• Record Label: pgLang
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1481 Ratings

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  1. May 14, 2022
    probably the best album released that year along with motomami. Must hear. If you think it’s under 8 you’re a stupid **** Anyways listen to it it’s gonna be your best hour and 13 minutes.
  2. May 14, 2022
    overrated mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid mid
  3. May 14, 2022
    Has some great lyrics, both bars and lyrics. Just not an album I really want to vibe to. Just playing while playing video games or on a drive, just doesn’t do it for me.
  4. May 14, 2022
    An amazing piece of art. This is Kendrick's most vulnerable project yet, exposing everything that we might not know about him. Of course the G.O.A.T dropped a masterpiece, no one expected anything else.
  5. May 13, 2022
    It's incredible how he combines different topics and different styles on that album.
  6. May 13, 2022
    It's not bad by any means, but it also isn't great. He sacrifices musical value for intricate storytelling and to me it doesn't pay off. The production is uninspired and there isn't a lot of replay value here. The lyricism is top notch however. The problem with this album is that he tried to re-capture the ethos of Good Kid, but is so far removed from that life at this point that itIt's not bad by any means, but it also isn't great. He sacrifices musical value for intricate storytelling and to me it doesn't pay off. The production is uninspired and there isn't a lot of replay value here. The lyricism is top notch however. The problem with this album is that he tried to re-capture the ethos of Good Kid, but is so far removed from that life at this point that it doesn't resonate like it once did, and his modern day problems really aren't as captivating to listen to. Sorry, but a song about accepting your transgender relatives just doesn't make for a particularly riveting or relatable track. Expand
  7. May 13, 2022
    Flawless album. The production is out of this world, features are great, lyricism is amazing. Kendrick experimenting these new varieties of sounds didn't fail at all. The message behind the album is also very strong. A brilliant introspective and personal album. A very very versatile masterpiece which will get better and better every listen.
  8. May 13, 2022
    Maybe my copy was bootlegged, but this album is garbage. Noise, lame lyrics, boring, a million light-years away from Lamar's best work to date, "To Pimp A Butterfly". Not sure what the "experts" are hearing to give this a 100, not even close. The hype definitely driving these ratings, because it can't be the music.
  9. May 13, 2022
    I’ve never had so much to say, while simultaneously feeling speechless. This album is truly incredible. A sprawling and dense journey into the mind of one of the greatest artists of all-time.
  10. May 13, 2022
    His worst album by far. Sonically the album doesn't sound that great. Production is very poor especially from the first half of the album. Some of the concepts here are interesting but the way its delivered is very bland. It honestly feels like a collection of B sides and throwaways that didn't make it onto Damn.
    I don't see much replay value here and after a few months I think most
    His worst album by far. Sonically the album doesn't sound that great. Production is very poor especially from the first half of the album. Some of the concepts here are interesting but the way its delivered is very bland. It honestly feels like a collection of B sides and throwaways that didn't make it onto Damn.
    I don't see much replay value here and after a few months I think most people will forget about this project.

    Standout Tracks: Savior, Mirror and Mother I sober.
    Rest: Mid-Trash
  11. May 13, 2022
    Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers is an amazing album that takes a while to get in it’s groove, but when it does, it’s absolutely glorious.
  12. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. At the very very first listen i felt shocked. The whole day, I kept listening and I thought it was definitely a good album, but smth didn’t click with me. Until at like A few re-listens and when I realised more and more of the stuff he was rapping about. This is honestly one of my favourite pieces of work I got from Kendrick. The whole vibe of the album, the topics that r discussed the musical side of the album.. it just levitates me. Another great album from K. Dot Expand
  13. May 13, 2022
    silencio todos, Kendrick ya está sonando. silencio todos, Kendrick ya está sonando. silencio todos, Kendrick ya está sonando.
  14. May 13, 2022
    Honestly I was expecting something different but god, oh my god, Kendrick you are the goat, beats, lyrics, I love every song.
    Atm my fav song is Die Hard
  15. May 13, 2022
    best **** ever i loved with all my soul pls god when i die open the heaven with this song
  16. May 13, 2022
    this is incredible, I have no words to describe everything that he transmitted to me, what a magnificent album, all my respects to Kendrick, thank you for blessing us with this masterpiece of rap
  17. May 13, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Disfrutable, letras crudas, a ratos lenta, y puede quitarte de onda, pero la segunda parte es digna de ser llamada el AOTY. Expand
  18. May 13, 2022
    At first, honestly I wasn't a huge fan. After 5 listens, I consider this a masterpiece. Even better than his last release DAMN. Just so full of heart and passion.

    And such a consistent experience all around. Still one of if not the best catalogues in hip-hop.
  19. May 13, 2022
    Astonishing, challenging, vulnerable and lyrical. Kendrick never fails to keep me on the edge of my seat.
  20. May 13, 2022
    El mejor álbum del mundo, es lo mejor, MOTOMAMI es bueno como este, te enamoras de principio a fin, estos 2 álbumes salvaron el 2022, escuchen la pista 5 la mejor
  21. May 13, 2022
    It is an album with celestial notes and lyrics written by the gods outside this plane. Kendrick Lamar has the power to do this, he definitely deserves to be album of the year
  22. May 13, 2022
    We can appreciate a very free, vulnerable and personal Kendrick project. The way he describes and shows each of his own traumas and personal histories on his own way in a very well produced musical sound a very deep project.
  23. May 13, 2022
    I think it will take me a while to process this so I guess this is more my initial gut instinct response, but I think this is a remarkable achievement. I think the production is at least as complex and captivating as TPAB , which I did not think.id be saying when comparing to an album which had some free flowing jazz sections! His ability to ride each beat, or even each 4 bar sectionI think it will take me a while to process this so I guess this is more my initial gut instinct response, but I think this is a remarkable achievement. I think the production is at least as complex and captivating as TPAB , which I did not think.id be saying when comparing to an album which had some free flowing jazz sections! His ability to ride each beat, or even each 4 bar section perfectly, matching transitions perfectly and just the technical ability in his rapping takes your breath away, before you can even contemplate the message behind it .

    I'm still trying to tease out all of the themes running through the project, but one of the things which stood out was the range of his viewpoints. I thought in TPAB he took a more macro view of the world, discussing the black struggle in a grand magnum opus. DAMN seemed to turn inward, each track representing a different shade of his and explored to death. This seamlessly seems to flit between sticky intimacy and then transition to oblique commentary on psychological shackles. I'm really impressed but I'll of course continue to absorb it over the next few weeks to make sure it's lustre holds once novelty is gone. But I'd be surprised, I think Kendrick has already proven that he isn't worrying about what will sell or what people will like. He's making his vision, and I don't think there's any argument against him being in the very upper echelon of people making music today as a whole. I'll defer to Pusha's phraseology, but Kendrick really is only chasing two ghosts.
  24. May 13, 2022
    una obra maestra de pie a cabeza, es increíble lo que logra trasmitir! todas las canciones conectan con el oyente.
  25. May 13, 2022
    By far Kendricks's worst project. Sonically this album does not measure up to his fantastic discography in the past or the contemporary albums of his peers. There are some good concepts on this Album but they are poorly executed. Lyrics Production and Flows are all average. You know its bad when Kodack Black needs to carry the song with Kendrick's subpar performance. No hit songs here thatBy far Kendricks's worst project. Sonically this album does not measure up to his fantastic discography in the past or the contemporary albums of his peers. There are some good concepts on this Album but they are poorly executed. Lyrics Production and Flows are all average. You know its bad when Kodack Black needs to carry the song with Kendrick's subpar performance. No hit songs here that will compare to albums like DAMN and Madd City. Immensely disappointing after a 5 year hiatus.
    This is coming from a decade-long Kendrick fan. This is the only honest review you will see on this site.
  26. May 13, 2022
    Amazing, an instant masterpiece. Kendrick is indeed in a league of his own. An artist who has so much love for the craft that he doesn't ride waves or do it for the billboard charts but for his heart and the heart of millions. Music as an art can be therapy and Kendrick puts it to great use. Even when he uses a trap kinda beat, it's for a purpose to elevate the message not for clubAmazing, an instant masterpiece. Kendrick is indeed in a league of his own. An artist who has so much love for the craft that he doesn't ride waves or do it for the billboard charts but for his heart and the heart of millions. Music as an art can be therapy and Kendrick puts it to great use. Even when he uses a trap kinda beat, it's for a purpose to elevate the message not for club bangers. He has truly distinguished himself from his peers time and time but with this vulnerable work of art, his one of a kind. There is none like him. Expand
  27. M1-
    May 13, 2022
    Such a good addition to his discography. Very personal and emotional; one of his best.
  28. May 13, 2022
    This is one of the most well-put-together and crafted albums I have ever listened to. This is the infinity War of hip-hop albums. The production is incredibly crisp and matches the tones of the music perfectly. The entire thing has a story so strong that it reminded me of Hamilton, like a screenplay. This is Kendrick at his most experimental and it just works. Only the greats can make anThis is one of the most well-put-together and crafted albums I have ever listened to. This is the infinity War of hip-hop albums. The production is incredibly crisp and matches the tones of the music perfectly. The entire thing has a story so strong that it reminded me of Hamilton, like a screenplay. This is Kendrick at his most experimental and it just works. Only the greats can make an album so experimental it becomes a classic in Hip hop (like Yeezus) Every song comes together to create a story that slowly unfolds before you surrounded by perfect production. This has the tellings of an album that will challenge every rap artist and change the soundscape of hip hop. It inspires people to want to be better, to be their best self. It is a reflection of how they all have their own story to tell.
    It's the most emotional Kendrick. He’s truly showing himself in these songs. It’s very introspective in that aspect.
    The production is so in-depth. Tells a story in a way that movie soundscapes can. Literally cinematic feels like a movie.
    It feels like a soundtrack to a movie and you’re seeing all these characters tell their stories.
    Kendrick Lamar transcends media in this album. It’s a timeless, experimental masterpiece.
  29. May 13, 2022
    You don't just listen to this music. Its a full body experience .I'm so glad I can count to 10.
  30. May 13, 2022
    Another masterpiece, Kendrick Lamar never disappoints, the music composed is excellent, and the lyrics are even more, this album was really, really good

Universal acclaim - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jun 20, 2022
    By far the most compelling persona on Mr Morale & The Big Steppers is the Kendrick who is trying to make sense of his own family. ... ["Mother I Sober" is] a tour de force, almost but not quite as revelatory as "DUCKWORTH", a similar family saga off 2017's DAMN. And the best moment is when the strings swell and Lamar's voice changes. [Aug 2022, p.24]
  2. Jun 17, 2022
    Through over 70 minutes of Lamar’s latest, every facet of life for the young Compton rapper is held up to the light. Love, pain, hope, despair, triumph, defeat, it’s all there. ... He’s a rapper who understands rapping is more than just a good beat, a good punchline, or a good vocal tone. He’s blessed to have all of that but he takes the platform he got from it and makes art that will last a lifetime.
  3. The Wire
    Jun 15, 2022
    Introspective, emotionally charged pieces such as “Father Time”, “We Cry Together” and “Savior” provide high – or jarring – points on the record, but elsewhere there are periods of lull absent on previous efforts. ... As sonically impressive as his latest album may be, his approach to the topics under discussion doesn’t feel sufficiently thought out. [Jul 2022, p.48]