
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. May 12, 2014
    Dave (of De La Soul) co-wrote "Mirror," as well as one of the other darker highlights, "Killing Me," a slowly swaying kiss-off in which Nagano seethes, "I'll take my rocket ship and get the hell outta this/Nothin' that I'm gon' miss." That song, along with the satisfying closer "Let Go," was co-produced by Robin Hannibal (Quadron, Rhye). Subtract those contributions and this would still be the group's most accomplished work.
  2. May 13, 2014
    This is the kind of artistic leap every band hopes to make.
  3. May 9, 2014
    Live, Little Dragon are weapons-grade ace. Now they’ve finally got an album to match.
  4. May 9, 2014
    On this record, their drum-and-synths minimalism is more refined, the bass-lines more prominent, the hooks almost embarrassingly memorable.
  5. May 9, 2014
    Nabuma Rubberband stretches their dance scope even wider, incorporating trance and underground club beats into their already varied repository of techniques.
  6. Jul 2, 2014
    As the group attempts to find their vibe, they test the waters gracefully. Perhaps next time, though, they’ll be slightly more focused.
  7. Mojo
    May 15, 2014
    In the end it seems that the clearing of the elliptical fog has produced the quartet's most cohesive and rewarding album. [Jun 2014, p.90]
  8. 70
    When they get it right--‘Let Go’ is precisely the sort of arthouse R&B blockbuster they could’ve done with more of--they flirt with perfection.
  9. May 12, 2014
    It’s great the band was able to find a throughline between the comfortable and the experimental this time around, but on Nabuma Rubberband they let go of a little too much of themselves in the process.
  10. May 23, 2014
    Nagano has plenty of stunning moments on Nabuma Rubberband, but it’s clear this is a full band enterprise.
  11. Q Magazine
    May 20, 2014
    Nabuma Rubberband is too uneasy, too unsettling, to guarantee a full-blown commercial breakthrough, but otherwise, they've cracked it all. [Jun 2014, p.107]
  12. May 12, 2014
    Their music now meticulous and agile, Little Dragon has matched their ambition with execution, and the result is an album that, for all of its exhaustive details and complex rhythms, rarely feels cumbersome.
  13. 75
    It’s yet another release from one of Sweden’s many stunning exports that make us want more of their “less”.
  14. May 27, 2014
    Little Dragon has traded its austere electronic blueprints for 3-D renderings, making its music more approachable but no less eccentric.
  15. Uncut
    May 9, 2014
    There's nothing here that is likely to offend or amaze but it's a classy affair from start to finish. [Jun 2014, p.79]
  16. May 16, 2014
    The only problem with Nabuma Rubberband is that it can't maintain that same quality throughout the album.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 21 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Aug 23, 2014

    Read my review of Little Dragon 'Nabuma Rubberband'

    Read my review of Little Dragon 'Nabuma Rubberband' here!
    'Eccentric, Effervescent and Utterly Enchanting'.
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 4, 2014
    Like tripping through a vacuum of scrap metal, this album is kinda beautiful but not enough. It is mostly sharp, harsh sounds that have beenLike tripping through a vacuum of scrap metal, this album is kinda beautiful but not enough. It is mostly sharp, harsh sounds that have been smoothed over during production with backing ambience. The most colourful and pretty track of the album is the title track, Bécs. It is similarly harsh, though, has a nicer chord progression and simplicity that adds more character to it . I probably wouldn’t bother telling anyone about this album unless someone was looking for something unusual that isn’t typical to their taste. Kinda dystopian sounding, like the personal aftermath of a drug addiction. Full Review »