
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. The final part finds a midpoint of sorts between the two, with quick, skittering drumming matched by a series of drone and keyboard loops, rhythmic but not explicitly melodic, ending the album on a calmer but no less compelling note and promising quite a lot for the next two entries in the series.
  2. Preteen Weaponry’s psychedelic rout may be far from their finest hour, but it serves to remind all that these jesters should belong as part of the furniture.
  3. Even if Preteen Weaponry is one more left turn out of many in the band's catalog, it nonetheless reaffirms what makes Oneida stand out.
  4. The incredible ride finishes not with a bang but with a whimper. Preteen Weaponry isn't much more than a 39-minute sonic experiment for a band seeking a new direction, but it's such a mindfuck to listen to, who cares where it ends up?
  5. Oneida have always been a thick stew of different influences, but usually with a dash of originality to bind it together; Preteen Weaponry never rises above pastiche. Nevertheless, the band’s hypnotic drone sweeps through the album like a swift current — it’s enough to generate anticipation for their future travels.
  6. It seems nothing can stop them from releasing a good-to-great album each ear, and Preteen Weaponry is another sensation that will likely be taken for granted.
  7. Uncut
    A blend of delicate, hypnotic electr-folk and pulsating prog--a tantalizing treat. [Sep 2008, p.99]
  8. Alternative Press
    'Part 2' is the album's most intense track, 'Part 3' is it's most intriguing. [Sep 2008, p.150]
  9. On Preteen Weaponry, it patiently carves its own landscape and brews up the weather to go with it.
  10. Weaponry is essential: a particularly overwhelming headphones album not unlike some of Boredoms' more hypnotic work.
  11. 80
    As with most album trilogies, this first one is promising.
  12. It makes Preteen Weaponry a very hate-it-or-love-it effort, although Krautrock/comische music/whatever exactly you want to try calling this thing is rare and outré enough that it shouldn’t be very hard to know if you’re going to like it.
  13. Under The Radar
    This time around they've left the acoustic instruments aside for the most part, and have managed to get closer than ever to capturing the textbook face-melting that is an Oneida live performance. [Fall 2008, p.82]
  14. The Wire
    This EP, the first in a projected triptych, shows the group in their best light. [Nov 2008, p.74]

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