
Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. This large, cavernous sound camouflages the lingering emo elements which largely surface in the angst-mining lyrics, as well as the occasional bellow, and even if this lack of stridency may alienate some longtime followers, this gleaming pop-punk makeover is the band at its most immediate and easy to enjoy.
  2. New Again leaps forward as the best album of Taking Back Sunday's career to date.
  3. The group may still rely on catchy vocal refrains, but the growth of Lazzara's songwriting has made its fourth effort a brisk, enjoyable outing.
  4. On New Again, the emo survivors manage to reinvent themselves as mainstreamo shredders.
  5. They have produced another solid album that cements their reputation as one of the most genuinely affecting and consistent bands in the current scene.
  6. Q Magazine
    The result is an impressive but super slick collection of post-hardcore floor-fillers that's increasingly more "post" than "hardcore." [Jul 2009, p.117]
  7. New Again feels focused and sure; the band sounds confident despite yet another lineup change.
  8. Such obvious imitation [of U2] isn’t good strategy; it diminishes well-made songs. Taking Back Sunday is better off merging its old blurted troubles with its new attention to detail.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 38
  2. Negative: 2 out of 38
  1. Apr 26, 2013
    Often considered as the album that killed Taking Back Sunday, is the most underrated album under the band's belt. The previous release,Often considered as the album that killed Taking Back Sunday, is the most underrated album under the band's belt. The previous release, "Louder Now", was a strong but weak at times effort to follow up on a great album ("Where You Want To Be"). If I could've had it my way, this should've been the album that followed it up. "New Again" shows sorrow and pain in the largest of things, whether it be God or relationships, and nails it. Tracks like "New Again", "Swing", or "Carpathia" show a deeper side to Lazzara's writing more than "Louder Now" ever did. The standout track on this album is definitely "Everything Must Go", building up to a Appleseed Cast-esq post rock epic chorus in spite of divorce. "New Again" definitely doesn't get a lot of time in the spotlight enough, considering it may be one of the best Taking Back Sunday albums to date. Full Review »
  2. Feb 20, 2012
    Apart from the truly great 'Sink into Me' and 'Everything Must Go', Taking Back Sunday's 4th outing sounds like slight deja vu- a stepApart from the truly great 'Sink into Me' and 'Everything Must Go', Taking Back Sunday's 4th outing sounds like slight deja vu- a step backwards to what made their first two releases ok, but ultimately better than the dross of Louder Now. Either way this is not going to make fans from first time listeners. Full Review »
  3. EuanM.
    Jul 10, 2009
    Its nice to see a bit of passion back in the TBS camp. I felt that Louder Now was a difficult third album for the band and it came across Its nice to see a bit of passion back in the TBS camp. I felt that Louder Now was a difficult third album for the band and it came across quite clinical and distant, was fairly disappointed after being a huge fan of Tell All Your Friends and Where You Want To Be. This album has kicked back into gear and Adam has certainly improved lyricly. Thumbs up TBS, good to have you back! (though with another different line-up). Also as a footnote its nice that this album doesn't have a pace stopping acoustic track, even the slightly more ballad like tune at least has some distorded guitar in there. Full Review »