
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jul 9, 2015
    No Life for Me may not be a masterpiece, but it does offer a wobbly, hazy shape of a certain kind of punk to come.
  2. Jul 9, 2015
    Like a punk rock Watch the Throne, No Life for Me finds two of the genre's leading lights working at the peak of their powers.
  3. Jul 9, 2015
    There's much at play here--personalities, loud/soft dynamics, noise vs melody--and Williams and Baldi strike just the right balance.
  4. Jul 20, 2015
    There are solid hooks scattered all over No Life For Me, and they sound like they could've been knocked out in five minutes--each melodic note notches in the expected place over thrumming power chords and steady drums.
  5. Jul 15, 2015
    At a brisk 22 minutes, it adopts Baldi’s discontent aggro-angst with William’s more considered, though no less dejected, quiet-loud dynamics. Most of the album is jointly credited and the music also reflects that.
  6. 70
    One or two tracks could have been cut but overall, this is a random yet pleasant surprise. And one that's definitely sure to please fans of both.
  7. Jul 9, 2015
    It’s tense throughout, but it’s also endearingly frisky, and the poppiest moments have a tendency of landing at just the right time to stave off any potential noise-rock monotony.
  8. Jul 9, 2015
    No Life For Me might be fast, but my god, will you enjoy the ride.
  9. Jul 9, 2015
    No Life For Me offers a vital reminder of how sharp these two sound even when they’re stripped of those resources.

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