
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Feb 10, 2011
    At times, it almost feels like too much at once, but the band's music is so buoyant that to bring it down to earth too much would be a shame.
  2. Feb 10, 2011
    There are times when it feels a bit prescribed; dream-pop by numbers. But when they're at their best Sun Airway have a knack of perfectly balancing melancholy with intelligence and brutal honesty.
  3. Feb 10, 2011
    Respectably, Sun Airway do constantly challenge themselves by taking the unexplored route of achieving sturdy compositions through electronic textures, especially in a time when house and nu-rave are fast becoming indie's current electronic touchstones.
  4. Feb 10, 2011
    The record's emotional centre hits toward the end, so stick around for Your Moon, a cathartic downer backed by processed strings and 808 claps.
  5. Feb 10, 2011
    Sun Airway [has] crafted a mature and confident collection of alternate-reality singles far less common than its sound might initially imply.
  6. Feb 10, 2011
    Nocturne of Exploded Crystal Chandelier is a feel good record, genuine in all the ways that a beautiful composition should be.
  7. Uncut
    Feb 14, 2011
    This is a finely paced album, mirroring the rhythm of the calendar and getting choppier as it moves toward the midway point. [Feb 2011, p.99]
  8. Feb 10, 2011
    It's the kind of delicate wordplay that perfectly coagulates the dream-like qualities of an album unafraid of exploring a quiet loveliness.

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