• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 15, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 536 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 55 out of 536
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  1. Jan 15, 2021
    I had already loved Vibez and liked Better so I thought I should give the entire album a listen. And I definitely don’t regret it!! This easily became one of my favorite albums as someone who loves RnB. Whether he used his lower register more or delivered vocals, he was amazing in all the songs. And they’re all very different! I wasn’t expecting that at all after Better and Vibez. And II had already loved Vibez and liked Better so I thought I should give the entire album a listen. And I definitely don’t regret it!! This easily became one of my favorite albums as someone who loves RnB. Whether he used his lower register more or delivered vocals, he was amazing in all the songs. And they’re all very different! I wasn’t expecting that at all after Better and Vibez. And I didn’t know he could rap? I was pleasantly surprised haha. A very good album Expand
  2. Jan 15, 2021
    Love the vibe of the album Melodies and lyrics are very soothing and satisfying
  3. Jan 15, 2021
    The album speakers the power and exceptional vision zayn malik has. Listening to it feels like we are hearing deepest corner of his mind. His vocals are to the point as always. Also the way he brings touch of classical desi music into his songs just makes them exceptional.
  4. Jan 15, 2021
    the album is so personal and intimate so subtle and chill you could just sleep to it I find myself screaming the lyrics they’re so good. the lyrics, the production EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS ALBUM IS AMAZING
  5. Jan 15, 2021
    Fantastic album. The fuse of old and new school RnB makes the album what it is. It brings many feelings from Sweat and Windowsill making it you hot and heavy to Outside and River Road bringing out the tears. Tightrope is my favourite though, it's a cute and sweet song.

    The album is just fantastic.
  6. Jan 15, 2021
    This is by far the best album ZAYN has put out. He's gone full rnb, tunes that are just upbeat enough but not too much. The songs fade into each other swiftly. A must listen album!
  7. Jan 15, 2021
    the album is so good!! definitely has no skips! i love the versatility of the whole thing and zayn’s voice is amazing as always, so proud of him!!
  8. Jan 15, 2021
    This album is masterpiece! omg i loved it so much. one of the best album ever. thank you so much zayn for this.
  9. Jan 16, 2021
    ok but this album just exceeded my expectations. this album is so versatile and diverse. like i can never get bored of it if restart it from the top after a listen. he did rap, sang in Urdu, did falsettos, that thing in connexion and what not. the plus point is i like short albums and this one is very much on the point indeed. i love how he showcases his range in every album but this albumok but this album just exceeded my expectations. this album is so versatile and diverse. like i can never get bored of it if restart it from the top after a listen. he did rap, sang in Urdu, did falsettos, that thing in connexion and what not. the plus point is i like short albums and this one is very much on the point indeed. i love how he showcases his range in every album but this album has my whole heart. i can say for sure that i will be listening to this album for a long time. he did what he had to do with this album and i am proud of it Expand
  10. Jan 15, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is definitely Zayn's best album so far. The way he has let all his R&B influences take over and flow into each song is jaw dropping. The album is very chill and soft but is very stripped down and emotionally raw. Best songs on the album for me
    • Outside
    • Tightrope
    • River Road
    • Sweat
    • Windowsill ft. Devlin • When Loves Around ft. Syd
    • Better
  11. Jan 15, 2021
    Amazing from start to finish. Zayn always outdo himself. Greatest vocalist of this generation
  12. Jan 15, 2021
    honestly the best album i have heard in a while. so happy to see some r&b music from zayn because i feel his voice just fits so well in that genre. sweat, tightrope and **** are hands down the best tracks on the album.
  13. Jan 20, 2021
    I heard this album a few days ago and I must say it’s one of the best rnb albums I’ve heard in awhile. Every song tells a different story every song portraits a different emotion but it all somehow connects to each other in the end which means you’ll have to listen to the songs in order to understand his thoughts, emotions and feelings behind each song and how his love for the person inI heard this album a few days ago and I must say it’s one of the best rnb albums I’ve heard in awhile. Every song tells a different story every song portraits a different emotion but it all somehow connects to each other in the end which means you’ll have to listen to the songs in order to understand his thoughts, emotions and feelings behind each song and how his love for the person in question progresses throughout the whole album. The lyrics and vocals and the whole production of the albums shows he has put a lot of effort into making this record and it’s so well thought out and perfected down to each detail it’s a very listen worthy album and I think everyone should give it a chance I think it’s a very different but very welcomed record it’s not something you might hear on the radio but maybe that’s exactly why it’s so good and refreshing. Expand
  14. Jan 15, 2021
    I loved the album so much. Every track is so different and unique and the vocals are fire like always. Zayn never disappoints
  15. Jan 15, 2021
    The album is breathtaking! Zayn's vocals are insane! 'Nobody is listening' is a MUST listen. There's something in each song which makes it special and beautiful.
  16. Jan 15, 2021
    If you wanna know who Zayn Malik is the you should listen to RIVER ROAD, which i think is probably his best song ever.. give this guy a grammy man!
  17. Jan 15, 2021
    A beautiful masterpiece, his vocals, lyrics and production are just chef's kiss. His vocals are mesmerizing and just out of this world. This is my favorite album. It's unreal. It takes you on a beautiful journey. Worth a listen!!!
  18. Jan 15, 2021
    Definitely his best album. It's like I'm getting to know him more and more which is beautiful.
  19. Jan 15, 2021
    This third studio album by Zayn is absolutely smashing. Zayn has great sense of maturity throughout his solo career and what he lacked in other LPs he has definitely made up for in NIL. This 11 songs and 36 minutes of pure bliss of serene and strong vocals is a absolute treat for any music lover.
  20. Jan 15, 2021
    It is Zayn at it's best . You should atleast check it out for once and then base your opinion about it
  21. Jan 16, 2021
    Zayn cements his place in r&b with Nobody Is Listening. Calamity being the opening track sets the pace for the rest of the album. We get Zayn rapping in a spoken word fashion which we’ve never seen on his albums before. He describes using analogies to get his point across. Every song on this album details a moment in time and transports you there. From Calamity to Sweat to Tightrope andZayn cements his place in r&b with Nobody Is Listening. Calamity being the opening track sets the pace for the rest of the album. We get Zayn rapping in a spoken word fashion which we’ve never seen on his albums before. He describes using analogies to get his point across. Every song on this album details a moment in time and transports you there. From Calamity to Sweat to Tightrope and finally River Road, Zayn never missed. Can’t wait to see what he does next. Expand
  22. Jan 15, 2021
    I like it so much, the creativity & the lyrics groww
    best of the best. Is so good and clever picking the listing. For first & last tracks as the most complex
  23. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. i really liked the album, it has sounds that i´ve never heard before. Zayn´s impressive vocal range and handling of them. i´ve to say that i have never cried over a song, but tightrope took over my emotions, zayn has that ability to use the right words. Expand
  24. Jan 16, 2021
    Zayn has only improved greatly from his previous two albums with a subtle, RnB inspired album that showcases his skills as a singer, songwriter and producer too. Calamity proves to be an unexpected, but highly welcome insight into what the album is going to be like. Tracks like better, outside talk about breakups and love in such a beautiful manner. The two collabs offer the right flavorZayn has only improved greatly from his previous two albums with a subtle, RnB inspired album that showcases his skills as a singer, songwriter and producer too. Calamity proves to be an unexpected, but highly welcome insight into what the album is going to be like. Tracks like better, outside talk about breakups and love in such a beautiful manner. The two collabs offer the right flavor to Zayn's vocals. Tracks like vibez, sweat and windowsill highlight the sexy, sensual side of him we've come across time and again in his earlier songs. Tightrope delves into his roots, with an amazing sampling of the old Bollywood legend,Rafi's melodious song. River Road is a perfect closer to the album, again delving into themes of what it means to love. Truly Zayn's best work to date..cannot wait for his future works if this is the kind of music we can expect from him! Expand
  25. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Idk about others but I really liked the album . Loved those songs - outside, sweat and tightrope Expand
  26. Jan 16, 2021
    I LOVE R&B MUSIC. It has always comforted me. If you're a person who didn't have much exposure to it growing up, or just wants party music, I understand why you'd find this "boring" or not to your taste.

    Now, I will say that Zayn's not breaking in any new ground here. We've heard some of these before, in fact, the entire album is full of moments where you stop and go: "now, where have I
    I LOVE R&B MUSIC. It has always comforted me. If you're a person who didn't have much exposure to it growing up, or just wants party music, I understand why you'd find this "boring" or not to your taste.

    Now, I will say that Zayn's not breaking in any new ground here. We've heard some of these before, in fact, the entire album is full of moments where you stop and go: "now, where have I heard that line before? Doesn't that drum break sounds familiar? etc." You sense that he's too attached to the music that influenced him and doesn't want to deviate too much from that path. But of course, if you want to evolve as an artist, some exploration is necessary. But to a guy who was so stifled earlier on in his career and not allowed a creative musical outlet, he had built up a massive collection of songs in his mind and vault that when he was finally free to release what he wanted, it was like a dam broke. Hense his 18 track debut and 29 track follow up. Some of that music is still pouring out of the vault today, and we find it again on his latest offering. It's possible he hasn't written any new songs since 2018 due to the sheer amount of non-releases he has. The NOBODY IS LISTENING album opener 'Calamity' is perhaps the bigggest departure from what he's done before. It's the most introspective he's ever been. It also comes off as a diss track. We know he's a hiphop fan, so this was a song he probably always wanted to make. I won't go through each song but here are the ones that stood out for me;

    It's funny, I heard Khalid's stamp on this before I knew he'd actually written on it. I warmed up to it straight away. It's about young, complicated and impactful love where one's not always in control. "I'll let you decide to leave my love outside, or let me in." "It wasn't all bad now was it?" Ah, to be young and in love again.

    This one is a dreamy collaboration with Syd, formerly of the groups Odd Feature and The Internet. It's so relaxing. I felt the stress melt away from the first note. Their voices mixed together are like magic.

    The R&Bness of this tune. Imagine aliens abducted you, and as you slowly regain your consciousness, you hear D'Angelo and the aliens conversing in the background. I'm not even exaggerating. It's highnotes and futuristic sounds galore.

    Listen, this is an R&B album. Did we really expect there to be no mention of sex? If I had a dollar for every 80s R&B song this reminded me of.. From the beat, to the lyrics and vocals etc. Pulses will rise.

    I feel like he's been wanting to release a song like this for a while. A direct address to the haters. "My vibe and my life are all my design. Your sentiment's irrelevant coz I get down and up again." "You probably thought I couldn't turn water to wine." Zayn never expresses himself too much outside of music. We don't really know his perspective on most things. He doesn't do interviews or tours, which leaves room for a lot of opinions and speculations. Judging from this song, he feels misunderstood. NOBODY IS LISTENING. He's trying to tell us.

    Another bedroom song. The lyrics are raunchier and more direct than in 'Sweat.' The countertops and windowsills have seen better/cleaner days. Someone get the chlorax quick. First aid kit too for the glass cuts.

    This one deserves the extra exclamation marks because it's that good. A total 360 from the vibe of the previous song. It's so delicate and tender. He sings it almost like a lullaby. The 7 of the 10 points I gave this album are for this song alone. It feels like a warm hug each time I listen to it. "We are who we are when we're alone, baby I'm ready any minute we might fall." "Are you ready coz I'm ready to let go, never thought that I'd be ready again." Completely surrendering your all to a love the second time isn't easy if the last time you did it turned disastrous. He explores that sentiment in Tightrope. The Urdu (or is it Hindi) bridge and outro elevate this song even more. Really gorgeous. A stand out for sure. Requires repeating over and over.

    Like the album opener 'Calamity,' this one's another departure from his usual sound. We hear Rocky & Jazzy tones throughout. His voice does that naturaly as its front and centre. It's stripped with no heavy production. The lyrics are haunting. "Don't you ever hope for something else?" "What will I leave behind me, where will I choose to go? To tell the truth I'm tired of falling." "Let me float in ecstasy." It reminds me of Rihanna's 'Higher.' It's like an alcohol/weed induced stream of consciousness. Truthful and raw.

    My hope is that the next projects are a bigger evolution for him. Do an entire different language album if you must, just push the envelope way out there. There are hints of that from the album opener & closer. Both songs show what could be coming later on down the road. Either way, we'll still be listening.
  27. Jan 16, 2021
    didn't think he'd top Icarus Falls but this one is even better. Album of the Year so far
  28. Jan 16, 2021
    so far this is his best album he has put out . zero skips . favorite tracks are river road, tightrope, sweat, outside .
  29. Jan 16, 2021
    He's best albüm, his high notes and rnb's is gorgeous he is realy un***kwitable lol
  30. Jan 16, 2021
    oh mam, i’m not surprised at all. zayn was meant to be one of my favorites when he dropped mine of mine, and then became a favorite when he dropped icarus falls. i’m not surprised the nobody is listening is also a masterpiece. deserves #1
  31. Jan 16, 2021
    A masterpiece. Seriously his vocals are unmatched and the production on this one really let his voice stand on its own. He came back with the most beautiful lyrics I've seen in a while. I love his creativity and his mind. I feel like a proud mom right now. A very emotive one tho. It’s a beautiful album, it plays well from start to finish, and it’s full of beautiful vocals.
  32. Jan 16, 2021
    This whole album echoes with the theme of sadness, sex and waiting. Zayn starts with the track Calamity, dark and alluring, raps his soul out with such intensity, you'll feel like he's talking to you. Then with Better, he sings about waiting for the s/o to come to him and mend the fences, very interestingly referencing the 'glove' , an significant object in O J Simpson trial case.This whole album echoes with the theme of sadness, sex and waiting. Zayn starts with the track Calamity, dark and alluring, raps his soul out with such intensity, you'll feel like he's talking to you. Then with Better, he sings about waiting for the s/o to come to him and mend the fences, very interestingly referencing the 'glove' , an significant object in O J Simpson trial case. Hmm, we hear the poetic King.
    And Outside is everything you feel when you're stuck between holding on and letting go, while giving the other person their space and time.
    Vibez is definitely a different tone set to make you feel confident in your love, you will feel the vibez!! When loves around has that old tint of falling in love and dreamy vocals that give you butterflies. Sweat is, by far the most loved songs for understandable reasons, the lyrics and vocals will make you wanna make love to your s/o slowly and sensually. Unf***witable is about knowing your worth and knowing what you stand for , and not giving a f*** about what others think of you. Windowsill, , that I'll leave for you to hear and come.

    Tightrope is a heartbreaking song , not just cause it feels like zayn is pouring his heart to the mic itself. The urdu verse is just as smooth and flowing.

    River road, is what we call a perfect ending to a perfect album, the lyrics, the piano, the guitar riff and zayn's angelic voice makes you think about everything you've had and everything you couldn't keep, it does not get better that this!!
  33. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's just tooo amazing.
    One of the best songs I've ever heard.
    If he starts promoting his songs he's gonna kill it.
  34. Jan 16, 2021
    incredible album, his best body of work so far! he delved into so many deep and mature topics, and sings from the heart. i’m constantly in awe of him and his artistry.
  35. Jan 16, 2021
    es un gran álbum, muy personal y disfrutable. zayn lo hizo muy bien, merece todo el reconocimiento
  36. Jan 16, 2021
    Hard to find a favourite track on this album, as whole thing is beautiful, from lyrics to the largely stripped back production. I'm glad he’s decided to go stick to the experimental R&B route, combining the style from his past two albums perfectly.
  37. Jan 16, 2021
    It’s such a beautifully written album from start to finish. You can tell Zayn really took his time to create this masterpiece as well as his other two albums. You won’t be disappointed if you take time out of your day to listen to it I promise you
  38. Jan 16, 2021
    Zayn is a genius ! This is his most evolved & most cohesive album. The curation of the songs is really well thought out. Zayn is most confident of his sound here, as if he has finally found his sound.
  39. Jan 16, 2021
    The tracks are amazing. Calamity and Tightrope represent the versatility that is always the biggest plus point of Zayn albums. A truly high potential album.
  40. Jan 16, 2021
    One of the few albums out there with no skips. The RnB feel to it is flawless. The album comes together so perfectly. From start to end it's a story beautifully explained. Love the album. Favorites are tightrope, when love's around and outside. The lyrics are so undeniably raw that you can't help but relate to it. A
  41. Jan 16, 2021
    His best album.For me the best part is zayn doesn't care about charts he makes music for his fans nd he's been saying that since he released his debut album,that he solely nd passionately makes music to express himself not for popularity and awards.The vibe of this album,his vocals,the way he experiments with his music is *chef kiss* and I think we dont give zayn enough credit for hisHis best album.For me the best part is zayn doesn't care about charts he makes music for his fans nd he's been saying that since he released his debut album,that he solely nd passionately makes music to express himself not for popularity and awards.The vibe of this album,his vocals,the way he experiments with his music is *chef kiss* and I think we dont give zayn enough credit for his lyrics. Beautifully written with angelic vocals 10/10 intensity this album was a non skippable.My top 3 right now are Windowsill, Sweat , outside. Expand
  42. Jan 16, 2021
  43. Jan 16, 2021
    R&B excellence!! His growth as a lyricist and as an artist is appreciable. Tightrope with that Urdu verse was so fine, I just can't get over it. Fully deserves the hype that it gets and more!
  44. Jan 16, 2021
    this album is amaizing! Zayn outdoes himself each time, you can tell he poured his heart and passion for music in this one.
  45. Jan 16, 2021
    As his most personal Album, No body is listening show us Zayn is his most personal fase and with a insane vocal range. The sound of the album is just what he is meant to be and do om the Industry. Sweet R&B to other more experimental songs. Love it. A
  46. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this is the best album we have gotten from zayn...it's got that vibe so you can listen it to it anytime and will make you happy and feeling cheerful Expand
  47. Jan 16, 2021
    The album is really good. The RnB style he has is really showcased and this album will be a huge standout for 2021!
  48. Jan 16, 2021
    Iam not a zayn Stan but this album is pure fire.I like it's laid back approach and his poetic lyrics
  49. Jan 16, 2021
    The best album by ZAYN so far. It start with a deep voice rap song "Calamity" which describes that nobody is listening to the artist although he's popular.
    It has song called "Outside" featuring Khalid as a writer, it has that modern R&B flavor. The singer didn't stick with single genre in his album, it escalates with different genre from rap to classics with love and sex appealing songs
    The best album by ZAYN so far. It start with a deep voice rap song "Calamity" which describes that nobody is listening to the artist although he's popular.
    It has song called "Outside" featuring Khalid as a writer, it has that modern R&B flavor. The singer didn't stick with single genre in his album, it escalates with different genre from rap to classics with love and sex appealing songs in between. "Windowsill" sounds very innocent but it is the most explicit song in the album yet highly anticipated one. "Tightrope" is a very experimental song but the successful one which gives the glimpses of Bollywood song in a new melody while hitting that Mohmmed Rafi's "Chaudhin Ka Chand" phrase. There are a lot of feelings involved with album which makes it difficult rate it but overall it's an album which has no skip button in it.
  50. Jan 16, 2021
    "Nobody Is Listening" is an exceptional RnB album. Throughout the album there's a story of love and passion with each track seamlessly slides into the next one. Calamity is the perfect opener and to end it with the beautiful River Road just goes to show how much thought ZAYN has put into the chosen tracks. Each track has it's own charm, and the ones that really stood out and showed ZAYN's"Nobody Is Listening" is an exceptional RnB album. Throughout the album there's a story of love and passion with each track seamlessly slides into the next one. Calamity is the perfect opener and to end it with the beautiful River Road just goes to show how much thought ZAYN has put into the chosen tracks. Each track has it's own charm, and the ones that really stood out and showed ZAYN's musical growth and genius were Connexion and **** ZAYN once again shows off his outstanding vocals in the tracks Outside and Tightrope, from the vocal layering to the way he harmonizes with himself, it is indeed very impressive. As you listen to the album you can hear why ZAYN is one of the best male artis of his generation.

    Overall "Nobody Is Listening" is a great body of work. An album for every RnB lover, but with the uniqueness of each track, there is for sure something for everyone to enjoy in this album.
  51. Jan 16, 2021
    When I think that Zayn couldn't surprise me anymore, he put out a masterpiece! Starting with Calamity wich is so different from what we know about Zayn, going through Outside, Connexion and Thightrope wich are sooo emotional and ending with River Road wich it seems Live recorded is just perfect! Let's not forget Better, Vibez, When Love's Around, Sweat, **** and Windowsill wich are just soWhen I think that Zayn couldn't surprise me anymore, he put out a masterpiece! Starting with Calamity wich is so different from what we know about Zayn, going through Outside, Connexion and Thightrope wich are sooo emotional and ending with River Road wich it seems Live recorded is just perfect! Let's not forget Better, Vibez, When Love's Around, Sweat, **** and Windowsill wich are just so awesome! In conclusion this album is just wonderful, gorgeous!! His voice, the lyrics, the instrumentals and the production make this album my favourite. For me this album have just no skip. So if you want a good album that make you go through a lot of emotions just go listen to it Expand
  52. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nobody is listening isn’t just an album it’s a cultural reset, it’s the oxygen you breathe, it’s a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, an escape from this cruel world filled with thieves. it’s art, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted. Expand
  53. Jan 16, 2021
    this album is a masterpiece. he really put out his heart and feelings into this album. i'm so proud of him
  54. Jan 16, 2021
    zayn sounds more mature and honest - i've been a fan since 1d and there are some lyrics that really hit hard knowing all he's been through -, but i think the production lacks a little of creativity and innovation. also i wish there was a song about fatherhood
  55. Jan 16, 2021
    sem dúvidas o melhor álbum da carreira dele, zayn nunca decepciona, ele faz um trabalho de qualidade sem focar em charts como vários outros artistas fazem para suprir a falta de talento deles. Zayn pelo contrário, quer mostrar a arte dele e que bela arte. Canta, compõe e produz. Ele tem sua própria personalidade, não tenta copiar ou ser igual a ninguém. sweat, calamity, windowsill assem dúvidas o melhor álbum da carreira dele, zayn nunca decepciona, ele faz um trabalho de qualidade sem focar em charts como vários outros artistas fazem para suprir a falta de talento deles. Zayn pelo contrário, quer mostrar a arte dele e que bela arte. Canta, compõe e produz. Ele tem sua própria personalidade, não tenta copiar ou ser igual a ninguém. sweat, calamity, windowsill as melhores do álbum. Esse garoto é sem dúvidas o mais talentosa e original que saiu da one direction Expand
  56. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is one of the best album I ever heard and the album is upto the point. Zayn please release next mv on tightrope. Expand
  57. Jan 16, 2021
    This album has no skips. I love it. Zayn manages to yet again, create an amazing work of art, and ironic to its name, I think everyone will be listening.
  58. Jan 16, 2021
    The Album is truly a masterpiece Deserves all the appreciation and awards Stream it guys
  59. Jan 16, 2021
    Best albums piece of artwork. Zayn Malik is upto the mark we are listening to you man
  60. Jan 16, 2021
    This album is such a Masterpiece! It feels very personal and intimate! I never ever left any review about any album before, however with this one I felt I had to say how great this album really is. The production, the vocals, the feels and everything. You can feel the emotions through Zayn’s voice, he is really showing us how he felt or was feeling about certain subjects! By the “critics”This album is such a Masterpiece! It feels very personal and intimate! I never ever left any review about any album before, however with this one I felt I had to say how great this album really is. The production, the vocals, the feels and everything. You can feel the emotions through Zayn’s voice, he is really showing us how he felt or was feeling about certain subjects! By the “critics” metacritic reviews that they really missed the point of the tittle of the album. Anyway this is my favorite Zayn’s album for me so far! Expand
  61. Jan 16, 2021
    This Album is one of the best albums of this decade , with some songs being acoustic and some giving us pure rnb vibes , zayn yet again doesnt fail to impress us with amazing lyrics and vocals hitting the perfect harmony !
  62. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. after years of wanting to find his own sound, zayn has been putting out music that’s true to himself, and that inspires him. his music has been nothing but raw and beautiful. nobody is listening is a perfect 10/10. with songs like calamity, where zayn wrote an amazing poetic piece and turned it into a rap, and river road, that touches your heart in all the right places, zayn has outdone himself once again. Expand
  63. Jan 16, 2021
    I love the irony of him titling the album “nobody is listening” but on the cover there’s a crowd of people watching. zayn’s versatility is amazing. river road was more of an exploration with an rnb kind of sound that i really enjoyed, the same goes for tightrope — which is another one of my favorites. zayn really outdid himself with this one. great songs, amazing vocals, impeccableI love the irony of him titling the album “nobody is listening” but on the cover there’s a crowd of people watching. zayn’s versatility is amazing. river road was more of an exploration with an rnb kind of sound that i really enjoyed, the same goes for tightrope — which is another one of my favorites. zayn really outdid himself with this one. great songs, amazing vocals, impeccable lyricisms. everyone should give this album a listen! Expand
  64. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is a masterpiece by zayn malik.. this is just a underrated album this far. Expand
  65. Jan 16, 2021
    This is by far ZAYN's best work. His vocals, the production and the lyrics are incredible. It is set to dominate the charts of 2021!
  66. Jan 16, 2021
    Masterpiece is an understatement for this album. I love how Zayn has put his heart and soul into it. Every song has you hooked onto it. There's so much warmth in his voice. The lyrics are pure genius. His high notes are like none other. Blesses to hear it all.
  67. Jan 16, 2021
    Great album his voice is incredible and this album desrves all the best.My top 5 are:
    5.When's love around
  68. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incredible voice and vocals! Definetly amazing! Zayn yet again did not disappoint! Expand
  69. Jan 16, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is so different and his voice fits so well with the tracks 10/10 Expand
  70. Jan 16, 2021
    I'll never get bored of streaming this album. Zayn did an amazing job in this one. It's not just an album, it's an emotion. Congratulations Zayn. We are listening. ♥️
  71. Jan 16, 2021
    Short in tracks, but every one of them has their on vibe(z). Just an amazing LP.
  72. Jan 16, 2021
    A perfect r&b album made and sung from heart. Most of the songs are kept raw with minimalistic instrumentals. Zayn's soothing voice and the soulful production makes one feel like they're in heaven. Outside, Tightrope, connexion and river road are must listens from the album!
  73. Jan 16, 2021
    Albüm mükemmeldi başlangıç ve bitişi çok uyumluydu her şarkı bir albüm gibi hikayesi vardı sadece 11 şarkı ile bile hayranlarını adeta büyüledi sesini mükemmel kullandı ve albümün alt yapısı mükemmeldi çok çok çok kaliteli ve sıkılmadan dinleyebileceğim çok güzel bir albüm Grammyi kesinlikle hakkediyor
  74. Jan 16, 2021
    The album is so beautiful, lyrically and musically. This is my favorite album of his. It has a nice sound to it. I really recommend it . “Calamity” is the perfect way to start the album while “River road ” is the perfect way to end it. I enjoy the fact that he is open to working with small artists, it expands my knowledge of music. I enjoyed the album, laying down at night while playingThe album is so beautiful, lyrically and musically. This is my favorite album of his. It has a nice sound to it. I really recommend it . “Calamity” is the perfect way to start the album while “River road ” is the perfect way to end it. I enjoy the fact that he is open to working with small artists, it expands my knowledge of music. I enjoyed the album, laying down at night while playing it.. an amazing time. Thank you zayn! Expand
  75. Jan 16, 2021
    this is his best album. this album has soothing rnb vibes which I absolutely loved it. 10/10 for this beautiful album
  76. Feb 6, 2021
    This is just a masterpiece album, everyone must definitely listen to in their lifetime. just go and listen, too good to be true, vibing on this all day all ny8.
  77. Jan 16, 2021
    This album is heaven. I am so proud of Zayn. The vibes of the song are so great. It's just like a therapy. And the lyrics are also so great. Loved this album so much.
  78. luj
    Jan 16, 2021
    loved it!!!! the lyrics are brilliant, beautiful melodies and when you think about what he is trying to say it only gets better
  79. Jan 16, 2021
    I think this is zayn's best album so far because he has shown his true potential in this one and some of the tracks are just out of this world. He has finally found his style and if you are reading this then trust me please give it a shot you won't regret!
  80. Jan 16, 2021
    This album come for saving just omg it's fantastic. Words can't describe the beauty of this album
  81. Jan 16, 2021
    this is my take on nobody is listening from a few different aspects so keep reading to see me try and do this flawless album some justice.

    production wise, this album is the most distinctive out of his previous works; mind of mine and icarus falls. deciding on these 11 tracks that are straight to the point with with the delivery and instrumentals, there are absolutely no filler tracks.
    this is my take on nobody is listening from a few different aspects so keep reading to see me try and do this flawless album some justice.

    production wise, this album is the most distinctive out of his previous works; mind of mine and icarus falls. deciding on these 11 tracks that are straight to the point with with the delivery and instrumentals, there are absolutely no filler tracks. the less refined production using fewer elements on the majority of the songs really allows the listeners to live in the atmosphere zayn creates for them. this much simpler approach to production, alongside some experimentation with acoustic and electric guitars and those 80’s drum rolls, created such a sonically pleasing album to listen to. on his previous albums icarus falls and mind of mine, we’ve never gotten these elements. moreover, something that stood out to me was the layering on some of the songs; take the opening track calamity for instance, during the rap verse -which was so beautifully written and delivered- you can hear how clear the audio is whilst zayn has this speaking register, as the song progresses and he starts singing the line “nobody is listening to me” for the first time, you can hear that his voice is pushed further back with a hint of hollow echo, implying that he’s in an empty room where no one is there to listen to him, and the second time he repeats the line he gets noticeably louder. lyric wise, there is so much to unpack from start to finish. it was really an out of body experience to me on first listen. opening up with calamity, giving us an intro to the story he’s been living and willing to tell us. secondly, the symbolism in tightrope and river road, communicating feelings intensely as he did with these tracks left me speechless and standing still. moving onto outside- my favorite track- connexion and better, u can easily detect a sort of chase or conflict happening, they left me with puddles in my eyes. then we have when love’s around, a track with flawless vocals delivered from zayn and syd, and a chill vibe that’s so suitable for a night cruise around the city. next we have the sexy trio that is; vibez and sweat giving us more upbeat and heated feels but looking at them on a deeper level, he exemplifies so much intimacy, undeniable and relentless adoration. with windowsill however, it shows more angst and bitterness hence the choice of words, making it possibly about makeup sex. lastly with the most honest track in my opinion, **** i feel like this is ought to be one of his best songs, the brutal honesty and nonchalance that he’s shown us before was much more eminent in this track, i’ve been waiting for something like it for so long and he hasn’t disappointed. i’ve some random notions before ending this hauntingly long review. there is so much being said with the way zayn decided to create and compose this album. he directly opens up to the listeners; he flips off the snakes climbing on his ladder of success, refuses to feed into other people’s fantasies, longs for his lover to let him back in, says he’s ready to fall off this tightrope for the person he’s truly himself with. you can see so much development happen in zayn’s skill since 2016 but also knowing that songs such as sweat and windowsill were written back in 2015, assures you that he had it in him the whole time.

    in conclusion, nobody is listening is so much more than just a sexual or sensual album. whilst there are songs on it that undeniably are, the album displays so much more emotional variety than that. it’s so much more than to be defined to that one category and im so tired of seeing it being said. you need just let the album speak for itself and really listen. this definitely is his most personal album, so take the time to really look at what he’s saying, to feel all the emotions he’s communicating to you.
  82. Jan 16, 2021
    I haven't listen album without any skip for long time, all the songs link together and they are telling stories, lyrically it is brilliant while I was listening the album it felt that someone was telling me stories, it is relatable, it has song for every occasion, songs you can gill to, romantic songs, at times songs like Calamity you feel like he is talking to you and it is your story,I haven't listen album without any skip for long time, all the songs link together and they are telling stories, lyrically it is brilliant while I was listening the album it felt that someone was telling me stories, it is relatable, it has song for every occasion, songs you can gill to, romantic songs, at times songs like Calamity you feel like he is talking to you and it is your story, there lyrically brilliant songs like River Road, Tightrope, Connection, Better, outside and Calamity they are like poetry. Expand
  83. Jan 16, 2021
    Phenomenal body of work. Zayn really outdid himself. Was just a beautiful story being told.
  84. Jan 16, 2021
    Album is just wow, every song got a whole different vibes. Everyone knows the vocals of zayn ! So yeaa... Witness it once more
  85. Jan 16, 2021
    My faves are Sweat and Outside. Once again, Zayn proved us how versatile his vocal range is.
  86. Jan 16, 2021
    One of his best works till date.
    It is tightly packed with 11 songs
    Compared to 27 songs Icarus Falls
    And has a sense of direction.
    There are gems like tightrope, windowsill and sweat.
    Overall a good R/B album.
  87. Jan 17, 2021
    Espectacular, un álbum relajante.. y al fin algo que no sea igual al resto en lo comercial, muy buen álbum.
  88. Jan 17, 2021
    WOW! This album is mind blowing
  89. Jan 17, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is just brilliant. He didn't miss any track. This album combines the best: an amazing production, and a extraordinary lyrical composition. Without a doubt it is his best album and a work of art. Expand
  90. Jan 17, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. sweat is literally amazing i love daydreaming to it. windowsill is also really cool i love it so much. i listen to tightrope and river road all day every day Expand
  91. Jan 17, 2021
    Amazing album! His best one! Vocals are superb and a great variety of songs!
  92. Jan 17, 2021
    Amazing third album. There are eleven songs on the album and there’s not one song that I don’t like.
  93. Jan 17, 2021
    the album is beautiful . each song takes u to a happy place and makes u so joyous . I've been streaming it non stop for the past 2 days now . the songwriting is absolutely beautiful and daunting. tightrope is my personal fav , his voice and lyrics just leave u speechless . zayn is a super talented musician and I hope he has the best in life . I love u zayn keep up the good work . can'tthe album is beautiful . each song takes u to a happy place and makes u so joyous . I've been streaming it non stop for the past 2 days now . the songwriting is absolutely beautiful and daunting. tightrope is my personal fav , his voice and lyrics just leave u speechless . zayn is a super talented musician and I hope he has the best in life . I love u zayn keep up the good work . can't wait for music Expand
  94. Jan 18, 2021
    Zyan third album is fresh and relaxing, nothing different but still an outstanding album.
  95. Jan 20, 2021
    one of the best albums of this century. Got goosebumps while listening to it. Love it and recommend everyone to have a listen. Trust me it's lit!!!
  96. Jan 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. one of the best albums I've ever heard. Zayn was so personal on this album, the best tracks are definitely "sweat" "willdowsill" and "vibez". The best album so far. Expand
  97. Jan 20, 2021
    perfect album. zayn did really a good job! you can ser how mature is nil and how much he grew after the years. just loved so much.
  98. Jan 20, 2021
    The best RNB album of the year with out a doubt!! Period. The number 61 of Meta critics for this album is unjustified and isn't reflect the originality of this album stature.
  99. Jan 20, 2021
    One of zayns most ambitious albums to date. Adored the south-East Asian inspired instrumentals in some songs and the Urdu hook in tightrope was fantastic. Definitely an album that grows on you, very excited to see zayns future projects, this one was a hit in my book.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Feb 3, 2021
    Even though the album isn't as immediate as his prior work, it rewards repeated listens and some concentration, a smooth experience fit for wasting a day away between the sheets.
  2. Jan 20, 2021
    The album’s most tolerable songs fixate on the physical, a pulsating goo of slow drums and reverbed descriptions of skin mashed against skin.
  3. Jan 19, 2021
    Nobody Is Listening doubles down on this expertly cultivated, look-but-don’t-touch, this-far-and-no-further brand. The good news is that, as an artist, Zayn keeps refining. The songwriters may be many here, but the songs suit him more and more.