• Record Label: pgLang
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1481 Ratings

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  1. May 13, 2022
    This is a good album, but it is much less than I expected. If you're a real fan, you'll understand me. It's not even in the top 5 Kendrick's album.
  2. May 13, 2022
    Overall very underwhelming. Less cohesiveness, edge, and impressive lyricism than past works. The album feels uninspired and captures themes like stress, anxiety, and depression much more literally and less creatively than on DAMN (namely on FEEL and FEAR). It was perhaps too much to hope for a fourth straight classic, but I didn’t think Mr. Morale would fall below Section.80.
  3. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is a trip, he somehow told the story of self development and mental health progression in the style of a play/musical. There is still a lot to dissect but because of where I am mentally and recently opening up to therapy and being put on medication for PTSD, this album just sits right with me. It makes me feel that I’m not alone and even my idol goes through the same stuff that I go through, while also giving me hope that I can resolve my inner conflicts. Expand
  4. May 13, 2022
    Kendrick is full command of his poignant, razor sharp lyricism and observational prowess. A dense and deeply affecting project.
  5. May 13, 2022
    This is the best thing to happen in the music scene in 2022. Heard that Apple Music and Spotify's servers both crashed when the album dropped! Ha awesome. Some hard-hitting, honest, poetic material that may not be for everyone. For everyone else, it's a gift.
  6. May 13, 2022
    After listening to the album a few times, I can safely say Kendrick has done it again. The storytelling on this offering is so vivid and beautiful, but don't be surprised if some of the lyrics hold up a mirror to show your reflection. A lot of relatable stuff on here, and a lot of Kendrick reflecting on his own issues and the growth that's come from it. 10/10 easily, from the stellarAfter listening to the album a few times, I can safely say Kendrick has done it again. The storytelling on this offering is so vivid and beautiful, but don't be surprised if some of the lyrics hold up a mirror to show your reflection. A lot of relatable stuff on here, and a lot of Kendrick reflecting on his own issues and the growth that's come from it. 10/10 easily, from the stellar production to the tantalizing lyrics this was truly a work of art and I will most definitely be listening over and over all week to digest it completely. Expand
  7. May 13, 2022
    This album plays like a Theatrical play. Deep and Dense. I put it behind TPAB, Section 80 and GKMC.
  8. May 13, 2022
    Narrativa espectacular. Con una intro envolvente que advierte sobre lo grandioso del álbum. La primera mitad, llena de ritmo, un exquisito rapeo característico de Lamar y la segunda un tanto más con los decibeles abajo, pero con una letra imponente. Verdaderamente Kendrick ha dejado una lírica extraordinaria mostrándonos un proyecto muy personal. Es una obra de arte.
  9. May 13, 2022
    I was beyond impressed with this album. A musical journey from Track 1 - 18, with powerful instrumentals, vocals, and messaging regarding grief, introspection, and aspects of modern culture. Worth repeated listens and an instant classic!
  10. May 13, 2022
    Truly one of his most introspective albums. Touching on so many topics with each song, while also commenting on self struggles. From the lyrics, to the mixing. Everything is just beautiful. While i can agree that its more of a slow album, it doesn't ruin the flow at all with Kendrick still managing to give us some bangers. A all round amazing album when you really listen too it, which isTruly one of his most introspective albums. Touching on so many topics with each song, while also commenting on self struggles. From the lyrics, to the mixing. Everything is just beautiful. While i can agree that its more of a slow album, it doesn't ruin the flow at all with Kendrick still managing to give us some bangers. A all round amazing album when you really listen too it, which is why so many people that listened to it once called it mid and boring... One of my favourite albums he's released to date and definitely lived up to my expectations. Expand
  11. May 13, 2022
    It's simple: this is one of the deepest and most heartfelt rap albums ever made. It is chaotic like the mind of someone who has been through so many chaotic and disturbing moments. It's an intimate blow to Kendrick's feelings and mind.
  12. May 13, 2022
    As a new addition into Kendrick discography this is a 10/10. Ever song gives joy and an expansion of the mind.
  13. May 13, 2022
    this album shows Kendrick talking about the culture we see this in his songs like we cry together showing how toxic the black/mainstream culture is he shows the toxicity of culture with the arguing in we cry together of the culture of mainstream media in auntie stories showing how strong his auntie was for transitioning when the media hated trans and now how the media demonizes opinionsthis album shows Kendrick talking about the culture we see this in his songs like we cry together showing how toxic the black/mainstream culture is he shows the toxicity of culture with the arguing in we cry together of the culture of mainstream media in auntie stories showing how strong his auntie was for transitioning when the media hated trans and now how the media demonizes opinions that that are different when he says the f slur saying he's gonna get canceled show Kendrick genius and how he stick to the theme of culture throughout even including Kodak black a known racist and trump supporter showing if we disagree we don't have to hate like Kanye with marlin Manson and dababy now to say this is right or not is to the individual but we can acknowledge Kendrick theme and idea how he shows it and how great it is put into a song also the combination of rhymes and beats flowing and clashing seals Kendrick's place as a top artist no other artist can compare to his genius Expand
  14. May 13, 2022
    Kendrick Lamar he arrived at the height of his artistic career. This is his most cohesive, complex and excellent work so far. High point for the songs Silent Hill, Die Hard and Father Time.
  15. May 13, 2022
    When I think of what makes a great album I think about if it, conveys a story well, if its topics are good and well thought out, if its lyricisim is good, if it is something that you can listen to over and over again, If it is a non overplayed topic, if it has a significant meaning, if there is versatility in the styles, and if it makes the listener feel the feelings the artist is singingWhen I think of what makes a great album I think about if it, conveys a story well, if its topics are good and well thought out, if its lyricisim is good, if it is something that you can listen to over and over again, If it is a non overplayed topic, if it has a significant meaning, if there is versatility in the styles, and if it makes the listener feel the feelings the artist is singing about. Mr. Morale and the big steppers is in my opinion Kendricks 3rd best album, but would be most artists best album, I love it from front to back. In some songs kendrick is care free, and boastful but in others he portrays the problems with things such as his relationships, and his feelings on different subjects. In this album he is very vulnerable and open about things such as talking about toxic masculinity and the wrongs of men who use those beliefs. After a 5 year hiatus from solo albums I think this was well worth the wait, this album in my opinion solidifies Kendrick as a top 5 rapper of all time and by far the greatest of my generation, His beats even when simple shines a light on his amazing lyricisim and when there are complex beats his west coast sounds are amazing, I love this album so much I rate it a 10/10 Expand
  16. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Como era de se esperar, o álbum é nível Kendrick Lamar, não possui erros, músicas não são repetitivas e todas passam uma mensagem diferente. O vocal também impecável, assim como os beats
    Não poderia ser diferente 10/10
  17. May 13, 2022
    Best Kendrick album yet! The issues he discusses are often disregarded in the music industry. This is his most transformational album!
  18. May 13, 2022
    Amazing, a masterpiece, it's a vulnerable side of Kendrick, talking about maturity, black parenting and relationship, it's deep and important
  19. May 13, 2022
    We waited 5 years for this and Kendrick Lamar has delivered a profound statement that
    will take many listens to understand fully. The production goes hard and its really well done.
    I would hve to say this album is a 9 for me. Some tracks I wasn't feeling as much but
    for the most part this album is consistently great. Theres a reason K Dot is one of the greats.
  20. May 13, 2022
    good, good and good, i have no words to sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  21. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its a work of art wherever you see it, maybe is his most emocional album and also his best work Expand
  22. May 13, 2022
    Its fire, Kendrick is back with the fire, feeling free and experiment with new sounds for his music
  23. May 13, 2022
    Overall this album provides a good mixture of mainstream and experimental sounds, almost feeling like a hybrid of Damn and GKMC/TPAB. The production is extremely good and the performances are *mostly* quite impressive. However I have a big problem with this album involving the longevity of it. The songs are good at first glance but I have already grown tired of a few of them. There is notOverall this album provides a good mixture of mainstream and experimental sounds, almost feeling like a hybrid of Damn and GKMC/TPAB. The production is extremely good and the performances are *mostly* quite impressive. However I have a big problem with this album involving the longevity of it. The songs are good at first glance but I have already grown tired of a few of them. There is not a lot of variety on quite a few of the tracks and as a result, listening to a song once feels like you've listened to it five times. Only time will tell if this is a truly good album, but regardless, it is still likely to be one of the best albums to come out this year. Expand
  24. May 13, 2022
    So complex and very unique from his other projects, I really have enjoyed this album in the short time it’s been out.
  25. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muy bien álbum, de lo mejor de 2022, ya se esperaba el regreso del gran kendrick Lamar y no decepciona en lo absoluto, excelente album Expand
  26. May 13, 2022
    definitely we underrated baby keem’s style and hope this album let everybody know how influential baby keem is
  27. May 13, 2022
    10/10 Kendrick! Mucha variedad y Canciones con temáticas bastante agradables
  28. May 13, 2022
    This is not only the best album I've heard this year... This is the best album I've heard since To Pimp a Butterfly. This is not an exaggeration, it actually feels reserved to give it a 10/10. It is an example of the heights that music and art in general can achieve. Kendrick Lamar isn't even my favourite rapper, that's probably MF DOOM, with other rappers like Kevin Abstract, Gambino,This is not only the best album I've heard this year... This is the best album I've heard since To Pimp a Butterfly. This is not an exaggeration, it actually feels reserved to give it a 10/10. It is an example of the heights that music and art in general can achieve. Kendrick Lamar isn't even my favourite rapper, that's probably MF DOOM, with other rappers like Kevin Abstract, Gambino, Andre 3000, Earl Sweatshirt, Danny Brown, etc in contention. But Kendrick Lamar is taking music and storytelling to a far higher degree than I've ever seen in rap, or even music in general for the last few years. This is an instant classic and everyone should soak this up, although there's too much depth here to explore, until enough time has passed. Kendrick may not be my favourite MC, but I've considered him the GOAT for quite a while. Expand
  29. May 13, 2022
    É inovador e revolucionário? É... é sim, extraordinário, é excepcional, é uma experiência como nenhuma outra que eu ativa na vida...
  30. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amazing lyrics, thats it. The entire Album can't offer more than good relflexions and a great interpersonality with Kendrick, a personal project that can't bring the spark to eveyone. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jun 20, 2022
    By far the most compelling persona on Mr Morale & The Big Steppers is the Kendrick who is trying to make sense of his own family. ... ["Mother I Sober" is] a tour de force, almost but not quite as revelatory as "DUCKWORTH", a similar family saga off 2017's DAMN. And the best moment is when the strings swell and Lamar's voice changes. [Aug 2022, p.24]
  2. Jun 17, 2022
    Through over 70 minutes of Lamar’s latest, every facet of life for the young Compton rapper is held up to the light. Love, pain, hope, despair, triumph, defeat, it’s all there. ... He’s a rapper who understands rapping is more than just a good beat, a good punchline, or a good vocal tone. He’s blessed to have all of that but he takes the platform he got from it and makes art that will last a lifetime.
  3. The Wire
    Jun 15, 2022
    Introspective, emotionally charged pieces such as “Father Time”, “We Cry Together” and “Savior” provide high – or jarring – points on the record, but elsewhere there are periods of lull absent on previous efforts. ... As sonically impressive as his latest album may be, his approach to the topics under discussion doesn’t feel sufficiently thought out. [Jul 2022, p.48]