• Record Label: Merge
  • Release Date: Jan 21, 2003

Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Red Devil Dawn is a welcome masterpiece of emotional subtleties -- the great record that Crooked Fingers missed the mark on with 2001's drunken, bluesy and somewhat disappointing Bring On the Snakes.
  2. His most accomplished song cycle to date.
  3. Red Devil Dawn is by far the most consistent Crooked Fingers album, and in many respects, probably the best in general.
  4. The lyrics on Red Devil Dawn are some of his most poetic to date.
  5. Fans will eat up this new record, as the songwriting rivals, and often exceeds, the best of Crooked Fingers' prior curious work.
  6. The album's not a step forward so much as a squirm in quicksand.
  7. On Red Devil Dawn, Crooked Fingers have made huge strides towards becoming one of the most fascinating bands in some time.
  8. Red Devil Dawn is as intricate and bewitching as the work of Tom Waits or the Tindersticks.
  9. Red Devil Dawn reveals the ex-Archers Of Loaf leader gaining momentum with his latest incarnation, which bodes quite well for future releases.
  10. A rewarding, re-listenable collection of solid rockers and ballads.
  11. Bachmann’s transition from indie curmudgeon to singer-songwriter is complete: his arrangements are now horn- and string-fattened creations of grand sophistication; his songs now contain hope and broken spirit simultaneously; but the most significant growth displayed on Red Devil Dawn, and the reason this album is Bachmann’s finest moment since his Barry Black days, is that you can now see Eric Bachmann as the subject of most of his songs.
  12. What sets Red Devil Dawn apart, though, is a sense of personalized tragedy that Bachmann hasn't addressed much before.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. KayM
    Mar 3, 2003
    The vocal aren't the gritty, raw gems that are being compared to the superlative genre of Waits, Cash, or other troubadours. Eric The vocal aren't the gritty, raw gems that are being compared to the superlative genre of Waits, Cash, or other troubadours. Eric B's voice is more like leftover Bryan Adams with a strong hint of Martin Zeller (ala Gear Daddies)... which ruins it for me. Maybe not for you. There are equally as many dopey lines as there are great ones as well. But the musicianship is superb. Top notch actually. Full Review »
  2. danm
    Feb 13, 2003
    a lyrical masterpiece. the melodies will haunt you. bachmann's tales of drunkenness and redemption are unforgettable.