
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Aug 19, 2016
    Slow Club's metamorphosis feels organic and, more importantly, embraced: this is their record, and the sound you're hearing is Slow Club overcoming their struggles.
  2. Aug 15, 2016
    Slow Club have always reinvented themselves with each album, and this is another example of the talent of one of this country’s best kept musical secrets.
  3. Q Magazine
    Aug 12, 2016
    It makes for one of the most delicious albums of the year. [Sep 2016, p.113]
  4. Aug 12, 2016
    One Day All Of This Won’t Matter Anymore is the perfect example of a band still moving forward, without losing themselves in the process.
  5. Aug 19, 2016
    While this album is overall a winner, it’s not revolutionary.
  6. Aug 19, 2016
    With many tracks played live in the studio with the Spacebomb crew, the result is a warm, inviting collection that showcases Slow Club's chemistry while drawing their strengths to the fore.
  7. Aug 15, 2016
    There aren’t a load of bangers on here, [but] there are several stellar songs, the best of which showcase the duo’s adaptability, especially in surrendering musical control to the Spacebomb house band.
  8. Uncut
    Sep 2, 2016
    Despite the occasional lapse into polished AOR, this is another classy, sassy step forward from a restlessly inventive pair. [Oct 2016, p.39]
  9. Sep 1, 2016
    They might need to be a little more consistent to make that one stick, but if they're up for it, One Day All Of This Won't Matter Anymore is a decent launch pad, proving they've the confidence to mix it up.
  10. Aug 19, 2016
    Slow Club wear the album’s mood well, and its consistent feel gives the whole record a lovely cohesion, but there are some drawbacks to the approach.
  11. 70
    The poppier efforts here don’t quite puncture the atmosphere that the band have worked so hard to cultivate elsewhere, but they’re hardly necessary either.

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