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  1. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana best album ever, i really like that. All in this record are to good. I like when she try trip/hop and other stiles
  2. Aug 30, 2019
    melhor álbum da lana sim e nada eh mais importante que minha opnião, the guardian lixo escroto que dá nota 60 pra quem merece 100
  3. Aug 30, 2019
    She’s done it again!!!! Pepsi-Cola Queen! Queen of Saigon. Riker’s Island Queen. Coney Island Queen. Cuban Queen.
  4. Aug 30, 2019
    On her sixth album, Lana f**king Del Rey brought us to sail her journey into the ocean of love and lust. Norman F**king Rockwell! is f**king lunatic and marks Lana’s most steady production yet. Profanity is her native language and it doesn’t f**king matter.
  5. Aug 30, 2019
    Once again, Lana delivered a masterpiece. With unique melodies, compositions and productions - Jack Antonoff-based - she did it one more time.
  6. Aug 30, 2019
    Her best work yet, both great production and lyrics. It's literally a masterpiece with 0 skips
  7. Aug 30, 2019
    Definition of a masterpiece!
    Venice B*tch and Cinnamon Girl are one of the best tracks of the year. Not to mention Doin Time :a perfectly done cover of Sublime.
    How to disappear = best lyrics!
    All her craft is amazing but definitely haven’t heard such good album since Born to Die.
  8. Aug 30, 2019
    one of her best albums. The mood, the instrumental and her voice. Norman **** Rockwell is the best album of the year and Lana is the best artist ever
  9. Aug 30, 2019
    Her best album yet. Just perfect, every song is a masterpiece. Beautiful melodies & lyrics and her voice is like an angel
  10. Aug 30, 2019
    Such a beautiful songs. Lana's best album so far. It's a truly masterpiece. Thank you Lana F*****g Del Rey
  11. Aug 30, 2019
    It's a masterpiece after Ultraviolence. Full of piano, vocals and very cool energy this album is different from everything she's done before. And also, right after Get Free from Lust for Life this album comes with a little touch of relaxation and chill vibes to listen to while driving or sailing.
  12. Aug 30, 2019
    amo esse ícone, as músicas estão muito boas. cinnamon, é tudo. amo uma artista.
  13. Aug 30, 2019
    Cinnamon Girl is a masterpiece and so is this album so make sure you give it a listen
  14. Aug 30, 2019
    A very coherent album, calm makes me drift away and I can relax. It puts me in such a calm mood.
  15. Aug 30, 2019
    Péssimo álbum. Mais uma vez Lana lança um álbum mediano, sem conceito, igual todos os outros já lançados. Vazio.
  16. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Captivating! Lana never disappoints me even when I think she can't reinvent herself she proves me I'm wrong. This album is flawless and only my opinion matters. Expand
  17. Aug 30, 2019
    It's just a masterpiece. Absolutely the best album of 2019. Thanks God for Lana!
  18. Aug 30, 2019
    genius!!! just a masterpice, this deserve album of the year and everything.
  19. Aug 30, 2019
    The best album of the year, lana is perfect incredible, i love so very much.
  20. Aug 30, 2019
    This album is such a masterpiece. This is st the same level as ultraviolence
  21. Aug 30, 2019
    Escutando as músicas atentamente encontrei um total de 0 Defeitos!! Álbum perfeito igual a Lana!
  22. Aug 30, 2019
    This album is all the world needed! Wow what a potential Lana. You are amazing and this album deserves AOTY
  23. Aug 30, 2019
    It is a “no skip” album. Pure masterpiece. The lyrics and the instrumental are insanely good!
  24. Aug 30, 2019
    This is so far the most beautiful and well produced album she’s ever made.
  25. Aug 30, 2019
    Such a beautiful masterpiece with low tempo songs that will calm your spirit.
  26. Aug 30, 2019
    Amazing album, her best one after ultraviolence. Love u Lana keep goin'. 2020 Grammys here we go.
  27. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Después de hacer tan larga la espera, creo que Lana le ha dado a sus fans un álbum digno de esperar, desde los sonidos de bartender hasta el sentimentalismo de **** it, I love you, te empapan de su voz tan meliodosa que la caracteriza, The greatest es un gran paso en técnica vocal desde su presentación en SNL, Lana sin duda nos muestra que vino y vino para quedarse, musa y pionera en el género “Lana del Rey”. Expand
  28. Aug 30, 2019
    I’m a really big fan of Lana del rey, and I really do think that she’s so underrated but.. this album is just not it for me. It’s coherent but too repetitiv. I really loved doin’ time, Cinammon Girl. The best song on the album for me is « the next best american record »
    I still love you Lana, but it just ain’t for me.
  29. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is magnificent and a work to pay attention to the details every sound every texture of the songs is all perfect jack knew how to give great voice to lana's voice this album sounds as if you were coming to heaven again is magnificent Expand
  30. Aug 30, 2019
    Poetic, emotional and brilliant!
    She keeps getting better each album!
    Lana is everything we need, everyday.
  31. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Album of the year. This is it. The best american record. No one can relate. The greatest lana del rey only. Expand
  32. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Álbum surpreendente, perfeito em todos os detalhes cada música que contém no álbum é como se contasse uma bela história Expand
  33. Aug 30, 2019
    She states her talent as a songwriter, a poet. Lana manages to transport you again into ethereal and perfect spaces.
  34. Aug 30, 2019
    just when we thought she couldn’t add news she comes with a masterpiece again
  35. Aug 30, 2019
    Maybe the best album she has ever made! Never fails to mesmerize you with its beauty.
  36. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana se superó a sí misma, es increíble lo que esa mujer puede hacer. Impresionante.
  37. Aug 30, 2019
    This is clearly her best record yet. It's amazing to listen as one piece from beginning to end and the songwriting (lyrically and instrumentally) is just mind blowing. Every song and every line will make you feel so many feelings.

    It's a masterpiece.
  38. Aug 30, 2019
    In NFR, Lana is a goddess reaching out her hand to us, taking us to sonic heaven.
  39. Aug 30, 2019
    An amazing cohesive album. You can really see the growth in this album. Her and Jack make an amazing duo and I hope they keep working together.
  40. Aug 30, 2019
    2 года ожиданий, и не зря. Лана создала очень хороший альбом. Мне он очень понравился.
    Музыка - грустная и весёлая, бодрящая. По истине легендарна, и пускай она не выпустила хит, а оно ей и не нужно, ведь она давно всем всё доказала. Если Лана захочет выпустить хит, она это сделает, а сейчас наслаждайтесь ненавязчивой музыкой и релаксируйте под последние деньки лета.
    2 года ожиданий, и не зря. Лана создала очень хороший альбом. Мне он очень понравился.
    Музыка - грустная и весёлая, бодрящая. По истине легендарна, и пускай она не выпустила хит, а оно ей и не нужно, ведь она давно всем всё доказала. Если Лана захочет выпустить хит, она это сделает, а сейчас наслаждайтесь ненавязчивой музыкой и релаксируйте под последние деньки лета.
  41. Aug 30, 2019
    One of the best albums i played nostalgic and also has a electric vibe love it
  42. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana Del Rey never ceases to please with quality music and incredible lyrics. This album is just 100/10. She created incredible magic and ease when listening, with each listening I want to plunge more and more into the whole world that Lana invented in this album. It `s that. what is missing now, lightness and soft chic marshmallow-like clouds
  43. Aug 30, 2019
    Her best album, hands down. She’s definitely gone back to the Ultraviolence vibe and it’s payed off. As a whole it really is a stunning album, but the individual songs stand strong too. It feels a lot more cohesive than Lust For Life as well. Definitely high on my Albums of 2019 list!
  44. Aug 30, 2019
    Hey Queen. Girl you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. I'd say I'm suprised but I know who you are, I've seen it up close and personal. You make me so proud. A masterpiece, stream this and Kanye West's discography instead of that rat T*ylor S*ift. Lover can choke.
  45. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana's evolution through the past years is clearly visible in NFR's 14 tracks. I STAN.
  46. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana del rey consigue crear el mejor album de toda su carrera, el record consigue tener letras profunda y de grandes inspiraciones para lana
  47. Aug 30, 2019
    This is the best album i've ever heard. Cinnamon destroyed me. 11/10 perfection. Lana's magnum opus for sute.
  48. Aug 30, 2019
    The Next Best American Record is my favorite of the album,but all songs is really good
    Lana is powerful
  49. Aug 30, 2019
    O álbum parece que entende cada necessidade de cada um a cada momento da vida, serve perfeitamente pra preencher o vazio da tristeza ou impulsionar os momentos de felicidade
  50. Aug 30, 2019
    one of the best
    Venice cinnamon love song how to disappear California and happiness can repeat for years!
  51. Aug 30, 2019
    Perfect in every way from the start to the end, like all of her magical songs!
  52. Aug 30, 2019
    Her best album. Lana is the best songwriter of this era and need to be more recognize.
  53. Aug 30, 2019
    AVG: 9.9

    Norman **** Rockwell 10/10
    Mariners Apartment Complex 10/10
    Venice **** 10/10
    **** It I Love You 10/10
    Doin' Time 10/10
    Love Song 9/10
    Cinnamon Girl 10/10
    How To Disappear 9/10
    California 10/10
    The Next Best American Record 10/10
    The Greatest 10/10
    Bartender 10/10
    Happiness Is A Butterfly 10/10
    Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It 10/10
  54. Aug 30, 2019
    Perfect. A masterpiece. And for those who didn't like it just throw away your ear because it's useless.
  55. Aug 30, 2019
    this album is the best thing i ever ear. lana is a god and this album is the prove
  56. Aug 30, 2019
    Incredible album. Lana transports us once again to the dream like nostalgic universe she has created and expanded on with each album. A transcendent experience for new and old listeners alike.
  57. Aug 30, 2019
    The best album of Lana del Rey to date. Great production, lyrics and so emotional.
  58. Aug 30, 2019
    This is her best álbum, **** i really love it, and Jack Antonoff is really amazing, thanks for this masterpiece
  59. Aug 30, 2019
    perfect! but the instrumental of how to disappear ain't it. thank you lana and jack antonoff!
  60. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana best album. I really like when she try other styles like trip hop and psicodélic-rock
  61. Aug 30, 2019
    The art that is penetrative into the mind. Every song adds to the quality of the sound and mood.
  62. Gsp
    Aug 30, 2019
    it's a hyponotic and wonderful album. Looking forward to the new album planned for 2020
  63. Aug 30, 2019
    talented brilliant incredible amazing show-stopping spectacular never -the-same totally unique completely not ever been done before unafraid to reference or not reference put it in a blender **** on it vomit on it eat it give birth to it
  64. Aug 30, 2019
    Simply 100/100 the music, lyrics, voice, uniqueness! She's in a league of her own! Best album I heard this year.
  65. Aug 30, 2019
    Easily her worst album yet. There is no flow through the album, and no power or oomph to even one or two songs. It's such a shame, because the wait for this album since it was first announced was a very long time of suspense just for nothing.
  66. Aug 30, 2019
    She did really good on transporting me to a different universe with these amazing instrumentals... Her vocals are not from this world either, magical.
  67. Aug 30, 2019
    the apogee of the masterpiece of the legendary iconic significance of the epoch-making perfection of divinity majesty power grandeur of superiority peerlessness flawlessness of luxury

    the peak of the development of music, the rebirth of muses in the industry and music in general, the division of music into before and after a collection of standard revolutionary tracks deserving all
    the apogee of the masterpiece of the legendary iconic significance of the epoch-making perfection of divinity majesty power grandeur of superiority peerlessness flawlessness of luxury

    the peak of the development of music, the rebirth of muses in the industry and music in general, the division of music into before and after a collection of standard revolutionary tracks deserving all kinds of praises and awards an aesthetic and sound orgasm
  68. Aug 30, 2019
    That’s one of her best records, so proud of her. It’ a truly masterpiece
  69. Aug 30, 2019
    This is the new best album. this is the best album for 2019. Thank you Lana
  70. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana comes back again with another instant classic record " Norman F*cking Rockwell". the opening track with the same title album is a solid introduction to the album a ballad with only piano in background and Lana's shinning through the song with her vocals then we get more vibey with psychedelic rock tracks like " Mariners apartment complex " and " Venice **** " a nine minutes and thirtyLana comes back again with another instant classic record " Norman F*cking Rockwell". the opening track with the same title album is a solid introduction to the album a ballad with only piano in background and Lana's shinning through the song with her vocals then we get more vibey with psychedelic rock tracks like " Mariners apartment complex " and " Venice **** " a nine minutes and thirty seconds long track full of sweet acid-synths,clean acoustic guitars and over washed electric guitars, a delicious track to say at least ,then Lana and Jack play with other genres like desert rock with ultraviolence-isque track " the greatest", the baroque pop and BTD vibes with
    " cinnamon girls ' and stripped ballads like " love song" and the title name of the album they even experiment with genres like trip-hop in the sublime's cover " doin time " and a standout track in the record a shimmering summer bop with elements of SKA and 90s trip-hop and that's how you make a great cover when you make it is like your own song,then we get to the alternative and indie track " California ' and my least favorite track off the album,then we go to the hippe influenced and straight BTD production wise " the next best American record " and one of my favorite tracks of the bunch.the album close with the great and stripped ballad " hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have-but I have it " a ballad that I almost can play for hours without noticing with well-written lyrics and well-arranged. NFR is a solid record album with many classics and a perfect album for the late summer feels and for the beach "YEAH I'D THAT" NFR is her most light album more raw and organic with less complex and twisted themes with more striped back ballads and we even get the best of the the whole thing with the great vocal delivery Lana sounds clearer more confident and more determined than before I'd give it 7.5 out of 10.NFR will stick around in my play-list for a while yeah I love it.
  71. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Som dos deuses. Esse album deveria se chamar "a harpa cristã" - Lana veio com tudo e esse album tem todo o potencial para que ela leve o primeiro grammy pra casa, album do ano. Expand
  72. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. So massive, so lyrical work. I'm proud of Lana's progress as a writer, really. Look at her earlier lyrics from Born to Die, all about boys, cars, cash, sex, drugs, -- and now... "I bought me a truck in the middle of the night / It'll buy me a year if I play my cards right" from "Bartender". She tries to save her love by using more time, a whole year she'll hide somewhere because she think that time can save everything. It's so philosophic... Thank u Lana Expand
  73. Aug 30, 2019
    I think that Lana worked hard, not only on the album but also on its details. I think it's an album where every note is meticulously successful and that manages to convey a lot of feelings.
  74. Aug 30, 2019
    This is a new Lana Del Rey masterpiece and this fact is undeniable. Banknotes below 80 are just a **** and desperate envy. Thanks for everything, queen!
  75. Aug 30, 2019
    Best of all!!! I love every single song of this album. Each song is saturated with special magic!
  76. Aug 30, 2019
    Este podria ser el mejor álbum de su carerra, Jack Antonoff y Lana tienen un gusto exquisito, el sonido esta muy cuidado y todas las canciones se sienten bien y diferentes
  77. Aug 30, 2019
    For me, this is something new in terms of music from Lana and I want to say that I really like it!
  78. Aug 30, 2019
    i really really really really really really really really really really like it
  79. Aug 30, 2019
    This is amazing! I love all songs. I really like how she try new styles in this record
  80. Aug 30, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum do ano, muito coeso e liricamente riquíssimo. O melhor da Lana Del Rey! Expand
  81. Aug 30, 2019
    Such a cohesive album that has a folk/ psychedelic rock spin to it. Influenced by 70s and the greatest artists of time such as Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, David Bowie and etc. Heartfelt lyrics and Born to Die flashbacks yet a fresh surf twist that never appeared on previous work... You can almost find everything you love on this retrospective album.
  82. Aug 30, 2019
    Beautiful, beginning to end. Jack Antonoff and her make a great team. It’s hard to pick one track. Cinnamon Girl, The Greatest, California and The Next American Record stick out the most after 3 listens but it usually changes after a few with Lana.
  83. Aug 30, 2019
    El álbum del año. Definitivamente tiene todo para ser exitoso y uno de los mejores álbumes lanzados este año.
  84. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana Del Rey throughout the decade has provided a legacy of creating her own unique sound each era and NFR combines what was, while also still providing something brand new. NFR shows how beautiful love can be but at the same token, how difficult it is to let go of past love. An album that really makes you self-reflect upon your own character, and how you can be a better you.
  85. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana Del Rey's sixth full-length studio album,Norman **** Rockwell! reveals her changes in both music style and personality .Just like What she sang in the last track of the last album-out of the black,into the blue-everyone has witnessed her growth.Her new style is like a combination of all her previous albums,giving audiences a feeling of strangeness and familiarity at the very sameLana Del Rey's sixth full-length studio album,Norman **** Rockwell! reveals her changes in both music style and personality .Just like What she sang in the last track of the last album-out of the black,into the blue-everyone has witnessed her growth.Her new style is like a combination of all her previous albums,giving audiences a feeling of strangeness and familiarity at the very same time.I was like only the word "Epic" can just be used to describe the new album Del Rey presents.California,among all,is the most stunningly beautiful one,the greatest,bestest of her career so far.Del Rey just announced her next studio album named White Hot Forever,which sounds like one closely connected with politics.Will she surprise us once again?Honestly I have no idea.But I always know Del Rey makes only real music.It was like she has been improving herself all the time.She was like the savior of the industry,a strong,powerful woman saving us from burning hell. Expand
  86. Aug 30, 2019
    A dream-like experience. I think there’s no other way to describe a full listen of Norman **** Rockwell, especially if you decide to pleasure your ears in the middle of the night, in the early morning or just before the sunset. Radically different from Lana’s previous effort, this album focuses more on piano, electric guitars and acoustic elements than on the electronic beats and theA dream-like experience. I think there’s no other way to describe a full listen of Norman **** Rockwell, especially if you decide to pleasure your ears in the middle of the night, in the early morning or just before the sunset. Radically different from Lana’s previous effort, this album focuses more on piano, electric guitars and acoustic elements than on the electronic beats and the catchy melodies that characterised Lust For Life. And, apparently, does it in a way that resembles the atmospheres of the good and old Ultraviolence, which is though just the result of an inaccurate first impression. Yes, because Norman **** Rockwell is a completely distinct record, not “better” nor “worse” than her earlier works, capable of evoking a new handful of sensations and emotions in the audience. The songs flow incredibly well into each other, mainly because of the excellent production of Jack Antonoff; the instrumentals are never disappointing and always match very well with vocals; the lyrics shows that Lana’s poetry is at his very best. Though a bunch of listeners may find the record a bit boring due to the static (but graceful) atmosphere and the slow tempos, I think that Norman **** Rockwell is undoubtedly the most organic and solid album Lana’s ever released. Let’s say that, what we really needed to forget the promotional disaster of the last months and start crying to the rhythm of the long and deep autumn that's waiting for us. Expand
  87. Aug 30, 2019
    This is Lana’s best album to date, a whole masterpiece. Should mention not only the tracks, but also the visuals for this era — it’s something I can not even describe.

    Great work, Lana
  88. Aug 30, 2019
    Amazing album, pure perfection, It feels timeless and just right, Always looking forward to the Venice ****
  89. Aug 30, 2019
    This is a masterpiece marking a new art stage of Lana Del Rey. Love her forever.
  90. Aug 30, 2019
    Her best album yet! Literally no bad song in here. Very concrete and compact record
  91. Aug 30, 2019
    i think is my favorite lana’s album, it’s such a masterpiece i love it. :)
  92. Aug 30, 2019
    NFR! is Lana’s best album up to date. Wonderfully produced, great vocals and beautifully written, she has overcome herself once again. The album has ZERO skips and shows us a new sound of Lana. Folky, mellow and moody, it portrays Lana in a melting summer love.
  93. Aug 30, 2019
    probably her best yet. it feels like an intoxicating mix of her four previous albums and the production on the songs brings out her star power. great work lana and jack.
  94. Aug 30, 2019
    Her best album when it comes to production and lyricism. There’s not only single bad song. Dreamy!
  95. Aug 30, 2019
    Esse álbum é incrível... Lana Del Rey soube trazer um material lírico perfeito e sem erros, esse sem duvidas é o seu melhor álbum da carreira superando o Ultraviolence.
  96. Aug 30, 2019
    Album del año sin duda alguna, ademas este bien podria ser su mejor album, todo esta muy bien producido
  97. Aug 30, 2019
    Lana's best album, is full of powerful songs with a very good production and styles
  98. Aug 30, 2019
    I only listened to this once this mornin' and i just can't get rid of it! I love the unique production and the fact that Lana has incorporated several psychedelic pop, piano, rock, and folk-country on this album while maintaining her unique, signature sound and aesthetic! Also, the lyrical content seems very personal, vulnerable, mature but also happy at the same time (I'll need to analyzeI only listened to this once this mornin' and i just can't get rid of it! I love the unique production and the fact that Lana has incorporated several psychedelic pop, piano, rock, and folk-country on this album while maintaining her unique, signature sound and aesthetic! Also, the lyrical content seems very personal, vulnerable, mature but also happy at the same time (I'll need to analyze these ones a bit more cause i only heard it once and i'm not even a mother tongue. I'm impressed and I consider this one of Lana's best works along with Ultraviolence! Expand
  99. Aug 30, 2019
    Es un álbum con muchos aciertos y puntos fuertes como The gratest, Mariners Apartament complex y Cinnamon girl que lo hacen el mejor album de lana hasta ahora, encantado con éste álbum, espero que la critica lo reciba como se merece

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Oct 9, 2019
    Things inevitably drift, but beneath the surface in the best songs there is a toughness and a newfound resilience.
  2. Oct 2, 2019
    It's a remarkably sharp pop record that retains her fascination with pop-culture iconography and the rosey simplicity of a post-war America where classic rock and blue jeans ruled and takes them to much deeper places. ... Think of it as an hour-long car ride peeling down the highway with classic rock blaring out of the radio and no real destination in mind other than where your impulsive nature might take you.
  3. Uncut
    Sep 19, 2019
    A thematically rich record, heavy on mood and elegantly written in a way that positions Del Rey between Eve Babitz and Carole King. There are beguiling and evolving melodies underneath the spare piano and acoustic arrangements. [Nov 2019, p.24]