
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Q Magazine
    Steele may be in thrall to [Brian] Wilson and The Beatles, but his talent is precocious enough to give him his own very singluar voice. [Aug 2006, p.112]
  2. The album's most striking feature is its ability to avoid the musically obvious while still delivering golden pop melodies.
  3. Urb
    The result is in the vein of popcraft performers Phoenix, Air and others who occupy a great deal of the Astralwerks roster. [Jul/Aug 2006, p.132]
  4. After a while shapes form and the structure of this masterpiece become clear - a wash of beautiful melodies and sumptuous chord changes that sit somewhere between George Harrison and Echo and the Bunnymen.
  5. Mojo
    Multi-layered backing vocals and summery hooks tickle the spine with every listen. [Aug 2006, p.90]
  6. The Sleepy Jackson are an oddball treat for those who want their pop music to color outside the lines.
  7. The album is impressive, especially in small doses or when Steele reigns it in a bit, as on the pretty, bossa-nova tinged "Miles Away." As a whole, it's a sometimes exhausting listen.
  8. Underneath the big production, Steele writes some great melodies, and that’s the real reason that his sometimes dubious experimentations pay off.
  9. Essentially, it's "Lovers" part two.
  10. Spin
    [Steele's] way-back machine is aimed precisely for 1985. [Aug 2006, p.85]
  11. It's familiar, but ultimately too inspired to be derivative.
  12. There's a theatricality that's akin to the Decemberists, but the sweet disco-bobs of "I Understand What You Want But I Just Don't Agree" and "Play a Little Bit for Love" suggest a more outwardly grandness, a notion supported by the Baz Luhrmann-aping album cover.
  13. The Sleepy Jackson have produced another album chock full of sparkling moments.
  14. Delicately layered with ornate instrumentation and hushed vocals, perfectly poised between joyful and damaged, 'Personality' sees off the previously over-obvious obsession with America's dizzy expanses and endless horizons, instead offering something infinitely more natural and personal.
  15. New Musical Express (NME)
    Even with the rich array of sounds, every track has an impressive immediacy and it's that balance that makes 'Personality...' so uplifting. [22 Jul 2006, p.39]
  16. Under The Radar
    On Personality, Steele faces his internal and spiritual conflicts through a soundtrack recorded for the Technicolor screenplay constantly drifting in his head. [Summer 2006]
  17. Paste Magazine
    Occasionally his voice gets lost in the cathedral of sound, but Personality remains a joyful noise. [Sep 2006, p.78]
  18. Personality is an immediate, alluring, and frequently arresting song cycle that plays to Steele's core strengths-- his dreamily effeminate voice and melancholic melodies-- while wisely abandoning Lovers' half-hearted attempts at mod garage-rock and electro-disco.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Guy
    Jan 4, 2007
    One great surprise.
  2. stephenc
    Oct 16, 2006
    brilliant pop melodies. its hard to find a balance between extravagent melodies and excuisite lyrics but i believe steele has managed to do brilliant pop melodies. its hard to find a balance between extravagent melodies and excuisite lyrics but i believe steele has managed to do just that! however it does echo LOVERS, which is unfortunate. that said, still a brilliant record. Full Review »
  3. DecepticonPom
    Sep 27, 2006
    Haphazard compared to the faultless debut album.