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  1. Jan 22, 2020
    YOOOO its a classics you know man the beatsthe lyrics the FT evrything
    its a masterpiece im telling yall
  2. Jan 22, 2020
    Great album, of course it could never live up to the expectations of MM LP or TEM. Still this album is probably top 5 of his albums.
  3. Jan 22, 2020
    I love this album, This is one of the best albums by Eminem. Slim shady is back baby!!
  4. Jan 22, 2020
    i love the theme of the album, and the title suits eminem, the content and the music.
    i love the homage to alfred hitchcock and the skits with alfred, this really sets the tone.
    the songs for me are amazing, front to back, i love lyricism, metaphors, punchlines, double meanings, and this album is full of them. also some highly relatable songs, not to mention the important political topics
    i love the theme of the album, and the title suits eminem, the content and the music.
    i love the homage to alfred hitchcock and the skits with alfred, this really sets the tone.
    the songs for me are amazing, front to back, i love lyricism, metaphors, punchlines, double meanings, and this album is full of them. also some highly relatable songs, not to mention the important political topics addressed by darkness.
  5. Jan 22, 2020
    Genuinely fantastic. People are obsessed with the controversy but let's take a minute to step back and view the *rap* element of this project. The pockets Eminem finds and how he utilizes them is if a different class. His storytelling yet again is phenomenal. With tracks like stepdad, a orchestral build and of course with Eminem as the conductor up of a violent filled masterpiece. Then weGenuinely fantastic. People are obsessed with the controversy but let's take a minute to step back and view the *rap* element of this project. The pockets Eminem finds and how he utilizes them is if a different class. His storytelling yet again is phenomenal. With tracks like stepdad, a orchestral build and of course with Eminem as the conductor up of a violent filled masterpiece. Then we have the gem that is darkness, a whole song that is a double entendre. This album is phenomenal Expand
  6. Jan 22, 2020
    4th Eminem's classic. I enjoyed every song and skit.
    Favorite song is "Godzilla"
  7. Jan 22, 2020
    Awesome, his best album since Relapse in 2009. Kamikaze was dope af but MTBMB is really awesome
  8. Jan 22, 2020
    This album is pure magic. I am a fan of rap/hip-hop and this is purely the greatest album released in many years! If you have been listening carefully to the content you simply couldnt deny it! It has a message. It has great features from "pop" and from the rap game. it has nods to the past and nods to the future. It tells a story. It shocks. It calms. It flows. It SPITS! There are maybeThis album is pure magic. I am a fan of rap/hip-hop and this is purely the greatest album released in many years! If you have been listening carefully to the content you simply couldnt deny it! It has a message. It has great features from "pop" and from the rap game. it has nods to the past and nods to the future. It tells a story. It shocks. It calms. It flows. It SPITS! There are maybe about 3-4 ropey sounding lines but overall, this album is pure magic! Expand
  9. Jan 22, 2020
    The pure raw talent of Eminem’s lyrical abilities shines like the sun on this album! This will go down as an absolute classic, showing that he can adapt to the culture of rap so effortlessly!

    Shady is BACK!
  10. Jan 22, 2020
    Definitely a top 5 Em album. Much more consistent than his recent work and the rhyme schemes are fantastic. Nice to see Dre producing again.
  11. Jan 22, 2020
    Wow, really unexpected features, beats. After Kamikaze, I was expecting more collabs with TayKeith, RonnyJ and Boi-1da cause those songs was dope, but instead he went with his old pals. And Im glad he did it. Amazing album, this is what Revival should've been sound like
  12. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I felt great when I heard this album. And my feeling isn't changed after all. Such a great comeback of eminem in 20s. Expand
  13. Jan 22, 2020
    Too many gems, too many punchlines, genius wordplay, this album was nothing else but a masterpiece, easily top 5 Eminem albums ever.
  14. Jan 21, 2020
    My favorite album of all time. The beats and ems flows get me fired up. It’s like all his best qualities finally cane together.
  15. Jan 22, 2020
    This is almost his best work yet. It's like the first Matters LP, you never get bored listening to it. Flawless.
  16. Jan 22, 2020
    The best new Eminem Album. I Think is best than Revival and Recovery. The album goes to be Classic
  17. Jan 22, 2020
    Enjoyed it..Have listend to it about hundreds of times..Not a single track was skipped..
  18. Jan 22, 2020
    Its a great album. There isn’t any bad song in the album. Godzilla is my favourite from album.
  19. Jan 22, 2020
    So nice... the best one since mmlp2.
    I listened to Godzilla more than 100 times!!
  20. Jan 22, 2020
    Very good album. Eminem has great lyrics as usual and the beats are great as well.
  21. Jan 22, 2020
    An amazing Album. Listen multiple times before judging. It is genius. Remember Em has many meanings to seemingly basic lines.
  22. Jan 22, 2020
    Slim Shady is back!!! amazing album,features,flow and verse are brilliant. Music to Be Murdered By.
  23. Jan 22, 2020
    Damn this already sounds like a classic. Its been a long time coming now. A must listen even if you're not an Eminem fan.
  24. Jan 22, 2020
    MTBMB is one of his best albums ever.

    For real, this album is already a classic for me. The Eminem we see today is the best version of him in his career. He's the same Slim Shady from 1997 but grown up and sober, and even better lyrically. This album almost has no bad songs. It's somehow the mix of best of Revival and best of Kamikaze which makes it a masterpiece.
  25. Jan 22, 2020
    Another masterpiece he totally sounds a wee less angry on this one (which kinda mad me sad cause i love angry em) tracks are shorter also which is a nice thing cause you wouldn't Get bored, i also like mature em become since MMLP and TMS now he's focusing on relevant issues concerning his country, he also heated down the beefs
  26. Jan 22, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's not about fans or haters reviews. Ofc his fans rate him a 9-10 and haters rate very low even if the album is great.
    His best work since Encore, plus keeping in mind that this album has been done within 1 year. If you know how much it takes to complete an album, you'll realise the motive of my comment.
    I want to just comment that, at this age, with almost 23 years of his career, he still has rhymes and lyrics that are insanely genius.
    We can talk about bad bars or lines, but besides that, this album has gotten a high level of lyricism in it, plus the production is so good you would want to come back and listen it for 1 more time everytime it's finished.
  27. Jan 22, 2020
    Em goes right back to his best days, with even better beats for some fire lyrics. There are some skipables after some replays, but they don't take away the greatness this surprise album has.
  28. Jan 22, 2020
    Its poetic he shows that his level of skill is insane In darkness he shows he is a genius
    And you need a good sense of humor too when listening to this album
  29. Jan 22, 2020
    I really want to know who these album reviewers are who just **** on a great album like this to be honest. what more can a man do? are you asking him to start mumbling?? He got Dre beats, He really spent time producing this album, gave us a classic and all they do is hate. you can tell they are just hating by looking at how inconsistent their reviews are like everyone has their own thingI really want to know who these album reviewers are who just **** on a great album like this to be honest. what more can a man do? are you asking him to start mumbling?? He got Dre beats, He really spent time producing this album, gave us a classic and all they do is hate. you can tell they are just hating by looking at how inconsistent their reviews are like everyone has their own thing they hate about it which is clearly a personal issue they got and it shows. there is not a single bad thing about it everybody can agree on. #rap album of the year Expand
  30. Jan 22, 2020
    Definitely a modern day classic ..............................................................................
  31. Jan 22, 2020
    So good he could of called it The Eminem Show 2 and gotten away with it easily.
  32. Jan 21, 2020
    One of the best Em albums in a long time. Didn't like Revival, thought Kamikaze was pretty good, but this just blew me away.
  33. Jan 21, 2020
    A solid album that gives an impression that Eminem is coming back to the right shape.
    There are still some minor flaws like silly puns that brings nothing to the table, a couple of weird beat choices and hooks (Hello, Skylar and Ed), but it doesn't really bother that much once you are concentrate on everything that is good about this album.
  34. Jan 21, 2020
    I love this album. The way he switches flows, and the strong message on darkness make this one of mt favorite albums.
  35. Jan 21, 2020
    Best album since TES, easily. Kamikaze was a damn good album, but wasn't well rounded, this album uses the style from Kamikaze, while improving the overall delivery and lyricism. Production is also amazing and sees Dre come out from the rock hes been under, as well as some production from Royce of all people, which somehow manages to be as good if not better than Dre's. Great album,Best album since TES, easily. Kamikaze was a damn good album, but wasn't well rounded, this album uses the style from Kamikaze, while improving the overall delivery and lyricism. Production is also amazing and sees Dre come out from the rock hes been under, as well as some production from Royce of all people, which somehow manages to be as good if not better than Dre's. Great album, extremely consistent. Expand
  36. Jan 21, 2020
    An awesome album by Eminem at the beginning of the new decade. This album is well produced, lyrically amazing, great features and proves that eminem's wordplay is insane. Hooks in the album are definitely much much better than eminem's last 2 albums. I like every track on the album but my favourite tracks that are on repeat are : You gon' learn, Premonition (Intro), Godzilla, LeavingAn awesome album by Eminem at the beginning of the new decade. This album is well produced, lyrically amazing, great features and proves that eminem's wordplay is insane. Hooks in the album are definitely much much better than eminem's last 2 albums. I like every track on the album but my favourite tracks that are on repeat are : You gon' learn, Premonition (Intro), Godzilla, Leaving Heaven and I will Expand
  37. Jan 21, 2020
    Best album since relapse. Made an account just to rate. Lost track of how many times I've listened
  38. Jan 21, 2020
    MTBMB is an Amazing album. More than 2 decades in the game and he's still killing it. All hail the lyrical diety
  39. Jan 21, 2020
    I don't have words to praise this album. I'd just say that Eminem is a undisputed goat.
  40. Jan 21, 2020
    This album is far the best album Eminem has released as it ties with MMLP and TES .My point of view is gonna be a classic album
  41. Jan 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. First Eminem Album that has all sides of him, versatile Eminem, emotional(in love),Woke, Fun, Non-Challant.Even brought an old hip hop feel with “yah yah” Eminem is so slept on these days and this is a great album(one of his best). 9.8/10 for sure !!! Expand
  42. Jan 21, 2020
    Terrible and difficult listen. Eminem has chosen speed over clever bars and has delivered some very cringy bars and flows that did not fit the beats. The features were decent. Young MA stole the show. Replay value is extremely low.
  43. Jan 21, 2020
    Great beats and features. Also nice to hear Alfred Hitchcock throughout. The GOAT is back.
  44. Jan 21, 2020
    Album is a peak back at the depth and horrors that fueled the slim shady EP with the lyrical prowess Eminem has developed over the last 25 years. Marshall proves again why he is the greatest lyricist and best selling rapper of all time. #GOAT
  45. Jan 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. He’s Baaaaack!!!! Em kills it once again with a ton of new tracks, one better than the next. His rhymes are fire! Not slowing down one bit! Expand
  46. Jan 21, 2020
    Trash, 3 good tracks, alot of filler tracks, and the rest are throw aways. He should just retire already
  47. Jan 21, 2020
    The beats are insane. Lyrics are insanerrrrrr, dang. Not a bad track on this one for me.
  48. Jan 21, 2020
    This album is fantastic. It’s crazy how a 47 year old can top **** from years ago. He’s evolving and changing his style. The song “Marsh” is one of my favorites and reminds me of the old slim we know and love. The beats are one of my favorite things on this album. We all know Eminem is known for the not so best beats but he actually payed attention to what the fans want and changed themThis album is fantastic. It’s crazy how a 47 year old can top **** from years ago. He’s evolving and changing his style. The song “Marsh” is one of my favorites and reminds me of the old slim we know and love. The beats are one of my favorite things on this album. We all know Eminem is known for the not so best beats but he actually payed attention to what the fans want and changed them for the better. This album is worth giving a listen it’s overall amazing. A+ Expand
  49. Jan 21, 2020
    I can’t believe this. After a rough Recival to Kamikaze, Eminem puts out a really incredible piece of art. I am glad he is being recognized for it. Everyone is praising him. That hasn’t happened in a long time. I am very happy with this. Best way to kick of 2020. I really am enjoying this and it truly does get a lot better every listen. Give it a couple or 3 shots and you will love it.I can’t believe this. After a rough Recival to Kamikaze, Eminem puts out a really incredible piece of art. I am glad he is being recognized for it. Everyone is praising him. That hasn’t happened in a long time. I am very happy with this. Best way to kick of 2020. I really am enjoying this and it truly does get a lot better every listen. Give it a couple or 3 shots and you will love it. Thanks for reading!! Expand
  50. Jan 21, 2020
    I think this is Eminem's best album since Recovery. Kamikaze was good but this is better than Kamikaze, MMLP 2 and of course Revival
  51. Jan 21, 2020
    favorite album since TES. the lyricism, wordplay, flexibility, and em's sheer technical skill are on point as always, but what really makes this album truly phenomenal is the fantastic production and studded features. Each track does not disappoint, and it's easily going in my books as an instant classic in his discography and a personal favorite album.
  52. Jan 21, 2020
    Best album since the Eminem Show in my opinion. Great production and features. Flows absolutely bonkers
  53. Jan 21, 2020
    We are living the year 2020. Eminem just released one of his best albums, ever. You read that right. Really, this one's right up there with his classics. Full of great storytelling, complex rhyme scenes, double/triple entendres and a great list of features. America is not ready for that Darkness video. Taking his platform and taking a stand, that's what rap is all about. Just a great albumWe are living the year 2020. Eminem just released one of his best albums, ever. You read that right. Really, this one's right up there with his classics. Full of great storytelling, complex rhyme scenes, double/triple entendres and a great list of features. America is not ready for that Darkness video. Taking his platform and taking a stand, that's what rap is all about. Just a great album with lots of replay value. 9/10. Expand
  54. Jan 21, 2020
    Again, a masterpiece album by Em
  55. Jan 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Essentially, this is a return to form for Eminem. If you thought that Kamikaze was controversial, you will be thoroughly shocked, frightened, and/or disturbed by many of the lyrics contained on this album. While it's still not quite the horrorcore of Eminem's very early days, Music To Be Murdered By is incredibly violent, and gleefully contains some of the most clever lyrics since MMLP2.

    Yet Eminem is, as he has always said he is, cognizant of the brutality of many of his lyrics. Throughout, many references are made to the epidemic of public shootings, most prominently in the track "Darkness", for which I must give Em credit for being more artistically creative and respectful than other such charged songs as "Campaign Speech" and "Untouchable". (Spoiler: On a side note, the way he uses vague lyrics on that track to appear as though he is playing himself, only near the end to reveal that he is playing an entirely different character, with a much different and sinister intent, is well done. Think the first few verses of "Bad Guy" from MMLP2.)

    Unfortunately, the second half of the album (essentially after "My Stepdad") loses the momentum and creativity it starts with. "I WILL", one of the 3 (wow) tracks which Royce da 5'9" is a guest on, does provide a nice conclusion to the album with giving a subtle but classic middle finger to Eminem's critics of the last 2 albums , yet it seems that Em simply relied on lyrical formulas already used and disappointing basic hooks, probably just to meet a quota of tracks demanded upon by Interscope Records for most of the album.

    Odds are that if you are an OG Eminem fan, you will probably like the tone of the album, viewed through Em's lyrical wordplay. "Godzilla" is my favorite track off of the album, and will most likely be the most popular as well (sorry "Darkness", but you're no "This Is America"). It contains a very catchy chrous by the late Juice WRLD and a finale at which Em raps at "supersonic speed", which I have a feeling is faster than the notorious "summa lumma" verse of "Rap God". The first 2 tracks also provide a great introduction to the Music To Be Murdered By

    With Eminem seeming to murder his pop ways (but that's not to say his relationship and career with Ed Sheeran is dead), Eminem seems to be playing the "Do-whatever-will-please-the-fans-and-make-money card". But it seems to work, for now. This album will hopefully make atonement for his less than typical, sub-par work from Revival and Kamikaze, restore our faith, and provide Em the opportunity to continue to reinvent himself in whatever way he decides next. If you wish to just casually listen, I recommend "Unaccommodating" "Godzilla" and for its importance, "Darkness", and maybe just try jumping around the first chronological half of the album.
  56. Jan 21, 2020
    Eminem’s best album since The Eminem Show. Best tracks are Stepdad, Little Engine, and Darkness
  57. Jan 21, 2020
    Eminem in this album has reached new heights in both music production and lyrical abilities. Like a fine wine, Eminem keeps getting better with age. This double album features the talents of Young M.A, Royce Da 5'9, Black Thought, Joe Ortiz. with a surprise but posthumous appearance by Juice Wrld. Eminem keeps his trademark style of rap and improves on it, giving us his technical and sharpEminem in this album has reached new heights in both music production and lyrical abilities. Like a fine wine, Eminem keeps getting better with age. This double album features the talents of Young M.A, Royce Da 5'9, Black Thought, Joe Ortiz. with a surprise but posthumous appearance by Juice Wrld. Eminem keeps his trademark style of rap and improves on it, giving us his technical and sharp lyrical talent, comedic punchlines, his borderline controversial edge while maintaining the critical atmosphere like his previous album Kamikaze. Expand
  58. Jan 21, 2020
    Album of the Year. This will be the album of the year, unless Eminem drops something else this year.
  59. KAG
    Jan 21, 2020
    Eminem gave me everything I could ask for in MTBMB... clean/ Dr. Dre production, Marshall-sung hooks, experimental & trap-sounding beats, introspective & personal subject matter, Em’s signature rapping/ flows/ rhymes/ wordplay and even a Black Thought feature. Thank you Em!
  60. Jan 21, 2020
    Loved this! The theme is on point and done so masterfully. Listen and decide for yourself but it’s a great addition to an already epic library of Eminem music.
  61. Jan 21, 2020
    I have been crying since I have listened this masterpiece. Finally The Real Slim Shady is back!
  62. Jan 21, 2020
    This album is surely the album of the year already.Eminem has defied all expectations once again..
  63. Jan 21, 2020
    One of eminem's best work overall, amazing beats, great content, incredible hooks, the flow, cadence, voice on this project is off the chain. Don't get me started on the double entendre, metaphors, similes, rhyme schemes. Geez
  64. Jan 21, 2020
    This is a crazy album! Slim Shady going nowhere! The GOAT himself shows it once again!!!
  65. Jan 21, 2020
    His best and most diverse album in a long time. There's something for every generation of Em fan on here.
  66. Jan 18, 2020
    Just because he rapped about controversial issues should not deny the fact that this album is a lyrical masterpiece. I didn't understand completely, whom his anger was directed to.... but man, I won't want to be on the receiving end. There's hip hop, then there's Eminem. I mean i am still getting over the sick bars in this album..... Damn son!!!
  67. Jan 21, 2020
    Best album I’ve listen to in the last 10 years!!! Eminem has done an amazing album that surprised everyone. He did everything perfectly. The beats are dope, he picked the right features that fit well with the album, of course his lyrical abilities are mind blowing, and the content was great too. Also, This album has a high replay value, I’ve listened to this album more than 15 times introBest album I’ve listen to in the last 10 years!!! Eminem has done an amazing album that surprised everyone. He did everything perfectly. The beats are dope, he picked the right features that fit well with the album, of course his lyrical abilities are mind blowing, and the content was great too. Also, This album has a high replay value, I’ve listened to this album more than 15 times intro to outro, and i have never done that or even close to that number for an album that was just released. 10/10 Amazing. Expand
  68. Jan 21, 2020
    New experimentation with more modern sounding beats, this is eminem’s best album in over 15 years.
  69. Jan 21, 2020
    First classic of the year/decade. Em raised the bar really high for the music and hip-hop in specific. A CLASSIC!!
  70. Jan 21, 2020
    Goat album 10/10, would rate again. Best songs are leaving heaven, godzilla and darkness.
  71. Jan 21, 2020
    Em is such a polarizing figure in music, you either love him or hate him. You don’t have to enjoy the music, but his pen game is so technically advanced it’s almost perfection when he lays his verses. Musically he is very different, but if you aren’t an Eminem hater or have weirdo expectations for him to be him old self, you will really appreciate what he gives you here. You ‘gon learn isEm is such a polarizing figure in music, you either love him or hate him. You don’t have to enjoy the music, but his pen game is so technically advanced it’s almost perfection when he lays his verses. Musically he is very different, but if you aren’t an Eminem hater or have weirdo expectations for him to be him old self, you will really appreciate what he gives you here. You ‘gon learn is one of my favorite Em tracks ever. The rapping on here is still unmatched by other rappers. Still the best Expand
  72. Jan 21, 2020
    Wow this album is crazy
  73. Jan 21, 2020
    The best Eminem album in years.
    It's easily on par with the "BIG THREE".
    The hooks, rhymes and punchlines are just crazy.
  74. Jan 21, 2020
    I just want to add my rating but I'm forced to add 75 characters so that's what I'm doing.
  75. Jan 21, 2020
    This is his best album in a long time. I loved kamikaze but this feels more like his old stuff and I love all of the features on this album. Hip hop is terrible the last few years and this is a breath of fresh air.
  76. Jan 21, 2020
    Album of the year for sure! Love everything! The production, bars, the collaborations and the theme of course! Brilliant! Great job Em!
  77. Jan 21, 2020
    So **** good. Again. He competes with himself, it's another level, it's different and unsurpassed
  78. Jan 21, 2020
    Incredible from start to finish. Best beats and production from an Eminem album in a while. Solid features too. Enjoy.
  79. Jan 21, 2020
    Slim Shady is Back!!! This is Eminem's best Album since Recovery. He is lyrical genius and the Production is also lot better than both of his previous albums . Eminem is sounding really great. It also has something of the great features like Anderson Paak, Juice WRLD, Black Thought, Royce Da 5'9 and Slaughterhouse. Really Enjoying this Album!!!
  80. Jan 21, 2020
    this album came out of no where and blew my mind it is the productions the lyrics the beats the flow everything that eminem delivered was top notch worthy of the goat not a single bad track on the album.
  81. Jan 21, 2020
    Top-tier production and very solid and interesting features. Very good album.
  82. Jan 21, 2020
    Much improved production, beats, features, and bars. Incredibly catchy hits like Unaccommodating, Godzilla, Lock It Up, Yah Yah, In Too Deep, and You Gon' Learn. These are supplemented by some deep cuts like Darkness and No Regrets. Eminem rhymes so hard that he definitely earns his right to use a few dad-joke-esque punchlines.
  83. Jan 21, 2020
    It is crazy at the lengths people will go to deny the genius of the man! Crazy album, right up there with the best of his work. Needs multiple listens to understand.
  84. Jan 21, 2020
    Shady responda to the haters that say you never hear him played in a club with an entire album of some of the hardest beats that sounds like what the youth of this generation listen to in terms of hip hop. Add that to his elite lyricism full of similes , metaphors, homonyms , double and triple entendres ,and you have one of his beat albums to date.
  85. Jan 21, 2020
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper. Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper. Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper. Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper. Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper. Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper. Excelent, awesome music
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
    Excelent, awesome music from the best Rapper.
  86. Jan 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is insane. This is a mixture of new and old sound, which makes you love every line. Guys, he did NOT dissent Ariana Grande, he supports her, he donated $ 2-3M after the tragedy! Why can't you understand? You NEED to talk about this. Listen to Darkness, this is Eminem's song about terrorism and the call to fight it! He also created a petition against the free and illegal distribution of weapons! Expand
  87. Jan 20, 2020
    The best eminem album of the past 18 years... awesome beats and great lyrics
  88. Jan 21, 2020
    This albums has everything about Em: Rage, Flow, Bars, Speed. Every sound embodies what em is all about, No ****
  89. Jan 21, 2020
    While not on par with the classic trilogy or MMLP2, it's definitely felt like a breath of fresh air after Revival and Kamikaze (albums that I personally disliked). A few annoying beats and questionable verses here but a lot of highlights can be found here, like Darkness or Stepdad.
  90. Jan 21, 2020
    One of the best album ever. fidshkfjdshfksdjhfbsdkjfhskhsdklfhysdklfyhbsdifyhsdifhusdiofhsdoifsdlfsdlfsd
  91. Jan 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Classic Eminem from the early 2000s. With current beats and content. Multiple double entendre tracks, not just bars. Expand
  92. Jan 21, 2020
    One would assume that after all those years critics and some people would know Eminem. Yet they get offended by few edge lines. It`s just his rhyming and wordplay, do they really think he is okay with what happened in Manchester? He matured after sobering up. And as for the critics. They had it coming. They criticize everything he does these days. M2BMB is one of his most consistentOne would assume that after all those years critics and some people would know Eminem. Yet they get offended by few edge lines. It`s just his rhyming and wordplay, do they really think he is okay with what happened in Manchester? He matured after sobering up. And as for the critics. They had it coming. They criticize everything he does these days. M2BMB is one of his most consistent albums. I for one love Encore, it has gems but inconsistency is the problem there. This is pure quality. He is not going to do another SSLP or MMLP accept it. This is strong. Good beats, hooks and featurings. In Darkness there is a great use of a sample and it might be one of his finest tunes ever. He`s not fastrapping on every track like in recent years. I liked Revival and Kamikaze at first but the replay value wasn`t high. I like this album more with every listen and rate it really high. 16 of 17 songs I don`t skip. He did great! Expand
  93. Jan 21, 2020
    A bloody masterpiece!!! Hands down!!!
    Controversial,ye,sure.Ton of folks are retreating with bleeding ears,but Marsh has done and keep on doin that since...well since forever.Da hell you except? "My lyrics never sit well,so they wanna gimme the chair" That right there should tell you enough really.
    Love him or hate him,support him or criticize him,listen to his music or pretend it doesn't
    A bloody masterpiece!!! Hands down!!!
    Controversial,ye,sure.Ton of folks are retreating with bleeding ears,but Marsh has done and keep on doin that since...well since forever.Da hell you except? "My lyrics never sit well,so they wanna gimme the chair" That right there should tell you enough really.
    Love him or hate him,support him or criticize him,listen to his music or pretend it doesn't exist,one thing is an undeniable fact: There is simply no other artist in the rap game and not only,that manages to still rock the brains out of everyone with his pure genius skill to spit raps and ability of storytelling quite as Eminem,making everything he says meaningful.If you can follow that is :D
    "Music to be murdered by" could easily be the name of his entire career and likewise all sorts of expectations,feelings and tastes will be "attacked" in different ways.
    But imma tell you one thing: I have never thought imma be so happy getting murdered and if we are totally would you!
    Peace ;)
  94. Jan 21, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Dope as hell best em lp ever . Rolling stones underrated the **** outta this on their reviews. Expand
  95. Jan 21, 2020
    Eminem having fun, but still lyrical amazing.
    This is a good and enternain album.
  96. Jan 21, 2020
    This is Eminem's best album since 2002. It's heartbreaking while also having the ability to make your head spin with acrobatic lyricsm.
  97. Jan 21, 2020
    This is definitely best Eminem album since Revival in my opinion. Production was great, Good and unusual beats for Eminem. Interesting features sadly we couldn’t here Juice Wrld verse on Godzilla but hook was great, Overall this album sounds different like every Eminem album that’s what I like about him. Amazing work Shady!
  98. Jan 20, 2020
    this album is much much better than what the critics are saying. they are mad about the controversial lyrics specially the manchester bombing line what do you expect from eminem? when he tries to change his sound the critics complain about him not being the old em and when he does something old em used to do they get mad. eminem can never win against the critics but this album is his bestthis album is much much better than what the critics are saying. they are mad about the controversial lyrics specially the manchester bombing line what do you expect from eminem? when he tries to change his sound the critics complain about him not being the old em and when he does something old em used to do they get mad. eminem can never win against the critics but this album is his best album since the big 3 Expand
  99. Jan 20, 2020
    This album is not only a surprise in terms of being released so suddenly and without any prior alerts, but also it is artistically amazing. All the rhymes, the professional playing with words, and also the musical aspects took me by surprise. The story and political message behind the song "Darkness" shows serious this album must be to eminem even though he had never talked about thisThis album is not only a surprise in terms of being released so suddenly and without any prior alerts, but also it is artistically amazing. All the rhymes, the professional playing with words, and also the musical aspects took me by surprise. The story and political message behind the song "Darkness" shows serious this album must be to eminem even though he had never talked about this working on it before. It also has some great fun tracks to simply enjoy. I strongly suggest you all download it, fans will be proud and non-fans will become fans!! Expand
  100. Jan 20, 2020
    The album Is Amazing! Best em album since comeback. Coesive, great beats and godly flow

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Feb 11, 2020
    He clearly cares about his output, but “Music To Be Murdered By” is, unfortunately, another mixed bag of tricks, propped up by lyrical acrobatics and underwhelming production.
  2. 70
    If they look hard enough, any artist could find criticism of their work online. That’s sort of the curse of the Information Age. But not everyone overreacts quite as much as Eminem does. But if his fears grow tiring, his lyrical ability can still give you something to admire, even if the album is somewhat uneven.
  3. Jan 27, 2020
    It is not, strictly speaking, a good record—Eminem hasn’t made one of those in a decade—but it boasts enough technical command and generates just enough arresting ideas to hold your attention.