good vocal tone. He’s blessed to have all of that but he takes the platform he got from it and makes art that will last a lifetime.
  3. The Wire
    Jun 15, 2022
    Introspective, emotionally charged pieces such as “Father Time”, “We Cry Together” and “Savior” provide high – or jarring – points on the record, but elsewhere there are periods of lull absent on previous efforts. ... As sonically impressive as his latest album may be, his approach to the topics under discussion doesn’t feel sufficiently thought out. [Jul 2022, p.48]